3.The Talent Show

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The girls prepared their props and waited on Vision, who was running late. Vada remained calm, whereas Wanda rushed around and checked the time every two minutes. Geraldine was with the two, working back stage with a clipboard, and putting up with Wanda's stress.

Eventually the girls saw Vision stumbling over. "Oh, is that him?" Geraldine queried as we watched Vision struggle to get up the steps. "He looks like he's got a hitch in his giddy-up" Geraldine joked and tottered off. Once Vision managed to get up the steps he walked over to Wanda. "Wanda, my little cabbage, you look smashing!" Vision ruskily complimented.

"Vis?" Wanda gasped, "Mhmm?", "Where have you been?" Wanda questioned and Vada walked over to them. "Oh. Uh, well, me and the boys were playing a rather thrilling game of horses with shoes. No, that’s not it. Shoe horses! No. Ah! Horse’s shoes" Vision struggled, he seemed rather drunk, which is impossible because he can't eat or drink.

Wanda changed subject, "Listen, something strange happened with Dottie. Well, something strange happened before that, too. It’s hard to explain" She recalled the earlier events of this day. As Wanda spoke, someone in a horse costume walked by, "I was just playing with his shoes!" Vision remarked excitedly and Vada grimaced, something wasn't right. "What is going on?" Wanda demanded an answer, "You are!" Geraldine gasped and Wanda panicked. It was their time on stage.

"And for our final act, I give you, Wanda, Vision and Vada!" Dottie announced from the stage and the crowd clapped. Wanda and Vada pulled open the curtains and stepped out. They stood across from one another and held their hands out to the curtains to present Vision, but he didn't show. The crowd laughed and Wanda gave Vada a look for help.

Eventually Vision came out messily on stage, "Hello Westview, Good afternoon!" Vision cheered. "It's so lovely to be- I'm so sorry, excuse me!" He apologised as he walked into the banister of the staircase and Wand plastered a fake smile whilst Vada tried not to laugh.

"I am glamour, and these are my delightful assistants, Allure and Illusion" Vision exclaimed as he pointed wrongly to the girls. "I'm Glamour" Wanda corrected Vision, "And I'm Allure" Vada smiled at the crowd, "And this is Illusion" Wanda pointed at Vision and tried to sound mystical. "Yeah, what she said" Vision brushed off in a less whimsical manner.

"Today, we will lie to you, and yet you will believe our little deceptions, because human beings are easily fooled due to their limited understanding of the inner workings of the universe" Vision exposed and shrugged unapologetically he then waved his hands, "Flourish!" He grinned, "You just do it, you don't say it out loud, Honey" Wanda whispered.

"And now my wife, myself and our favourite little third wheel will delight in your dumbstruck little faces" Vision sighed happily and Vada frowned. "Flourish!" He exclaimed again and began to float. Everyone's jaws dropped, including Vada and Wanda's. "Rope!" Vada shouted in her thoughts to Wanda, and Wanda flickered her fingers to reveal a rope that Vision was 'pulled' on.

"Hah, you see there, he's using a rope!" One of Vision's coworkers, Norman, pointed out and everyone sighed and chuckled. Wanda lifted the rope, "Wanda! Put me down! I'm feeling cooky!" Vision panicked and Wanda lowered him to the floor, whilst Vada held his hands to stabilise him. The crowd clapped and Vada listened in on Wanda's thoughts, she was freaking out.

"Oh yeah, this is... This is going to be great!" Vision moved on and walked over to the grand piano. He lifted it up effortlessly with one hand and the crowd gasped again. "Illusion! Master of Enigma! Allow me!" Vada interrupted and walked over, twinkling her fingers discretely as she did so.

She took the piano off from him, which was now just a cardboard stand. She tilted it slightly, so people could see the handles she held onto behind it, "Whoops! You weren't suppost to see how we did that trick" Vada giggled and shook her shoulders with a shimmy before placing the piano down at the side of the stage.

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