5| Handsome Advisor

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Taehyung's POV

It has been a week since Jeongguk's arrival. He has been proving himself quite impressively I must say. I sent him to another mission after his first one which he also successeded. And oh, the advices he gave, on point without hesitation. He himself seems to be enjoying in Moon Kingdom. He plays with children outside the palace when he has free time, trains, keeps company with the guards and the staff, tells me about his time back at the Sun Kingdom when we are free. He has also become good friends with Jimin. My brothers also like him. He still hasn't really warmed up to me though, however, if I keep the conversation going he will ease up gradually. But I can't blame him, I still like getting on his nerves.

Currently, we were in a meeting with the leaders of small areas who are our allies.

"The Sun Kingdom isn't as fragile as it seems. They have powerful weapons!" The Leader of Jupier said aggressively. The leaders were having a heated debate about whether we should plan a war against Sun kingdom or not depending on our defencive and financial status

"That is true, Sir. But we still are at an advantage because of the magical powers that Moon Kingdom has." Jeongguk stepped forward beside me. "The weapons are, yes, deadly but if we work on the soldiers powers, we can have a very strong army because magic can be just as deadly. We might even discover a combination so powerful that it could destroy them in seconds" Jeongguk said professionally. I smirked. He didn't have powers but he sure knows very well about it. Lord Jupier seemed hesitant but thoughtful.

I felt Jeongguk step back and clear his throat lowly. My eyes scanned the lords and ladies until they landed on Lady Plutos who was staring quite intensely at Jeongguk. And it seemed to be making Jeongguk uncomfortable.

"Lady Plutos, would you like to say something?" I said in a loud voice, putting everyone's attention on her. Lady Plutos flinched slightly and composed herself. "Jeongguk, leave" I said and he quickly bowed and left, whispering a "thank you" as he did.

"I must say Prince Taehyung, that advisor of yours is quite... intelligent." Lady Plutos said as the door closed.

"He is indeed"

"Do you mind telling me where you found such a handsome advisor." She said bluntly. I raised an eyebrow, slightly angered by her attitude.

"I'm afraid that is none of your business, Lady Plutos" the other lords and ladies were looking at her in slight shock but she seemed to not care. "You all are dismissed, if there is any suggestion or theory you would like to discuss then please do through letters. Stay safe" everyone but Lady Plutos quickly got up and bowed and started to leave. "Lady Plutos" I glared at her dreamy self. "I am afraid the meeting is over. Please leave immediately." I got up as well and left the big room. I sighed.

I need tea

"Prince Taehyung!" I closed my eyes and clenched my jaw as I heard Lady Plutos' high pitched voice.

"Yes?" I asked, turning around to face her, wishing she'd leave already.

"There is something I would like to ask you." Her fingers fidgeted with her sea green dress.

"..go ahead"

"I was thinking, your advisor....he is as I mentioned before, quite handsome and intelligent! I've never been so impressed by an advisor. Do you mind if I ask for his hand in marri-"

"Lady Plutos" my blood boiled at her pathetic request. I stepped towards her, "My advisor is not open for marriage proposals, especially not from you" I glared hard at her. "This kind of attitude from Lords or Ladies is not appreciated I am afraid. I am warning you, Lady Plutos. Please worry about your people. Now leave before I call the guards." My chest was heaving. Lady Plutos was at a loss of words. She quickly left. I sighed in relief and turned around but froze as I saw Jeongguk standing at the door to my bedroom chamber.

I walked up to him and he bowed.

"Would you like some tea, Your Highness?" He asked. I knew he had heard the conversation. He seemed uneasy.

"Yes please" I said and he bowed again and started for the kitchen. "Jeongguk" I called out and he turned back. "Don't worry about her. You will be okay" I said. My eyes widened as he smiled at me. I blinked as I saw him walking away, the sun rays falling on him, making him look like an angel. I could feel my heart hammering and cheeks burning.

It was at this moment I realized that I kick his ass for making me feel like this.

Flustered, I quickly entered my bedroom. I changed into comfortable clothes while Jeongguk brought me tea.

"Your Highness" I heard Jeongguk as he placed the tray on my small desk.

"Thank you, Jeongguk" he was about to leave, "Stay" I said simply as I grabbed my cup and took a sip. The warm tea eased my mind and I instantly relaxed. "You know, if you are still worried about Lady Plutos, then don't be. I assure you, she's not going to get you" I said.

"Your Highness, Lady Plutos doesn't seem to be the one to lose so easily. She will fight for what she wants. I am not worried about myself." I frowned.

"Then what are you really worried about?" I looked at him.

"You, Your Highness" he looked away, outside the window, towards the Sun Kingdom. "You are an important figure. You must be protected at all times. I do not trust Lady Plutos enough to leave you two alone. I have a request" he said.

"And that is?"

"Make me your Royal Protector. I will not only help you with advises or assassinate people or try to figure out where I really come from, why I have red blood but, I will protect you as well with everything I have." A silence fell in the room as he said what he had to say. Never has anyone said that to me. The guards, yes but that's what they are supposed to do. This guy, a Sun Kingdom's citizen, almost executed on my orders was offering to protect me when I had never even mentioned so.

Jenogguk's POV

Prince Taehyung stared at me. I wasn't sure why or what he was thinking. His blue hair slightly swaying from the light breeze coming in through the window. Oh the blue hair, so beautiful. I just want to touch them and feel their softness.

He placed his teacup back on the desk and walked towards me, standing really close to me but I dared not step back. His grey eyes stared intently in mine and I stared back, a slight tension was building in the air. He suddenly smirked.

"Well then, let's see how good you are at protecting me, hm?" He said as he raised his hand and lightly tickled me under my chin. He walked away quickly to the door. " Now I must tend to some letters and paper work. Come along, we don't have all day" I stood there frozen, my cheeks burning. His mere move had caused me to become flustered.

"Y-yes Your Highness"




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