First day with THE9

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I'm starting school tomorrow.

Easter break is gonna be over. TwT

So I don't know how my update schedule will be from tomorrow onwards.



After me and Yu Yan finished cooking and setting the table, the rest of the girls scurried downstairs and got into their seats.

We didn't even have to call them for them to come down.

I guess they all have sensitive noses.

After me and Yu Yan settled down on our seats, we began eating. And from the very start, we heard the exact sound that we wanted to hear from the girls.


I could see that Yu Yan had a proud look in her eyes, and I bet I did as well.

"You two are the dream duo of the kitchen!"

At the sudden statement of Shuxin, me and Yu Yan couldn't help but giggle to ourselves. And the rest of the girls were no different from Shuxin, especially Anqi. Who literally had her mouth stuffed with food.

Talk about being small, but having a big appetite.


Once we all finished eating, Xueer and Keran went ahead and washed the dishes, even though I insisted on letting me do that, because I feel kind of bad for being under their hospitality for free.

But, in the end, they convinced me and they also told me to not dwell on it.

While they were washing the dishes, the rest of us went upstairs to our room. It was fairly late already and we were all pretty tired after a rollercoaster of a day.

In our room, Yuxin flopped onto her bed as if she had zero energy left in her, and I couldn't help but slightly giggle at it.

"I thought you're the one in the group who has energy for days."

"Why do you think so?"

"From Youth with you, when you were practicing for 'The Eve'. After you and your team were done with practicing, you and Keran still had energy left to even retouch your makeup."

At my sudden statement, I could see her getting flustered over it. And dare I say, her reaction is cute and hot at the same time.

Wait! What am I thinking!? Jesus!

"Anyways, I hope you don't mind if I go and take a shower first. My hair takes a while to dry."

"Sure, go ahead."


Third POV

After Y/N was done with the shower, Yuxin went in and Y/N took the chance to change out of her robe. She picked out a white, short sleeved crop top along with a pair of black, loose fitted sport pants.

She sat on her bed and began scrolling through social media. But, very soon, she got bored. And she suddenly remembered that she still owes her brother a certain something that she had promised him months ago.

Therefore, she didn't waste anymore time and began retouching the last few details of what she owes to her brother.

When Yuxin came out of the shower, she saw Y/N sitting at the table, with what seemed to be a bunch of art supplies around her. And when she got closer, she saw Y/N doing a drawing of her brother. Which, in all honesty, looked more like a picture than an actual drawing.

Y/N turned her head instinctively, after feeling water droplets on her top, only to find Yuxin's face right next to her own.

"Did you draw this?"

"Yeah, my brother really wanted me to draw a realistic version of him with whatever art supplies I've got."

"You're a very sweet sister to do this. It looks like it took you ages to finish it."

"Honestly, at first I argued with him about this, because I was unwilling to do it. But, in the end, he bugged me for way too long and I ended up giving in."

Yuxin's POV

Right as Y/N finished saying that, I couldn't help but laugh at it.

I honestly don't know what she's doing to me anymore. All I know is that I am super carefree around her. Even though it's literally the first day I met her.

"That sounds like a pain to deal with."

"A pain in the ass, that's what I call him."

This girl is way too sarcastic, I absolutely love her personality and attitude.

"Anyways, I think it's about time for us to sleep now."

"Wait, you're gonna sleep like that? With your hair wet?"

"Uh, well... I may be a little too lazy right now to even blow-dry my hair."

"It's not healthy to sleep with wet hair you know. Wait, you sit here and I'll go get the hair dryer."

For some reason, I couldn't go against her, as much as I wanted to reassure her that it isn't necessary.

In the end, she went to the bathroom and I made myself comfortable on the chair. Very soon, she came back with the machine and began drying my hair for me.

Her hand moved through my strands, and it felt surprisingly nice.

While she was doing that, I stared down at her drawing. She really did do a good job at it, if she had filled the background of the paper, I bet no one would even think that it's a drawing.

"Hey Y/N."

"What is it, Yuxin?"

"Is it really ok for you to be my bodyguard while having to work on a show?"

"You're still kicking yourself over today's events?"

I simply nodded at her question. I mean, can she blame me? After all, today's attack was initiated because of me and it has already created a whole drama because of it.

"It's my choice amd that's it. No more mentioning and no more guilt, got it?"

Her words were kind of harsh, but her voice told an entirely different story.

In the end, I hummed in agreement and we went off to bed. That night, I couldn't stop thinking about her.

I don't know if I should say it's official, but at least, for that night, she has invaded my mind.

The bodyguard (Lui Yuxin x reader)Where stories live. Discover now