(Chapter 8)

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I love you!

Jocelyn's P.O.V
I go upstairs to find a outfit for tonight I'm going to Molly's with Antonio I want to look decent

V I go upstairs to find a outfit for tonight I'm going to Molly's with Antonio I want to look decent

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And then I do my hair into a braided style

After I decide that's going to be my look for the night I put light makeup on just foundation, mascara and a gloss for my lips

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After I decide that's going to be my look for the night I put light makeup on just foundation, mascara and a gloss for my lips

(15 minutes later)

I put my boots on and spray perfume
"Hurry up your going to be late!" Lucifer rushes at me
"Come on sorry I can't just slap a suit and tie on and sleep with 12 girls the next night. I'm dressing to impress" I say smiling at myself in the mirror
"Who are you going to impress, oh that detective?" He asks
"Oh yeah he's something else" I say to Lucifer
"Great your like a man" he says
"Uh-huh and how's that lulu?" I ask kinda pissed
"Well your hormones are everywhere!" He says
"There not" I argue
"Okay then why do you say you want to sin on him all night. The devil doesn't want to know you'll sin" he says

!Knock knock!

"Bye" I say to Lucifer
"Wait do you want me to stay here or what" Lucifer asks
"You can go or you can stay just don't go through my computer I'm trying to put together something important for my mother" I say to him and he nods
"Good day Jocelyn" he says
"Bye" I say and open the door to see Antonio with flowers
"Hey" I say
"Hey Jocelyn these are for you!" He says handing me flower
"Awww thank you Antonio I'm going to go put these in a vase" I say to him
"Okay I'll be here" he says as I run to the kitchen and grab a vase fill it with water and put the flower in it with the little packet of flower food and I run back to my door
"Okay I'm ready" I say giggling
"Okay madam" he says holding his arm out for me I grab it and we make our way to his car

(At Molly's)
  Me and Antonio walk into Molly's people we know start waving at me and Antonio as we sit at a table and gabby walks up to us
"Hey guys what can I get you?" Gabby asks me and Antonio after gabby hugs us
"I'll have some whiskey on rocks how about you" Antonio says to me
"I'll have the same" I say her
"Okay two whiskey on rocks coming right up" she says leaving
"So how are you?" Antonio asks
"Good me and hank are going to be flying to New York for a few days soon to help my mom because we found her a rehab center she can go to" I say to him
"Wow that's great for her" he says smiling
"Yeah it is I just hope she takes the help" I say
" well nothing really is interesting going on in my life. Oh wait I just signed my divorce papers" he says smiling
"That's good that your out of a toxic relationship" I say smiling
"Hey how about we finish these drinks and go back to my place?" He asks and my heart races
"Sure I'd love to"I say and we finish our drinks
We say by to everyone and head out of Miller and drive to Antonio's place
"This is a nice place" I say to Antonio
"Not as good as your house" he says chuckling
"I think it's more modern" I say to him
" yeah I like it" he say walking closer to me and he kisses me I wrap my arms around him
"Jump" He says to me and I obey he opens his bedroom door with his hand once were inside I shut it behind me with my foot Antonio then places me on the bed and taken off his shirt as he takes my shirt off I then kneel on his bed and unbuckle his belt and he pulls his pants down then he takes my pants Antonio goes down south and pulls my under wear off and I feel him kiss my inner thigh "uhhh" I moan
He then starts licking me
"Oh my gosh Antonio yess" I moan out loud
He keeps lick and then he comes back up and kisses me " I love you" he says kissing my neck
" I love you to" I say while trying not to moan
" don't hold back your noises I want to hear what I make you feel like" he says standing up and positioning himself at my entrance
"Are you sure?" He ask
"Yes tony please" I beg
"Okay" He says and enters me
"Ahh fuck" I say and Antonio grunts
"Oh god yes" Antonio says just making me more aroused
We then finally match a rhythm and we both moan with each thrust
"Oh my gosh Antonio I'm going to c-" I say and I can't even fish before he starts to talk
"Me to baby" he says and we then both climax
And he rolls off of me
"Damn" I say trying to catch my breath as he does the same and I just lay in his arms
"That's probably the best sex I have ever had joce" hesays smiling and kisses me
"Me too" I say to him and kiss back
"Can I ask you a question?" He asks
"Yes" I say
"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks
"Yes Antonio I thought you would never ask" I say happily
"Really" he asks
"Yeah" he say and we fall asleep in each others arms


I never thought I would do a sex scene

Finally her and Antonio shared each other

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