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I decided to visit a library to calm my nerves

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I decided to visit a library to calm my nerves. Perhaps I could steal something for Armin. I picked out a one science and one history encyclopedia. I didn't know how long I was there for, but I got caught up in books that had such interesting topics about them. One book in particular caught my eye; one about crime.

I checked out at the books front desk and the librarian handed me a card, saying I have to return the three books within two weeks. I didn't care, though, I'd be gone by then. 

I shoved the heavy books in my bag and walked out of the building, where I saw the familiar inheritor of the Jaw Titan sitting on the few steps leading to down to the street. He turned around at my footsteps, a cigarette resting between his lips as he eyed me carefully. 

"Hey," he said with a smug expression. "You never came across as the bookish type," he took the cigarette from his mouth and blew out a puff of smoke in my direction. I resisted the urge to gag at the putrid smell. "It's literally night already," he gestures to the dark sky. "Zeke told me to come get find you and Mr. Grice said you came here."

"Nice," I reply sarcastically, walking down the steps as he gets up. 

"Why are you in such a bad mood?" He grumbles. "I'm being so kind to you." 

I shrug my shoulders and continue walking a few paces ahead of him towards the town square, where the stage had been built. Porco threw his cigarette away and caught up to me, walking rather close. "So, I asked you to go out with me last time and I realized that I probably came off as a dick," he began. "So, um, Sasha, will you go out with me? I wanna get to know you." 

"I can't," I say politely. 

He frowns, not pushing further. "Alright," he says, his tone laced with sadness. I felt bad, but I couldn't just tell him yes and disappear the next day; that would hurt more than straight up rejection. At least he'd have closure this way.

"Hey, Pock," Pieck greets Porco. "Hi Sasha," she smiles, turning her head to one side slightly, which I thought was adorable. She stood patiently beside Colt and Zeke, who was smoking a cigarette. Beside them stood Gabi and Reiner.

He smiles at me and holds it up. "It'll calm you down, hun'," I rolled my eyes at him but took the cigarette from his hands anyway. Colt watched me intently as I put it between my lips and inhaled it, the hot heat hitting my throat. It made my throat raw and I immediately began coughing. Colt rushed forward rubbed my back to ease me as I coughed into my elbow, cigarette still in hand. 

Zeke and Porco laughed as my coughing died down and I looked up at Colt to see him glaring at Porco and Zeke. 

"Hey, Sasha," Udo says from beside me, I hadn't noticed him appear. He was beside Sofia and they were looking around at the crowds of people in astonishment. 

"Where's Falco?" I ask when I notice the cheerful boy's absence. 

"He said he recognized someone and went to see them," Udo explains. So he's probably with Eren, then. "Oh, he's back," Udo nods towards Falco, who stops short in front of Reiner, hunched over to catch his breath.

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