Little duckling

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He's doing it again....

Puffy was walking on the prime and right behind her was a duckling not a actual duck but she would consider him as a duck. The duckling was Dream. For some odd reason the man does this thing where he just follows her for the whole day like bro! And he does this like two times a week where she would see him and he would be just right behind her. When she stopped he would stop, when she was building something he would watch her, when she was talking to someone he would be right behind her. And if anyone tried attacking her whether it be a mob or a person he would straight up jump in front of her and kill whoever attacked her.

Now it's not like Dream liked liked her that spot has been already been taken be George or Fundy she didn't know, but something about this is familiar to her....but she doesn't know what.

Now let me make this clear nobody knows what Dream looks like he always has his mask and hoodie on so nobody knows what his hair color is or what his face looks like. But it's Dream people respect him and they respect what he is comfortable with.

Puffy: hey why do you keep following me?


Puffy: do you need something? Did I do something???



Dream: does it bother you....?

Puffy: no not at all I just want to know why you do it?


Puffy:..... just remind me of someone.....

Puffy: who?

Dream:....not sure.....


The both of them just stood there in silence, soon Puffy continued what what she was doing with Dream following her again. After two hours of this Dream said something.

Dream: I just remember I have to be somewhere.

Puffy: where are you going?

Dream: just checking on something.

Puffy: like something in lamanberg?


And the he left. Puffy watch as Dream walk away back down on the prime path going the opposite way from lamanberg. Maybe he was going a different way. There is something about him that makes Puffy sad and happy at the same time. But she just can't put her finger on it....I wonder why...

Dream was looking down on the ground shaking his head Puffy made him have mixed emotions about everything he's doing he doesn't know why. He never met Puffy before she came to the SMP so why does it feel like he knows her from somewhere. Soon he shook out from his thoughts and started thinking straight again. He had a mission to do.

*he smiles*

And he wasn't going to let her get in the way of it. It is time to check up on his little Nightmare.





*1 day left*

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