The beginning

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Today, Y/N was waiting at an airport, which was filled with thousands of fans, squeezing against eachother. Knowing that the idol group, THE9, were about to land at any second.

Y/N was simply sitting on an airport seat, away from the crowd. Waiting patiently, while watching the fans mad scrambling against eachother

'This is more like a cat fight...'

To be honest, Y/N wasn't actually here for the idols, she was actually here for her brother.

Considering that her brother is one of the bodyguards of THE9, he doesn't have that much time to stay in touch with his family, especially when the idols go on tour. Therefore, a chance like this, where he's coming back to his belonging city, is a chance that Y/N wouldn't miss for anything. She was determined to at least say hi to her brother, after not seeing eachother for over 5 months.

All of a sudden, loud cries began banging out, one after another. Indicating that their beloved idols were here.

Y/N was immediately shaken up with the loud sounds, though she calmed herself down very quickly.

She tood up, on her seat, where she could at least see the faces of the idols and bodyguards. And one thing's for sure.

They're all ridiculously stunning.

Though it's not like she expected anything less from a well loved girl group.

But suddenly, her eyes landed on someone else. A girl that was also standing outside of the multitude of people, who seemed to be around the same age as the idols and herself. Though one thing she showed off was very much unusual.

Instead of admiration and love for the idols reflecting in her eyes, she was rather... Angry. To the point where she's practically glaring

'Is she a hater?'

As Y/N thought of that, she saw that the girl began squeezing into the crowd, to which she had a bad feeling. As if something was about to happen.

She followed the girl, through the crowd, squeezing past them. Thanks to the loud cheerings and cries from the fans, the girl didn't seem to notice her being followed at all. And because the crowd was so focused on the idols, they didn't even notice the two girls squeezing by.

Y/N followed the suspicious girl, until they reached the front of the crowd, a little bit ahead of the idols. Y/N stayed a bit behind her, cautious that she might be on guard at any second.

Little did she expect, that the next minute, would go by like a flash.

A gun was slowly pulled out from her pocket, definetly not something you would expect to see on a daily basis. And next thing she knew, THE9 were coming. With the suspicious girl eyeing in anger at a specific member.

Liu Yuxin

'Is she going to commit a crime in public!?'

Y/N was a bit shocked. She would've never thought that anyone would dare to commit an assassination in public, especially in front of thousands of people and cameras. But clearly, the world is never what you think it'll ought to be.

In the middle of her thoughts, Y/N realised the girl was ready to pull the trigger.

Y/N didn't want anyone to get hurt, but she also didn't want to start a ruckus and have it filmed for everyone to see. Though she knew, deep down inside, that there was only one choice for her

'Ugh, screw it!'

And with that, she lunged at the girl, grabbing her hand, whilst putting up strength to not let her get out of her grasp. The mysterious girl herself, obviously appeared to be caught off guard, and her only respose to the sudden force was struggle, blind struggle out of panic.

While struggling, she accidently fired a shot, which grazed Y/N's skin, near the ankle. Which sent a screaming frenzy all over the place, along with a crazy number of footsteps from the crowd, that sounded more like a stampede of horses


The graze of the bullet definetly burned and hurt, though it wasn't bad enough for Y/N to let the girl go. At the very most, she let out a small cry from the grazing.

Besides, in a matter of seconds, she saw her brother, along with a few other bodyguards and what seemed to be a couple of cops, coming into her range of vision.

But right there, the girl broke free from her grasp in pure panic, dropped the gun, froze for bit before trying to run away. Sadly, luck just wasn't on her side today.

Before she could run away even a few steps. Y/N grabbed her by her jeans, making her fall onto her face. Right there, Y/N's brother and his allies all came to the girl, handcuffed her, and began escorting her away.

Although, it was easier said than done.

After realising she had been captured, the girl was screaming and struggling with the crankiest look Y/N had ever seen on anybody. But, instead of staying and watching her being taken away, Y/N tried her best to get up and leave the scene, since she didn't exactly want to stay and listen to the girl's inchorent screams

"Quit struggling and be quiet!"

As her brother also screamed, Y/N couldn't help but turn around and look. She finally managed to succesfully get up, by pushing herself up once she got close enough to an airport bench. But the sudden scream, from her normally not that short tempered brother, made her stop before she could get away, without anyone noticing

"If it wasn't for that girl who jumped on me, I would've killed you, Liu Yuxin!"

'Tch. Welp, bad luck for you.'

Right as the girl said that, Y/N couldn't contain her smirk. Not only because she protected others from getting hurt, but also because she spoiled the girl's plan, which is honestly, oddly satisfying in a weird way.

The girl was soon taken away by the cops and bodyguards, while Y/N's brother stayed behind. Looking directly at his little sister, once the others were out of sight

'Oh sh*t! Well... Here comes THE brother...'

The bodyguard (Lui Yuxin x reader)Where stories live. Discover now