16| The Jade Town

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Taehyung's POV

"It seems that the person leading Plutos has no relation with Lady Plutos in any way. He is simply someone working for the Sun Kingdom." Jeongguk explains. It was early in the morning, two days later after we got a letter from Hoseok.

"I believe we will have to personally deal with this situation." I say. So King Solar has no plans of backing out. He is using someone from my kingdom to threaten me. How pathetic and coward. Hoseok also mentioned something about a Lord visiting the Sun Kingdom but he couldn't find out who it was. He also told me how Princess Jane has offered to help and even shared information that she had collected and also that she invited us for a plan that she made. "We must also warn Lord Mercurey. There is someone selling information about his inventions to Lord Jupier." Jeongguk nods.

"Do you wish to visit Plutos?" He asks.

"Yes. I would like to pay a visit." It would be better to get this done with as soon as possible. "Tonight."

Jeongguk's POV

We were headed to Plutos on our horses, Prince Taehyung leading the way while I was right beside him. There were only three guards with us. It wasn't a long way there. Prince Taehyung laid out the plan before we left, which I may have disagreed with and still do but the Prince insisted. He sent in a letter to announce his visit to whomever had taken over.

We reached soon enough, passing through the houses, horsefeet clicking against the cobblestones. Although it was night, I could still make out the green roofs of the houses here, and as Prince Taehyung told me, the richest here had a piece of jade decorating their doors. Thankfully, there weren't many people out here to chase us, which I must say was surprising considering the threats we had been receiving.

We finally came across a large building, well lit by lamps. Two guards stood there at the entrance.

"Name" one of the demands.

"Prince Taehyung Crescent of Moon Kingdom" His Highness replies. I instantly get down, walking towards him as he was getting ready to unmount his horse.

"You know what to do" he murmurs to the three we brought with us. They simply nod. We walk towards the door but they stop me from going any further.

"Only the Prince is allowed entrance." One of the says.

"I am his Royal Protector." I say, getting annoyed by the minute.

"Orders from the head. We cannot let you in." I glance at Prince Taehyung who simply nods and walks further. I step back, rubbing my nape.

I see how it is

Author's POV

The Prince walks through the hallway, led by a servant. He is wearing a jade colored silk shirt, matched with black trousers, his fingers decorated with rings and he walks steadily, observing his surroundings.

Everything was so green . And now the Prince was regretting his choice of colour for the outfit. He mentally sighs and shakes his head.

The walls of the hallway had a alot of paintings, big and small. There was also a large board on which a collection of daggers were displayed.

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