Chapter 7・Top Three Spirits~Part 1

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Gray, Lucy, Toma, and Rina finally arrived at East Forest.

"I'm telling you, I was just joking, the treasure isn't probably there. Natsu and the others probably already found it," Gray sad, persuading Lucy and his kids not to even try. "C'mon dad, Rina and I haven't even searched yet, and we're pretty good at searching. So we'll find it, as a family," Toma smiled.

"Aww Toma! You're so considerate!" Lucy rushed and squeezed Toma into a death hug. "M-mom.... c-can't.. breath," Toma struggled to say.

"Sorry, you were just so sweet," Lucy said releasing him from the hug.

"I want a hug too," Rina said and stretched her arms open. Lucy walked over to her and gave her a hug too. "How about me? Don't I get one?" Gray asked raising his eyebrow. "Fine," Lucy, Toma, and Rina sad in unison.

"Wait... I only want one from mom," he said and smirked at Lucy, which made her blush. "W-well to bad. It's a family hug," she said and they all hugged him.

After all the hugging, they finally went down to business.

"So where do we start searching?" Rina asked. "I guess we should split into 2," Toma suggested. "I wanna go with dad!" Rina said enthusiastically and hugged Gray.

"Then I guess we're settled. I'll take Toma with me. And Gray... don't strip when you're with her," Lucy adviced.

"I've never even stripped once ever since we got here," Gray crossed his arms. "Uh-huh... let's go Toma. He'll figure out later on," Lucy said and grabbed Toma's hand and walked away.

"What is she.... ooh," Gray said as he looked down, then looked at Rina, who was flushed with her eyes covered by her hands.

Gray quickly put his clothes back on and fake coughed. "L-let's say nothing happened okay?" he asked and Rina nodded.


"Do you want to start digging around here?" Lucy asked Toma, who nodded in response. They both started to put on their gloves so their hands won't get dirty and started digging. "So what does this treasure look like?" Toma asked.

"It never said, it just says to look for a treasure," Lucy responded. "Well that's not very helpful. It should at least needed some type of clue of what part of East Forest he hid it so we can search for it a lot quicker and easier," Toma said.

Lucy looked at him and was surprised. "You know you're really smart, I didn't even think of that," Lucy complimented him. "Well I did learn a lot of things from you," Toma replied.

"Well I'm very proud," Lucy giggled. "What about Rina, do I teach her too?" she asked.

"No, dad does. Since she's an ice wizard, she takes lessons from him on how to make things. While you teach me about celestial spirits and how to treat them like family and friends, not toys," Toma answered.

"And have you been doing that?" Lucy asked and he nodded. "Did I ever give you my celestial spirits? Or you found your own?" she asked.

"Well since you're not dead, I can't have any of your spirits. Sorry that I said that. But I found my own, and they're pretty powerful too. Not like the gold keys, but powerful enough to defeat a giant monster," Toma replied. "Can I meet some of them?" Lucy asked.

"Sure, but I'm only going to show my top 3 most powerful spirits I got," Toma said.

"Gate of the Fire, Agnidev!" Toma said holding out a white key that had a fire symbol. A bright yellow flash then appeared next to Toma. A handsome, young man with red, fiery hair showed up and was crossing his arms.

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