Chapter 5・Answers

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As Natsu, Erza, Lucy, Happy, and Gray headed back to the guild, Lucy and Gray had nostalgic eyes. "I miss the old days when we were young," Lucy said.

"Same here. We went on those adventurous missions, they were fun... but some were painful... losing precious people," Gray remembered when his father went away. Lucy stopped her tracks and looked at Gray.

Gray noticed that she wasn't walking anymore and looked back at her. "What?" he asked. Lucy walked up to him and gave him a hug. "Forget those painful pasts, but don't forget the lessons they gave you," Lucy talked in a low voice.

Gray put on a blithe smile and hugged her back.

"I wonder how I made it through the years, watching them be all lovey-dovey and stuff? Am I even alive while seeing these?" Natsu joked. Erza smacked him in the head for thinking like that. "You don't know, you probably ended up with someone," she smirked.

Natsu blushed and pretended not to hear anything. "So when you find a way to get back to the future, can I come?" he asked.

"Why would you want to do that?" Gray asked, not wanting him to come. One Natsu is enough.

"Well I want to meet the future comers of Fairy Tail too. And I want to meet your guys' children, and probably others kids. If they have any. Also I want to see Asuka all grown up," Natsu replied.

He walked up to Lucy and put at arm around her. "Right Lucy?"

"Well, I don't really mind if you come, but how are you going to find a way back?" she asked putting Natsu's arm away. Natsu pouted and had a sad look. "Aww, I really wanted to come.... Hey! About our mission?! It told us to find something buried from the future right?" Natsu asked loudly.

"Yeaahh?" Erza asked confused.

"Well what if it's actually from the future? Then the missing treasure is there!" Natsu said gleamingly. "Wait did you say buried in the future?" Lucy asked and Natsu nodded.

"Gray, do you remember a job that was similar to this?" she asked. "I don't really.... wait... I do. I remember that we took a job that paid like about 700,000J and we had to find that in East Forest," Gray replied.

"That's the job we're taking now! So how do you find it?" Natsu asked. "I don't remember, but in East Forest, there was a bright flash and transported us in the... future," Gray answered.

"Doesn't this mean that your young selves were you from the past that took the same job and are now in the same positions as you from the past?" Erza asked making everyone confused. "What??" they all asked in unison, except for Lucy.

"I get what you're saying. So what you mean is that our past selves, which is Gray and Lucy from this year, are now in our year, X804, who took the same job as we did and got transported there? I think I made it more confusing for these 3," Lucy sweat dropped.

Erza nodded understanding and the rest looked at each other in confusion, except for Lucy of course.

"You still haven't answered my question yet. How do you find it? I want to find it too," Natsu whined. "We dug for the treasure in East Forest," Lucy answered.

"But we did that already," Happy replied.

"It isn't buried yet. That's why the key was 'future.' You have to get it in the future, the owner thought that we were going to take years to find it, because he hasn't even buried it yet," Gray explained. "I'm gonna find that owner and beat the shit out of him," Natsu looked pissed.

"So only you two can get it then, and we can't go to the future to get it too?" Erza asked and Gray and Lucy nodded. "At least we got the job done, kinda," Happy added with a sweat drop.

They started heading towards the guild again, Natsu walking behind everyone, looking at Lucy. "Why pick him?" he thought.


Ooh what's going on with Natsu? Why'd he even think that? It's probably obvious, but what the heck.
Minna, gomen if this was a short chapter. (-; ) But I hope you liked it.
Anyways see you on the next one. Jā matane!

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