9| Secret room and Arrangements

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Namjoon's POV

I close the big fat book with a thud. That's the last book of this library. And what did I find? Nothing. Nothing at all. It's like Jeongguk really did appear from thin air. Who are the red bloods? Where do they come from? I don't understand why is there absolutely nothing about them in the library.

I had been awake the whole night, looking in the last batch of books. It was around 9 am now and I was tired and hungry. I sigh as I lean back in my chair. I run a hand through my hair, trying to figure out what to do.

Where can I find this information? Just where? Maybe....father has something in his room. He doesn't allow anyone in his room. What if he's hiding something? The reason he left so suddenly and for so long. I should go and check.

I get up, grabbing my coat and walk out of my study. I go for the stairs, father's room was on the top floor along with Jin hyung's room. His office was also on the same floor, and the meeting room was also here.

I reach his room, standing infront of the closed door.

What secrets does he have hidden here?

I grab the door knob and twist it, opening the door and stepping inside the ever vacant room. Even the maids weren't allowed in here. The room gave a dull, eerie sensation and there was a chill in the air. I closed the door behind me. The curtains were still drawn. I walk up to them and open them. Some dust clouded my face. Sunlight seeped through the window. Father always kept his curtains drawn. Said he did not like the Sun creeping in through his window like it's spying on him.

His bed, still unmade. The sheets were crumpled like he got up in a haste. His slippers were still by the side of the bed. I still remember him leaving in a hurry, he didn't have breakfast either. He just left.

I walk to his desk, a layer of dust covering it and the things placed on it. There wasn't anything useful here. I open his drawer, I find some books in there. I take them out and place them on his desk. I go through the first two book but find nothing much important about them but I make a note in mind to still go through them in detail. The third book catches my eye.

The clever man

The author's name was faded. But I stil managed to get one word. Min .


I have never heard of anyone from that name. Neither in history nor in present. I open it and go through it. It is a story. But, the introduction pages and some pages from the end of this book have been ripped off. I sigh in frustration. They must hold some useful information that Father didn't want anyone knowing about. But why? What is so secretive about this? And now, where will I find those pages from? He probably took them with himself.

I lean back in the chair and run a hand through my hair. I look around the room, my eyes landing on the thin book shelf which wasn't filled books, rather it was quite empty and filled with other random stuff. I got up and walked towards it. I saw a picture frame that held my beautiful mother. Her locket was placed beside it that my father had gifted her.

My eyes roam around the shelves, around the things placed in them. My eyes wander towards the wall where I find a rather a strange thing which I had not noticed before. It was somewhat like a keyhole.

There must be a key around somewhere then

I searched the shelves again, moving the things around but found nothing.

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