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Right as the two of them heard Xiaotang's tease, they both turned their heads away from eachother in a blushing mess.

The others had a hell of a fun time laughing at the duo, before it all settled down.

"Still, why do you have to become Yuxin's personal bodyguard anyway?"


I knew my brother would ask this question sooner or later. Deep down, I knew there was no way to avoid it, but, I could always hope he would get distracted, right?

"So, about the personal bodyguard thing. Um, so, first off, the bosses have offered me to join the reality show, Fourtry, as a way to show their gratitude. And, along with that offer, they also asked me to become Yuxin's personal bodyguard during the filming of the show, since she's also going to be there. And! The bosses also told me that I'm going to be staying with THE9 for the next few weeks, for safety measures. So, that's that, I guess."

"I'm sorry..."

"I told you to stop kicking yourself over it, seriously."

I know that Yuxin is still guilty about this, but, at the end of the day, it's my choice. Even though I don't even know myself why I agreed to this, when I literally just met her today.

Suddenly, my brother let out a deep sigh, before looking up to me and saying:

"I guess, since you agreed to this, I can't exactly do anything else about it."

Hearing that from my brother was a huge relief. Not only because he finally snapped out of his protective mode, but also because he has finally decided to not argue about this anymore.

"But, isn't Fourtry a fashionable show consisting of designer clothes? As far as I remember, you don't actually own any designer clothes, because you don't have the heart to spend money on them, so, what are you going to do?"

"Well, the bosses said that they are willing to pay for whatever designer clothes I want to buy."

Right after I finished my sentence, my brother immediately raised a brow at me. And I knew exactly what he meant by that.

"Girls, I have a favour to ask."

"What is it?" Asked Anqi to my brother.

"Help my sister buy designer clothes. She's one of those people who aren't willing to spend money of others, so I need you to help her make her decisions."

I was hella embarrassed at that statement. But, my brother knew me way too well and denying wouldn't take me anywhere.

The girls accepted wholeheartedly to my brother's favour, making me even more embarrassed. And right there I knew, I needed to get out of here, fast!

"Anyways, can we go to your house already? The bosses told me that they're gonna send people to get my belongings and I've had enough for one day already."


Finally, we're out of the company and we've arrived at my new... 'Home'?

I guess you would call it like that for the time being.

And honestly, I really like it. It's a modern style house, but not too extravagant to the point where it catches every passenger's eyes.

When we arrived at our destination, we saw that all of my luggage had already been moved inside.

Pretty quick service if I do say so myself.

The girls helped me move all of my stuff into Yuxin's room.

Well, technically speaking, mine and Yuxin's room.

On our way to this house, we've already discussed about where I would be staying. The girls told me that all of their rooms are for two and that all of them have their roommate already, except for Yuxin, who ended up being the one who sleeps in a room of two all alone. Therefore, it became obvious where I would be staying in the house.

Besides, neither Yuxin nor myself minded sharing a room with eachother, so essentially, it's a match made in heaven.

Of course, there were some additional teases from the girls. But, nothing too bad, I suppose.

After moving and organising all of my stuff, me and the girls went downstairs and I began looking for designer clothes on my phone.

But... That's easier said than done.

For me, at least.

Just like my brother had said back at the company, I'm having the worst time with picking. Part of me just wants to buy everything that I think would look good, but part of me is also self-conscious about the amount of money I could potentially spend in total.

"Are you ok?"

"Oh, um, yeah. I'm just having a hard time with picking what I want to buy."

When Yuxin asked me what's wrong, I couldn't help but blurt out the truth. Even though, to me, it seemed like an embarrassing thing to be struggling on.

In the end, the girls stayed true to their words and helped me with picking a heck of a lot of clothes, shoes, accessories, etc.

As guilty as I felt about the end price, the girls kept reminding me that IQIY are the ones who got themselves into this, therefore, there's no need to feel bad for them.

Third pov

Later on, when it was almost dinner time, Y/N went to the kitchen and began preparing ingredients to make dinner for the girls.

She chopped up the vegetables and pepared the proteins, and right as she was about to begin cooking, she heard footsteps coming from behind her.

When she turned around, she saw Yu Yan with her usual poker face. They both greeted eachother as Yu Yan offered to help with dinner.

"Are you the one in charge of meals in the house, Yu Yan?"

"Yeah, but I'm ok with it. Besides, it's very satisfying to see them enjoy my food."

"That's the best feeling of being the cook in the house!"

Soon after, the kitchen was filled with chatting between the two girls. And to Y/N's surprise, as stern as Yu Yan can look at times, she's actually a very nice person when she opens up.

And she's glad that Yu Yan has opened up to her so quickly.

And with that, she can finally say that she has officially become friends with all of THE9 members.

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