The truth

609 4 1

Mary Jane

Age 23


"I'll never really get used to the rush from swinging," I admit with a breathy voice as I try to find balance again. "Like, seriously how do you not get dizzy, all the time?" I giggle and begin to open Peter's mask so I can give him a quick kiss.

Peter chuckles against my lips, as he places his hand on my cheek. The smooth fabric feels soft against my skin, though I do prefer to feel his bare hands, instead of his suit.

He pulls back and take the rest of his mask off.

"A lot of practice..." He admits with a grin. "But the rush makes the experience worth it. There nothing like swing through New York to get your adrenaline up." He answers and looks over the rooftop he placed us on.

The view over New York is breathtaking, especially at night. The lighting and atmosphere is really something else. There's just something so magnificent about New York, and I know Pete feels it too, I can tell by the way he's looking at the city.

"I bet." I say not taking my eyes of him. The passion in his eyes, makes my heart go faster. He gets this intense look in his eyes, every time there's something he's passionate about.

After several seconds of intense staring over the city, I decide to clear my throat to break him out of the trance. There was a reason we took a swing tonight; we need to talk. I have a question I need to ask him, tonight.

But I can't until we'd talked proper.

"Oh, sorry MJ." He smiles and looks me in the eyes. "What did you wanna talk about."

He reaches for my hand and rubs it gently with his thumb. I take a deep breath and smile hesitantly. "Well, you know Pete, you've been staying at my place for quite a while now...And."

"You want me to go back to my new place," he cuts me off. "I'm so sorry MJ, I had no idea, it had been awful, I'm sorry if I didn't give you enough space." He talks so fast and fumbles with his words that I have no other choice than to lean in a kiss him, to shut him up.

"Peter, you dork," I whisper softly against his lips. "That's not what I was going to say," I place a finger on his lips. "You've got it all wrong, I've loved every second of it." I admit with a shy smile.

"You know, I wasn't sure how us living together would be, but I've really enjoyed it." I gently sweep my finger over his nose, making him squint with a cheeky smile on his face.

"And I was thinking..." I take a deep breath, it's now or never, let down your guard and put the cards on the table. "Do you want to move in with me?" I nervously bite my lip, as I feel pulse speed up from anxiety.

I study his surprised face, how his lips are slightly starting to part, and how his eyebrows almost shoot to his hairline in disbelief. I can't quite figure out what he's thinking. "Like permanently?" I quickly add, just to clarify everything.

I feel like it's right, it's time. We're closer than ever, and just want him around all the time.

I fumble with my fingers and begin to lean a little on my feet, as he still hasn't said a word for almost 30 seconds. I know that's not that long, but every second feels painful. A million thoughts begin to slip into my brain. Is he repelled; does he want to leave? Is it too soon?

"W-wow, MJ." He finally manages to get out. Then the biggest smile appears on his face, making my entire body relax, instantly and before I know it, I'm in his arms, being swung around as he holds me tight. I immediately wrap my arms around him, chuckling as my stomach tickles from being spinned around.

The love story of Peter & MJ - One shots - From the Spider-Man PS GamesWhere stories live. Discover now