Face it, MJ

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Mary Jane

Age 22

1 week after the breakup:

After a whole week of avoiding people, work, and life in general, I finally manage to put on something else than sweatpants and t-shirts with stains on.

I will admit I feel a little more put together as I wear jeans again, they are a little tighter than usual, maybe because I've been eating junk food for the past week straight, finishing countless bottles of ice cream, while crying on the couch.

I can't even believe how low I've been feeling lately, ever since I called it quits, with Peter, I've been a mess. Questioning a million times, if it was the right thing? Was I ever good enough for him? How is he feeling? Did I do the right thing?

I only remember the moment in pieces, how I just spoke what my mind was thinking.
I can't do this anymore.
Those were the words.
I was exhausted, constantly having to feel bad for my actions, for my recklessness and for my passion for getting the truth out.

And yes, I will admit that sometimes I act before thinking it through, I like to take risks to find the truth. And if it isn't hurting anyone innocent, I can't really see the problem.

I get why Peter, constantly gave me a hard time about it. He wants to protect me, and though I do appreciate it, I also kinda hated it.
The way it felt, like he saw me as another burden on his shoulder, like I wasn't valid or capable of handling myself.

It made me feel weak, and incapable.

I was so tired of feeling like less... less skilled, less important, less of a good person. It wasn't healthy for either of us to feel like that.

As I throw on an old hoodie, I decide to check my emails and other work-related stuff. I've completely vanished from anything social all week, not that I'm close with that many people. I've lost touch with most of my previous friends from high school. Well, guess that's just part of growing up.

I notice that my colleague, Eddie Brock, has sent an email as few days ago. I can't help but be a little surprised. It's not like we'd spoken that much at work.

He has been there a lot longer than I have; he'd worked with Peter in the past. Peter mentioned he used to be a bit of a douchebag, but he has certainly matured since.

He's a pretty decent dude now, well sure he has his arrogant side, and this self-absorbed twinkle in his eyes he uses when he tries to get what he wants. He's certainly not used to hearing the word no, especially directed at him.

But the guy is also pretty funny and easy to talk to, like we do when we for example accidentally stand at the coffee machine at the same time, but we have never actually worked together.
But he seems like an hardworking reporter.

I tie my hair up in a tight bun as I read the mail.

Hey Mary Jane.
Robbie mentioned you were sick. That sucks, it is flu season though, so stay warm.
The office seems kind of empty without you, it's almost scary how quiet it is. No one else has been meeting with the legal team lately, I think they also miss you;)
Anyway, I hope you're back soon, cause I think I've found a story, we could dig into, if you're up for it.
See you soon:)
-E. Brock.

I tilt my head to the side, huh, I did not expect to hear from him of all people. Well it was really nice of him to check in and to offer me to be part of a story, especially with him, he has covered some great stories before, even stories which ended up on the frontage.

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