Love Me Like There's No Tomorrow

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Hello everyone! Hope you're all having a lovely day and enjoy reading this part! Just so Y'know when words are like this, "hello," it means that Y/N is thinking.

Have you ever had one of those days where everything just goes horrible? That's what I was experiencing today. Let me tell you all about it and how my loving husband helped me calm down from this horrendous day.

I woke up from my alarm clock, and I noticed I didn't wake up with my hubby's arms around me. Freddie must've gone to work already, I thought. I sighed and got up from the comfortable bed. I changed into my work outfit, did my morning routine, and left Garden Lodge. As I got into my car, I decided I should get some coffee from a nearby restaurant. I ordered the coffee and thanked the cashier and left with my coffee. It was hard avoiding the paparazzi while trying to get to my car because they're blocking the way, but I miraculously made it inside my car. When I arrived at work with my coffee in hand, one of my coworkers, her name is Melanie, who happened to be one of my foes and is jealous of me, purposely bumped into me, causing my coffee to spill all over me. She giggled and that made me furious. She walked past me, but made sure she bumped her shoulder into mines. I had gotten really furious now because she had violated me even though I had done nothing wrong to her. I pulled her hair and she yelped, but before I could do anything more, our boss had unfortunately walked in and saw me pulling her hair. "Y/N and Melanie, my office NOW," he yelled while walking towards his office. I followed him while looking down at my feet, knowing I was going to get my 5th scolding this week by him. I didn't notice that Melanie had a trick up her sleeve that would surely get me fired. She pushed me, causing me to fall into my boss. We both landed on the floor with a thud.

"I'm sorry sir, Mel-," but before I could finish my sentence, he said, "Y/N this is the 5th time you caused trouble this week. And now you cause me to fall as I was going to give you one last chance, but you blew it. Y/N you are FIRED! Now pack your bags and leave now!," he yelled. "As for you Melanie, come into my office and tell me what happened," he said while continuing his journey to his office.

Melanie waited for our boss to be a few feet away from us to tell me this. "Oh joy! You are finally fired! This means I won't be able to see you ever again!," she said while bumping into me again. I had had enough of her crap and pulled her hair.

"Screw you Melanie, you had made my life a living hell! I have never done anything to you, and this is what you do? Make me seem like the bad person? I mean, I know that you're clearly jealous of me, but for what reason? Why do you envy me? Is it because I have a good life? Because I have a loving husband? What is it?!" I yelled at her while pushing her against the wall. I kicked her, taking out all my anger on her and what she had done to me the past few weeks. I had left her hopeless body on the floor and went to my office to get my stuff. Luckily our boss didn't know what was happening. As I was going to turn on my car with the keys, it wasn't turning on.

"Oh come on! First Melanie, then I get fired, and now this? What is up with my luck today?," I yelled while sighing.

I went outside with my stuff and went to a telephone to call Freddie.

"Hello? Who's this?," Freddie asked. In the background you could hear the sound of Roger playing his drums.

"Hello Freddie, can you come pick me up? I'm sorry it's just, my car it's not turning on! I think somethings up with the battery. Oh goodness I feel like a burden," I told him.

"Don't worry darling it happens. And don't call yourself a burden because you are not a burden. Um where are you?," he asked me.

"I'm near work, at the parking lot," I told him.

"Alright darling I'll see you there, I love you," he said.

"As I love you too Freddie," I told him. I waited for about 13 minutes when it started to rain. "Oh come on! Not another bad thing today!," I yelled, but not to loud so people don't see what a fool I've been. (See what I did?) Another 14 minutes have gone by and Freddie finally came.

"Terry pull over, my wife is there," I heard him say. For some reason it still makes me blush when I hear him call me his wife. He got out and held the door open for me. He took my stuff as I got inside his car.

"Oh Freddie, I had a horrible day today!," I yelled while crying. "First Melanie spills my coffee all over myself, then I get fired, after my car doesn't work, and now it starts raining!," I said to him while gripping onto his shirt and letting my tears fall on it. Not that he cared of his shirt getting even more wetter cause it was already wet because of the rain.

"Darling, I know those days and they truly are a pain in the ass. But you know, if it makes you feel better, I had a bad day too," he said while wiping my tears.

"You had a bad day?," I asked him while sniffling.

"Yeah, of course I did. They boys weren't listening to me, I didn't wake up to a kiss good morning, and I also had someone bothering me, like how Melanie bothered you," he said while smiling.

"Hehe, thank you Freddie, you truly lifted up my mood," I hugged him tighter and kissed him.

"Was that my good morning kiss? Come on you can give a better kiss than that," he said while he went in for another kiss. He then kissed me all over my face.

"Freddie stop it!," I said giggling. He just kept kissing my face more and more. "Freddie please s-stop!," I said while trying to catch my breath and still laughing. I then hugged him and told him. "Love me like there's no tomorrow Freddie."

"Always my love," he whispered, and before I knew it, I fell asleep.

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