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A week later

After spending a week with THE9, Y/N got to know the girls fairly well. They were all really nice people and they all got along with eachother rather nicely.

Y/N got to learn about the personality of each girl, such as Xiaotang having a somewhat hard exterior, while having a soft interior.

As for the girls, they got to learn more about Y/N, even though most of them were already big fans of her.

For example, how she began learning self-defence since a young age, because her family didn't want her to end up like her mother, who's constantly being eyed as an easy prey by other people.

Today, the last package of designer clothes finally arrived, meaning that her and Yuxin can now follow the original arriving schedule. In other words, the company won't have to change the schedule of arrival of all the members.

That night, Yuxin and Y/N were packing their bags in their room, getting ready to go to Chengdu tomorrow.

After packing, Yuxin went and took a shower first, while Y/N stayed on her bed, scrolling through her phone.


While Yuxin was in the shower, I decided to scroll through my phone, since I had nothing else to do. But suddenly, some headlines on the internet caught my attention.

All of which were talking about me. But some of them also shipping me with Yuxin.

I guess with the big reveal of me protecting Yuxin and the reveal of me attending the same reality show as her, really stirred up the curiosities of our fans.

I mean, I even found quite a few fanfics and edits of me and Yuxin.

'I guess fans really do have... Imagination?'

I wasn't sure if that's even was the right word to describe this, since some of these things really do seem to be a little over the top, but, who am I to judge?

But now I'm wondering, what would it be like if Yuxin and I were an actual couple?

'Wait, what am I thinking!? Snap out of it Y/N!'

Third POV

Thankfully, Y/N successfully snapped out of her thoughts before Yuxin came out of the shower. And when Yuxin actually came out, she seemed absolutely fine.


The next day, Y/N and Yuxin went to the airport when it was practically nighttime. At first, Y/N's brother insisted on taking them to the airport himself, but, after arguing with him for a while, Y/N finally managed to convince him to stay with the rest of the members.

They dressed very plainly with very light makeup. After all, it isn't preferable to take the risk of possibly agitating people with their appearance.

While they were waiting for their flight, Y/N noticed Yuxin trembling quite a bit. And out of consciousness, she gave her a side-hug, rested the older one's head on her shoulder, rested her own cheek on her hair while letting Yuxin burry her face in the crook of her neck.

Whispering to her in a low voice, she asked.

"Are you scared?"

"I guess so... The airport isn't exactly a place that's linked to good memories, especially after that incident..."

"We'll be going on our plane very soon, until then, we can stay like this if you feel safer."

"Thank you..."

As Yuxin nuzzled closer to Y/N, Y/N felt her breath tickling her neck and she couldn't help but admire how pure and cute Yuxin is.

Soon, they boarded their plane and Yuxin looked a lot more relaxed than she did at the airport.

On the plane, she slept on Y/N's shoulder, after the younger one reassured her that she didn't mind.

'I guess she kind of got traumatized from that one time. Then again, I assume anyone would get traumatized from an experience like that.'



We arrived at Chengdu at nighttime and we were on our way to the Fourtry house. The production crew told us that this is going to be a relaxing reality show. And while Yuxin seemed to believe them, in my opinion, it seemed like they were reinforcing the idea a bit too much. Kind of suspicious if I were to be honest.

Eventually, we arrived at the house. The crew helped us get our luggages off the car, and we took them up to the front of the house ourselves.

"I hear voices coming from the inside."

"Same. I'll ring the doorbell then."

Third POV

After ringing the doorbell, nobody opened the door. And there were no more movements coming from the inside either.

And just as Yuxin was about to say something else to Y/N, the door finally opened.

The two of them were about to greet the three people in front of them, when the most mature looking one shushed them immediately.

"Do not say anything! First, together, think of one word that would suit each one of us."

The situation was awkward, weird, confusing... All of the aboves. But Yuxin and Y/N decided to just go with what they requested and began discussing words that would suit the two guys and the one girl in front of them.

Soon, they got the words, and Y/N did the honour of saying them, as she pointed each one of them.

"Handsome, cute and pretty."

"Welcome to the family."


At Chen Weiting's response, I couldn't help but giggle a little. I mean, his satisfaction about his word is clearly shown on his face.

We got our stuff inside and we all proceeded to introduce ourselves.

"I'm Chen Weiting."

"My name is Fan Chengcheng."

"And I'm Zhou Yangqing, but you can call me Mengmeng."

I recognize all of them, especially Chen Weiting and Fan Chengcheng.

Weiting because of the Chinese drama 'The Mystic Nine', and Chengcheng because of Nine Percent.

"I'm Liu Yuxin."

"And I'm Y/N."

I introduced myself with a warming smile, but Yuxin introduced herself with a very monotone expression and voice.

Very formal looking.

Though I do recall the girls saying that Yuxin is usually pretty reserved when it comes to new people.

Well, all except for me. As they loved to tease me with that!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2021 ⏰

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