(Chapter 17)

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"Hey?" Matt says through the phone
"You know how to fix windows?" I ask him
"Yeah why what's up?" He says
"Well i kinda broke my window and it's gonna get cold fast." I say to him
"I'm on my way" I hear him laugh
"Thank you Matt" I say
"Don't worry about it." He responds
"I'll grab some stuff at the hardware store and be there shortly" he continues
"Thankyou." I say mentally slapping myself
"No problem" he says and we hang up

I walk into the kitchen to cook up something for myself and Matt since the least I could do is feed him.

Shortly there is a knock on the door, I go to open it too see Matt
"Thank you again. I made something for you to eat. It's the least I can do." I say cringing at the window
"Thank you, how'd you do that?" He says looking over to the window
"Well the plug started sparking and I went to unplug things from it to stop the sparking and the lamp fell over. Would you like a beer?" I ask
"Yes thank you. And I can fix the plug too if you want he says
"Well, that's for another day. It's been too eventful for today." I say rolling my eyes
As I hand him a beer.
"Thanks" he says taking a sip

After an hour he's done
"Ugh your a life saver" I say hugging him
"It's really no problem" he says as I bring him some food
"Here." I say handing him that
"Thank you" he says and begins to eat.
"So what's going on with Antonio he says as he spots I've removed my ring.
"I broke it off. He was with Laura in his apartment. Severide warned me" I say rolling my eyes taking a big sip of my wine.
"I'm sorry, severide wouldn't stop talking about Antonio since you left" he says laughing
"Yeah I had an issue with it but Kelly just wants to best" I say
"He always has" he says
"Enough about me. Anyone special in your life right now?" I ask
"Gabby left about two months ago. So no one new since then" he says finishing his food
"I'll get that for you" I grab his plate from him and take it to the sink
"Thank you" he says as he follows me
"No problem" I say to him as I put the plate in the sink and turn around to find him almost uncomfortably close to me.
He pulls me to him and kisses me
I kiss back
"Matt" I say as he pulls my shirt over my head
"Mm" he says kissing my neck
I pull his shirt over his head and run my hands down his stomach.
He pulls my hands above my head
"Matthew" I say lowly as he kisses down my body
"Ugh" I moan out
He returns to his natural stand and picks me up pulls me onto the counter...

"I need to get dressed. I start at OFI today" I say getting up from Matt's embrace
"I'm on shift today. You should stop by today for lunch" he says throwing his shirt on
"Don't you think they'd question the fact that you left to my place with those clothes and are going back there with the same ones the next day." I say chuckling
"Eh who pays that much attention" he asks
"Kelly does. He knows your living with him and disappeared to my house to fix my window then ended up taking me in every room in my apartment" I say smirking
"I'd do it again" he says pulling his jacket
"Go to work." I say biting my lip and throwing him his keys
"Lunch?" He asks as I walk him to the door
"Well see how my first shift at OFI goes" I say kissing his cheek
"Text me" he says
"Oh I will captain" I say closing the door behind him

I grab a shower and get changed into my uniform.
"Did Matt leave yours last night?" Kelly asks
"You think he stayed here is what your saying?" I ask
"He didn't come home is what I'm saying" he says
"Well I don't know. Call him." I say
"Have a good shift at OFI today" he says
"Thanks love you!" I say
" love you too" he says as I hang up.

I grab my keys and get into my car
I arrive at OFI soon.
I meet with Benny to go over some things with him and Seaver about the cases we are working today
"This guy use to be a firefighter. He was fired because of insubordination reports from his lieutenant and captain." Seager says
"Reports of fires being started in building involved with the dangerous building list that is only listed in fire departments, which is why we think it's him." Benny
"Any other evidence other then he's a firefighter and are targeting firemen.?" I ask
"We have a building we had just boarded up yesterday. You and Benny are going to go check it out" Wendy says
"Sounds good" I say as she throws me some keys for an OFI vehicle
"Let me know what you guys find so that I can continue this investigation.
"Will do" I say walking along side Benny to our vehicles

I arrive at the house to see caution tape all over
Me and Benny enter the building to see the board over the door broken and open
"Someone was here" Benny says walking in and checking around
"Look at this" I say picking up a wired up coil that seems to be fresh.
"That's fresh. That was just placed there." Benny says
"call it in" I say and he turns to make a call
I see a guy out of the corner of my eye
"Hey!" I say as he's holding a match
"Who are you??" He asks frantic
"Don't move" I say as I hear trucks pulling up.
He runs for it.
"Hey! Don't move" I say as he drops the match and runs
"Get back here" I say chasing him. Forgetting that Benny was behind me
I finally realized that I left Benny and turn around by the time I realize I'm outside and the entrance is blocked.
"I'm coming severide" I say running past the firefighters to get into the building
"Hey get back here" I hear Kelly say as he runs after me
I ignore him and continue into where I last saw Benny
"BENNY!" I yell
"I'm here" he says on the ground
"This bitch burned fast" I say coughing and feeling the heat take over
"Did you get him?" Benny coughs out as I help him up as Kelly and Casey come in.
"No i realized you were in her and came back in" I say as Kelly grabs Benny and Casey gets me while I feel like I'm coughing my lungs out.
"Fuck" I say coughing out
"That was dumb" casey says
"Yeah well I needed to get back in there" I say as seager pulls up
"What happened?" She asks
"It was the firemen. The Barricades had been broken into. Me and Benny had went in and found a fresh coil. I had ran into and chased after him once he had dropped the match forgetting Benny was in there making the call. By the time I was out i couldn't get back in through the back I get to go through the front. FD was here about to come get us but I needed to get to Benny" I say as Benny walks over to me
"Thank you." He says patting my back
"No. I'm sorry I shouldn't have left you in there." I say to him
"No it's alright. You were doing what you do best. Getting criminal. That's what we need here" seager says

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2021 ⏰

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