Love Of My Life pt 3

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Author's Note: Hello everyone! How are you all doing today? I hope you're all doing alright, also how do you like the photo I put on top of the title? I thought it was kinda sad but, yeah let's get into the story!

I woke up early, which was very odd because I usually wake up late. It was November 24, 1991. I made myself breakfast before contemplating what to do today. I then remembered that I told Peter I would come by to see Freddie since he wanted to say goodbye. I remember asking Mary and even Peter what they meant by Freddie saying he wanted to say goodbye, but they wouldn't tell me and instead told me I had to figure it out myself by going to his house. I ate my breakfast, showered, out on a light amount of makeup, and left my house. Author's note: I forgot to mention within the years Y/N broke up with Freddie and stayed with her parents house, she bought her own home with the money she saved. I got inside my car and drove to Garden Lodge. I parked my car and knocked on the door as I got to the entrance of Garden Lodge. It was Jim that opened the door.

"Oh, hello Y/N. What a surprise seeing you here, I never thought you would come here," he told me.

"Yeah I never thought I would come here too," I told him. As I looked at his face, I noticed his eyes were red. "Jim, are you alright? Your eyes look red," I told him. I had also noticed that his voice also sounded like how Peter's did yesterday. It sounded like he had just finished crying.

"Uh yeah I'm alright, why don't you come in?," he said as he opened the door all the way to let me in. As I got inside, the atmosphere felt weird. Not in a bad way of weird but a sad type of weird if that makes sense. "So, how are you Y/N?," he asked. I was about to answer him when I felt something soft brush against my ankles. I looked down and saw a white cat with some gray lines.

"Awwww, what an adorable little cat!," I said as I picked it up

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"Awwww, what an adorable little cat!," I said as I picked it up. It was an unfamiliar cat, I'd never seen it throughout Garden Lodge when I used to live here.

"Yeah she's adorable isn't she? Her name's Lily, I bought her for Freddie. I also bought him another one called Romeo," he told me. I put the cat back down and followed Jim to where he was guiding me. He guided me to Freddie's room. He opened the door for me and I entered Freddie's room. I noticed some of his family members, his friends, Mary, and even some of his cats were there. In the middle of the room was Freddie, he was bedridden. He was very pale and thin, he looked very unhealthy. The thing that caught my eye throughout the whole room was the painting I gifted Freddie for his 39th birthday on the wall. I walked toward him and stood next to his bed.

"Y-Y/N, you came," he said. His voice was very thin and not like how I remembered it. He tried to sit up but I stopped him.

"Freddie stop, you look like you're in horrible pain. Just lie down, relax," I said as I sat down next to his bed.

"Could you... could you guys," he then coughed a lot, "leave t-the room? I, I want-," before he could finish his sentence he winced in pain as he clenched his side, "I want t-to talk to Y-Y/N alone," he said then coughed a lot when he finished his sentence while clenching his side.

I waited for everyone to leave before I talked to Freddie. "I saw Mary the other day, she said you wanted to say goodbye. What does she mean by that?," I asked him.

"My love, didn't you hear the news yesterday? I announced the fact that I have aids," he said while coughing after. I was shocked, of course I knew what aids was. Many of my friends have had the disease before and died. I was tearing up because I knew he would die soon, who knows maybe even today.

"Freddie, I-I never knew. I... I got so-so mad when I saw you with t-that other guy l-last time. E-every time I heard something such as the news or s-something like that mention y-you, I always changed t-the channel," I told him while looking at him with pitiful eyes. He made himself with the little bit of energy he had wipe the tears coming out of my eyes with his pale hand. When he was done wiping my tears, he then cupped my right cheek. I put my hand on top of his and kissed it on the side. (Authors note: this was a reference to the music video of Love Me Like There's No Tomorrow)

He smiled weakly before telling me, "I love you. P-please remember y-you are the love of my life. I will a-always look after you," he said weakly before passing out with a smile on his face. (Author's note: IM SORRY FOR SO MANY AUTHORS NOTE BUT I READ IN THE MERCURY AND ME BOOK THAT FREDDIE DIED WITH A SMILE ON HIS FACE)

"F-Freddie?," I called out to him. I shook him very lightly when he wasn't answering me. I called out to his friends, family and other guests that were here to come inside. "I... I think h-he died!," I yelled while crying softly because I didn't want to cause a nuisance. Jim came forward and put two fingers on Freddie's neck to see if there was any signs of a heart beat. He kept checking it again and again but, nothing.

"H-he's dead," he said while crying but not to hard as Freddie's family members. My heart had stopped for a moment. I have no idea what happened next, but for all I know I somehow got to my house. I became really depressed, because I had lost the love of my life. I know he had cheated on me, but maybe that one time he cheated on me on his birthday, he actually meant he would change. For all I know, Jim said he was a loyal man. (Author's note: This isn't actually true, Jim stated in the Mercury and Me book he found Freddie with some men. But go along with it for the sake of this one shot) But like the stubborn person I am, I never believed it. Next thing I know, I inherited $70 million from Freddie, his recording royalties, and even custody of Garden Lodge. Whenever I would get home from work, I could still hear Freddie's greetings he gave me from when I lived here when he was still alive. Don't get me wrong, I have company like the cats, Jim and Peter would sometimes visit me, and my family members would come once in a while, but it wasn't the same as having Freddie here. I never entered the room he died in because I simply couldn't do it. How I miss Freddie.

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