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She prepared too much,
skilled the art of time lapse
Hated every single letter
which doesn't suit her features

Failure of vigilant details,
she is not
Sometimes, concealed the last layer
2 to 3 coating,
So people missed to spot

She was quite armored
in different shades
Munched the anguish
And swallowed the dirt
Hope to God, the girl didn't
vomit on their perch

Rushed too much to realize
Everything she did was
Ignored and suffered by
the imagination she build

Inside, she was a killer of dreams
Too bad, people didn't quite get
she was ill
She was once a lovely doll
sashayed in glitters
Now, hidden in my closets
like dressed in a snake's skin

We are not dead yet(poetry): Plot twist and other magic tricksWhere stories live. Discover now