The meeting

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"Oh! Who would've thought that the crazy psycho from the airport is actually a jealous, obsessive fan??? I certainly didn't!"

It should've been a serious topic, but with Y/N's sudden sarcasm, everyone couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"Anyways, when can I leave?"

"Oh yeah, um, about that, you can leave now. But the bosses of IQIY are requesting to meet with you."


As the sudden shout came out of Y/N's mouth, she slammed it with her hand, remembering that she's still in the hospital.

Seeing that no nurse or doctor were coming through the door, she asked her brother again in a much softer voice.

"I don't know why they want to meet you either, they only told me to take you to the company once you get discharged."

"Oh great... I better not have gotten in trouble with the media, just because I saved a group of idols."

"I don't know, but we should get going by now."


On their way to the company, Y/N was once again, sitting in the same vehicle as THE9. And instead of sitting upright, she was pretty slumped back during the majority of the ride

"Are you ok?"


"You look exhausted."

Seeing Yuxin's worried glint in her eyes made Y/N feel all fuzzy inside, and she couldn't help but let out a heavy sigh

"Honestly, I'm not exactly excited to be meeting up with some top of the tier bosses, you know."

A small snicker left Yuxin's lips, which sounded like music to Y/N's ears.

As cheesy as it sounds.

'That was so cute!'

Y/N felt herself squealing on the inside. Not that anyone could blame her even if she squealed out loud.

"Top of the tier bosses. The perfect description."


Soon after Y/N's agreed hum, the two girls broke out laughing in the car.

"You two seem to be getting pretty close."

At the sudden statement, the two girls turned their heads to the voice owner, Lu Keran, and saw that along her, everyone else were also looking directly at them.

"Never seen Mrs. Liu this comfortable with anyone."

"She's usually pretty reserved."

"You almost seem like a couple."

At that last statement of Zhao Xiaotang, the two girls blushed red, intense! While the rest of the girls laughed and cackled at them.

But, it is certainly surprising that both of the girls have gotten so close to eachother this quickly. Almost as if they made a connection right as they began talking to eachother during the first ride.

"Anyways, we have another question to ask."

"Go ahead."

"Would you mind if we fangirl now, Y/N? Please~? We're big fans of you!"

Y/N was slightly surprised at Snow Kong's sudden pleading, but then she remembered that her mask was no longer on.

Without much choice, she let out an internal sigh before nodding.

The bodyguard (Lui Yuxin x reader)Where stories live. Discover now