The Badge, The Burden and The Benevolent Part 2

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Ok first off, sorry for the long wait. That's on me

Second, I am glad to finally get another chapter out and basically also tell you guys "Hey!! I'm not dead!"

Now as per usual, on with the show!!!!!


Port meanwhile only chuckled. "Well then, lets find out. Step forth, and show your worth." He said as he then looked to his side of a large dark cage with only red angry eyes showing. The sounds of a beast inside rattling the cage wanting to get out.

Colt stood up from his chair, he dusted himself off before then disappearing into a blue blur followed by a sonic boom out the main door.

Everyone just sat there with surprised looks. "Man is he fast." "I know right?" Came a few whispers from the students.

30 seconds later Colt came speeding back into the classroom, sliding as he came to a stop, clad in his Huntsmen uniform with 'Three Strikes' attached to his pack.

Jack only merely shook his head. "Show off." He said under his breath.

"Alright guys what do you think we got here?" Colt asked his team as he stepped onto the teaching floor and started stretching his arms, referring to the Grimm in the locked caged.

"I think it's a Beowolf." Came Gopher as he leaned back against the desk behind him.

"Nah. Cage is too small." Replied Jack as he eyed the metal prison of the Grimm.

"It's a Boarbatusk." Someone then answered flatly. The three members of SSPF all turned to their only Faunus member.

"And how do you know that?" Jack inquired to him.

"Dude..." Sam said as he then pointed to his wolf ears.

"Oh yeah." Jack replied as he then remembered that Sam could identify the grimm by the sound as well as their smell.

"Boarbatusk huh? Well ok then." Colt said he then took his weapon off and walked to the first row where his team sat.

Everyone eyed him with curious looks as he detached the magazine, then pulled on the bolt and ejected the bullet. He then placed everything on the table.

"What are you doing?" Gopher asked, somewhat worried.

"Well for one thing my dear older brother is that we rely too much on our weapons to start and finish a fight. Every now and then we will end up in situations where we will have to fight without it." He said as he then stared to remove his armour vest,guards and gloves.

"Whoa hold up!" Jack said as he quickly sat upright in his chair. "You're going to fight that thing without armour?!"

"Uh yeah?" Was the reply of the bluenette as he placed his armour pieces on the table.

"Dude! That thing could kill you!" Came Sam now also worried for their leader.

"Guys! Listen when I say that I will be fine. Besides, the girls don't fight with armour on now do they?" He looked to RWBY when he asked that question.

"Well.... he's not wrong." Weiss replied.

"I mean yeah we don't exactly." Yang answered casually.

All of team RWBY agreed as since neither of them wore any sort of armoured protection in battle unlike like SSPF.

"But having some extra protection is always better Colt." Ruby said to him with a hint of worry. Truth be told, Ruby has full confidence in Colt's abilities and skills. But a small part of her can't stop but to be worried for him.

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