Hospital journey

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"What were you thinking, my dear little sister?"

"Uh... Hehehe..."

Y/N was low key kind of terrified right now. Usually her brother is pretty calm and chill, but when it came to her getting hurt, or her getting into situations that could result in her getting badly hurt. Her brother would turn overprotective and ready to kill anyone

"I was uhm... Supposed to be waiting for you..."

"But what did you do in the end? You jumped into a fight that wasn't meant to be."

Despite smiling like an angel, Y/N knew, deep down inside, that she was gonna get a heck of a scolding from her brother for jumping in and scaring the life out of him.

At least... That's what she thought

"What the f*ck happened to your ankle!?"

"Oh, this... That stupid girl's fault."

"You are going to the hospital right now, missy!"

"Oh c'mon, it ain't even that bad."

And with that, Y/N went from completely scared to death, to the biggest frisk face she had ever done.

She expected to be scolded, maybe even grounded by her brother. But, now that he saw the graze of the bullet, she knew there was no way her brother could get mad at her anymore

"Nope! You are going to the hospital, right now!"

"How are you going to take me there then?"

"You can sit in the same car as us."

All of a sudden, a new voice popped into the conversation, making the two siblings turn their heads to the voice owner. Only to find the previous girl's target, Liu Yuxin, alongside the other members, staring at them with unreadable faces

'Did they not evacuate the scene?'

"Thanks girls. Now, you are coming with us miss Y/N!"


And without saying anything else or even give out a warning, Y/N's brother immediately swept Y/N off of her feet and carried her all the way to THE9's car.

"Girls, promise me to keep an eye on her, ok? There's not enough room in here for me, so I'll have to sit in another car."

The girls all nodded in agreement before getting in the car, and Y/N's brother finally left to get into his corresponded vehicle.


At first, Y/N thought that the drive to the hospital would be incredibly uncomfortable, considering what just happened at the airport. But to her surprise, someone immediately broke the ice, right as the driver began the engine

"Um... About what happened at the airport. Thanks for stopping that girl from committing a murder."

Y/N's eyes landed on Liu Yuxin, who looked at her very softly. Quite different from the Liu Yuxin she's come to know, based off of her performances, but at the same time, pretty accurate to the Liu Yuxin she's been seeing on survival shows and stuff

"Yeah! You were absolutely spectacular out there!"

"Though you did get shot in the ankle."

New voices popped in, which made Y/N instinctively turn her head, facing two other members, who she recognised as Yu Shuxin and Xu Jiaqi

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