21| Potions and Perfumes

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Jeongguk's POV

We decided to take a break at Mara before reaching the Sun Kingdom. Prince Taehyung wished to stop by here just in case there was any letter from Hoseok. Unfortunately there was no letter.

Lady Mara tended to us. She is well known for her perfumes and potions, as Prince Taehyung told me. Although, Lady Venia is considered to be a better potion maker, the two sisters decided to make potions together nonetheless. While Lady Mara has potions for the sake of convenience, Lady Venia opted for more mischievous means with potions.

Nonetheless, both are absolutely brilliant potion makers, as were the words of the prince.

"My, you are indeed lucky the wound wasn't serious, although my potions would have surely healed you but that would've cost you your endurance since my potions don't have magic. His Highness' magic heals you without any side effects for it is, after all, a power...a miracle. However, potions can't do that, at least mine can't for I have not reached that level of excellence." Lady Mara says as she sits across Prince Taehyung on the table in the dining hall. Her red orange gown against her honey skin and her ebony hair fallen gracefully to the front. Her sister is quite the opposite except for her similar honey skin tone.

She was generous enough to provide us with warm food after our travel and....well our incident. She is not an official ally of the Moon Kingdom. She is, as she likes to say, neutral in this matter.

But I believe, having her as our ally would be of great importance and simply better. Potions, they are very helpful. But I guess it is not a big deal since she lets us have her potions, of course not for free, but still. That is good in it's own.

I haven't really used her perfumes. I have seen the bottles though, in His Highness' room. The bottles, green and blue, sit on His Highness' shelf. No exaggerating design for the bottles, they are simple....well bottles. But they still are very pretty.

"Indeed. I will be honest with you, the whole event was quite of a shock. We are all a bit shaken." Prince Taehyung says.

"Oh I wouldn't call it an event, really. But aside that, I do understand that it must've been terrible. I haven't heard of such things either. I am pleasantly surprised of how man is able to make such....devices."

"Weapons" I blurt out. Prince Taehyung glances at me and Lady Mara whips her head towards me. I pause, not sure what to do. That was a stupid move after all. Lady Mara doesn't like it when someone interrupts her. Jake clears his throat across me, as we sit on either side of Prince Taehyung.

"Yes...weapons. Either way, I am truly glad you decided to give us a visit. It had been quite some time. And I am also thankful for the information that you were kind enough to lend us. It'll be much helpful in near future."

"Ah it's not a big deal. I told you so that you know what you are dealing with if you ever have to come across such a situation. However I must warn you, Lord Jupier is most definitely making much dangerous weapons than the one we had to face. Although these are obviously Lord Mercurey's invention, I believe he wasn't ill intentioned as Lord Jupier."

"I do agree with you, Your Highness. I am quite disappointed that our fellow Lords and Ladies seem to be falling on the wrong path lately" Lady Mara says with a hint of sadness and disappointment. I believe she was referring to Lady Plutos as well as Lord Jupier.

"Money and power makes one greedy, Lady Mara." Taehyung replies. "Greed is a monster."

"I won't deny that, Prince Taehyung. Since you are a dear friend of mine, I'll have you know that if you ever need anything, I'll be more than happy to provide it to you." Lady Mara gives a nod to the prince.

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