Chapter 3・Past and Future Mixup

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"Y-you guys look so young!" they heard a familiar voice. "Natsu," Gray and Lucy said in unison while looking at each other. They saw someone from the back with salmon hair and immediately thought of Natsu. He finally came out from the crowd and looked at them in shock.

Natsu now had his hair in a ponytail and grew a few inches taller, but almost everything about him didn't really change. His clothes were a little different, but it has the same style as the old one. "This isn't fair, how come you guys look young?" he asked.

He walked towards Gray and whispered, "Tell me your secret will ya. Did you use a magic potion?" he asked. "Seems like his attitude didn't change either," Gray thought. "Um, there isn't any secret. We're from the past," Gray told him and Natsu didn't look like he was getting it. "Huh?"

"Uncle Natsu, mom and dad haven't married yet. And they're not from this year right now, they're from the year X791," Rina told him "And what year are we now in?" Natsu asked obliviously.

Everyone face palmed unisonly because of Natsu "This is why we should've always told him to remember the year," Lisanna said. "What? It's not like you guys even tell me. And I don't have a calendar at home," Natsu explained "So just tell me what year we 're in already."

"X804 dumbass," Gray told him and Natsu looked. "Listen here pipsqueak, I'm older than you now, so respect me," he smirked as Gray's vein popped out his head. Natsu was now a lot taller than Gray since he's grown over the past 14 years, so when he looked at him, he was looking down a little. "Pipsqueak? Listen here oldy, just cause' you're taller than me doesn't mean that I'll respect you, because in my dimension, we're practically the same age. So sit the fuck down," Gray cussed and crossed his arms.

"Well then," Natsu said rolling his eyes then crossed his arms too. "Been a long time since they've argued like this," Erza said with a quiet voice and smiled.

Lucy immediately smacked Gray's head realizing that he cussed in front of children. "Watch out for profanity baka!" she ordered "Itai! I'm sorry then," Gray said holding the back oh his head where Lucy smacked him.

Rain started to pour down on them and knew that they had to take cover so they quickly ran back to the guild. When they arrived, Mirajane grabbed towels and handed them to everyone.

"Oh yeah, I haven't asked you guys yet, but if you're Lucy's and mines, then what powers did you guys inherit?" Gray asked with a blush not really wanting to ask. "I became a Celestial Wizard and Rina became an Ice Wizard," Toma replied. "So opposite genders, opposite powers huh," Gray replied and he nodded.

Year X791
Place: East Forest

"Hey, I think they're waking up," someone who was unconscious heard. When that someone opened their eyes, they looked directly at Natsu and Erza. "Glad you and Lucy finally showed up, but how did you come falling from the sky?" Natsu asked looking at an older version of Gray.

"Falling from the sky?" he asked and looked beside him and saw Lucy unconscious "Lucy!" he yelled.

Gray put his head on Lucy's chest to see if her heart was beating, and it was. "Thank god she's still alive," Gray sighed in relief and held her hand "Please be okay."

"Hello? Ice Princess who looks kinda old, I asked you a question," Natsu said getting Gray's attention. "What'd you ask again?" Gray asked "Wow, not even gonna argue back? What happened up there man?" he asked.

Gray took a good look at Natsu and Erza and finally realized that they looked younger like in the old days. "You guys look young, did you eat something?" he asked and Erza, Natsu, and Happy looked at him in confusion. "He must've hit his head hard when he fell from the sky," Happy said flying near Natsu's ear. "Fell from the sky? How?" he asked.

"Well Natsu, Happy, and I were waiting for you guys to come back after the massive light flashed, and we waited for about 15 minutes till you guys arrived," Erza explained.

"All I remember is that Lucy and I fell off a cliff when we we're on a mission to find something from the past," Gray responded and felt Lucy's hand twitch then look at her. Lucy's eyes began to open up slowly and saw Gray, Natsu, Happy, and Erza looking at her.

"What happened here? I thought you and I were falling off a cliff," she said the same thing as Gray and sat up. "Okay, first of all, we we're on a mission to find something from the future, not the past, and there are no cliffs in East Forest remember?" Natsu said. Lucy took a good look at Natsu and Erza and realized that they looked younger. "You guys look young for some reason. I don't know if my eyes are playing tricks on me or you went back in time," she said rubbing her eyes.

"You know what, just explain why you guys were falling from the sky," Natsu said as they sighed. "We kinda already told you that we were falling off a cliff, and for some reason that didn't kill us and we showed up here," Gray explained. "Still doesn't explain why you look old," Natsu said. "Old? We're practically the same age, what're you talking about?" Gray said and stood up.

"Woah, I'm a lot taller than you!" Gray laughed as he saw that Natsu was a few inches shorter. "Taller? You gotta be kidding me, you're probably wearing heels because you're an Ice Princess," Natsu laughed back and made Gray irritated.

"Shut up Flame Breath!" Gray yelled "Make me Popsicle Breath!" Natsu yelled back. "Are you guys seriously fighting right now?" Erza said viciously which made Natsu and Gray sit down on the ground.

Lucy started to giggle at the both of them "You guys act like you're 18 or 19 again," she said. "But I am 18, and we always fight like this," Natsu said, which made Lucy and Gray look at him in confusion. "You're 18? Aren't you suppose to be 32? The same age as Gray?" Lucy asked. "32? It hasn't even been 14 years yet," Erza asked, who apparently is quick at counting.

"Well this is the year X804, so you're basically 32," Gray corrected "No it's uh, what year is it?" Natsu asked. "X791," Happy replied. "Yeah what Happy said," Natsu replied.

"No X804."
"Wrong, X791."
"Damare!" Erza and Lucy shouted, which made Natsu and Gray stop yelling. "Sorry Gray, but you're wrong, it's the year X791," Erza corrected and left Gray and Lucy shocked. "Eh!?"

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