Forever Fall Part 2

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Hey guys! Finally got my Forever Fall episodes finished! Slightly longer than it should be but I just let me head run like crazy when I was writing this.

Also as a note this chapter my be a bit slightly brutal, not entirely but I am only saying this as a possible warning to be safe.

Welp other than all that I hope you enjoy! Peace!!

*Velociraptor sound*

The heck was that?



Their words give Jaune a new found sense of courage and he steels himself from what he's about to do. "No." He stated.

"What did you say?" Cardin asked in a threatening manner.

Jaune grips the jar tightly. "I said... NO!"

He quickly turns and throws the jar at Cardin without even thinking, instantly recoiling his hands to himself as he looks at Cardin's breastplate covered in sap. The bully leader, however, just looks at himself and laughs darkly. "Oh, you've done it now..."

Jaune humorously laughs to himself once more with his hands still raised in an attempt for defense as Dove and Sky grab Jaune's shoulders and pull him in.


Forever Fall Forest
North East Sector (Gopher)

The area was covered in small craters, broken trees and dead bodies of grimm. Gopher slowly scanned the area around him as he was kneeling on one leg, Ignis Colossus in his hands with smoke coming out of the barrel.

The fight only lasted three minutes, but he managed to take down 20+ grimm in that time. "They're certainly getting a lot more and more crazy from all that sap that everyone is collecting." He thought to himself.

Seeing that there are no more grimm in the area, Gopher decides to pack up and move to the next sector on his sweep. He folds his weapon away and prepares to leave when he hears the beep of his watch go off, indicating it's been five minutes. "Time for the check in I guess."

He then hears the voices of his team calling in on the radio.

"This is Sam reporting in. Sector is clear, moving on the the next."

"Jack calling in. All clear in mine, moving to the next sector."

"This is Colt calling in. My area is all clear down here, moving up."

Gopher reaches to the radio in his ear. "Clear on my end here guys. Bagged another 20+ tangos."

Sam then replied. "Damn man! You really are on a roll over there."

"It does seem they are more concentrated to North East then all other areas." Jack reported.

"Gopher be careful out there, there could probably be more." Colt then said.

Gopher replied back quickly. "Roger that. Don't worry about me, I can easily thin out the herd. Out."

He then started moving to the next Sector which would be the East. The team rotates on a set distance from each other and their objective, patrolling the area in a constant rotating clockwise sweep. This way they are able to cover the entire perimeter and fight off any grimm attempting to ambush the group they are guarding.

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