Journal Entry 49

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I believe I've finally reached a true milestone. Utilization of hive magic with miniscule risk of corruption. I had been viewing the hive symbols as just that. Symbols, and nothing more. For so long I failed to realize it was a true language, not just incantations. Deciphering specific runes and spells was an arduous task, but with the experiments I've conducted, and the exposure to hive magics, their secrets have begun to reveal themselves. Grafting their chitin and bones to my armor was not enough to invoke their power. I began etching a series of symbols into my armor. Various incantations, calling on the power of the sword logic, reaching beyond the veil. It still wasn't enough. More experimentation was needed. I already had my own inate power, so it only felt right to utilize it. I took a piece of hive chitin in my hand, and singed it to ashes. With the ashes on my altar, I infused void light throughout them, raising them up and swirling them around in between my hands. The symbols on my armor began to glow, and I heard rumbling and screeching inside my brain. The screams dissipated, and what remained was truly remarkable. Void soulfire, woven into my armor, the symbols pulsing with energy. The burning embers within me brought forth from a mixture of light and dark. A true balance. I found that these newfound powers can be used in multiple interesting ways. Conjuring shields, poisoning the air around me, crystalizing the fire into shards. All impressive and terrifying at the same time. I must keep this from my peers. They will think me mad. But perhaps Eris will be pleased with my progress. Balthazar worries, as usual, but if stasis did not corrupt me, I'm sure this won't either...I'm sure of it...

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