Journal Entry 1

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I looked out upon the city. My city. Our city. Everything we have strived to protect. Everything we have sworn that we would never abandon. Yet here we are, left with nothing but fire and ash. Are we guardians without a city to guard? Titans can no longer stand with the walls when they mean nothing. Warlocks can no longer study in peace. Hunters no longer have a home to return to from the wilds. I wish to blame myself, but I know I can not. I scream at the broken moon until my voice is hoarse and my lungs burn. I curse the stars in the sky. I curse the light for abandoning us. I curse the traveler for leaving us to live and die in agony, as everything is stripped from us once more. I think about everyone. My friends. Those I would consider family. All the guardians who lost their light. All the guardians who fell for the last time. My heart aches. But I know I must go on. The light calls. I am lost in the dark. But I intend to fight and crawl my way out until my final dying breath.

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