Love Of My Life

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Hello, hope you are all having a good day! Enjoy!

Today was Freddie's 39th birthday. Whenever I keep telling myself that he's 39 today, I keep thinking of Queen's song 39 for some reason. Because I keep thinking of that, the song has been stuck in my head the whole day, but oh well.

I woke up and saw my boyfriend Freddie next to me sleeping peacefully. I got up carefully, not to do any noise and I kissed his cheek and went to go change. I cooked myself some food before contemplating what to get Freddie.

I remember Freddie always telling me that he wanted a birthday that was VERY outrageous. "I want to have a party, not just any party though. I want one that is utterly outrageous, no party like there's ever been before and I want it to take place in Munich. One of the best parties anyone has ever been to, and I want the theme black and white," is what he would always tell me when discussing how he wanted his next birthday party to be. We'd only been together for 2 years now, and knowing him I most definitely knew what to get him. As I went to the store to admire some of the paintings on the wall that Freddie would like, and making sure not to get the same ones he already has, I noticed that there was only one throughout the whole store was one Freddie didn't have. I quickly bought it before anyone else did and went back to my car and wrapped it up nicely with yellow wrapping paper and a black bow. It sorta looked like a bee, but oh well. When I was done wrapping it, I went to where his party was going to take place. I swept the floor, mopped, cleaned up the tables, and many more to keep the place clean. I hung up some black and white decorations with the help of some other guests that were invited and arrived early. By the time we were done organizing the party, I told the guests I would be back and went to call Freddie on a nearby telephone.

"Hello? Who's this?," I heard Freddie say. I heard some people in the background talking, must've been some of his friends.

"Hello Freddie! It's me, Y/N. I just wanted to know what were your whereabouts and how you are doing?," I asked him.

"Ah, Y/N darling I'm actually with some of my friends right now having dinner which include Peter, Joe, Jim and a few more, and I'm alright. Thank you for asking, how are you?," he asked me.

"Oh, I'm doing all right Freddie, I just wanted to know what time you were going to arrive at the party?"

"We are actually going to go right now, well first we're going to dress up then go but yeah we're going within, I'd say 10, 20 minutes?"

"Haha, alright Freddie can't wait to see you there, I love you," I told him.

"See you my love," he said before ending the call.

I noticed that now days Freddie didn't say I love you back, which I found weird because he always used to say that, but that doesn't really matter to me cause I know he loves me.

I got to the party a little late because of the traffic, my Freddie invited so much people. I saw cameras everywhere but I didn't mind because I knew it was for the music video Freddie was filming for his new song, Living On My Own. When I entered the party, the first thing I smelled was alcohol. I also smelled LOTS of drugs. This party is so not my type. I also noticed that everyone's costumes looked so ridiculous, not in a bad way but as in a funny way. As I looked around, I noticed Brian with his wife Chrissie dressed as a witch and a cat I assumed. My main mission right now was to find Freddie, and it was hard to find him because of all the people. After about 12 minutes I had found him, and how I found him wasn't very pleasing especially since I saw him with his hands all over a man and was flirting with him. This isn't the first time he's done this, he's been doing it the past couple of months. Every time I would talk to him about it, he would always say something along the lines of, "oh, don't worry about it, I was just complimenting them," or something like that. But when I would tell him about the flirting, he would always say that I heard wrong and that he won't do it again. But every time he says he won't do it again, he does it again, and I always forgive him. How stupid of me.

"Freddie, what the hell?!," I yell at him as I approached him and put his hands back to himself and not that man.

"Hello Y/N?????? H-how are you doing????," he asked completely drunk.

"Don't just ask me how are you doing Freddie what the hell?! I look all over for you throughout this huge party that I put up for you along with some other people and help you with planning all this only to find out you're flirting and have your hands all over this man? Freddie, I thought you were better than this. You even said you wouldn't do this again!," I sighed and told him, "We are over." I told him while obviously tearing up a bit. At this point I couldn't even see Freddie well because of how wet my eyes were.

Freddie's eyes only widen as he realized his mistake and quickly shoved the man away and tried to grab my wrist as I was walking away but failed because people were blocking his way to find me and because people surrounded him.

"M-my love wait, please," he said while wiping his eyes from the tears that were already forming so he could find me.

As I got to the exit, I handed him the gift I bought for him, "happy birthday Freddie," I said while smiling at him with a shaky voice and with some tears rolling down my cheeks. I called for a taxi and ignored Freddie's calls for me to come back and that he didn't mean to do that and how he was just drunk. As I got inside, I told the taxi driver to drive me to Freddie's and mines, or should I say Freddie's house since I'm leaving him for good. I went inside, packed my bags, phoned my parents to let them know I'd be staying over then left to their house. When I got to their house, I told them my hellos and how they're doing, we had a small conversation before I left to my old room where I used to stay before I left to that bastards (Freddie's) house. My parents telephone kept ringing, and I knew it was Freddie.

My mom came up to my room and told me, "sweetie, you should answer him. Think about this, he canceled the party because he wanted to let you know that you were more important that the party."

"Mom," I told her with a sad voice. "He's dobe this before, he-he flirted with men before and promised he wouldn't do it again. I don't think I can ever forgive him."

"Alright dear, I want you to forgive him, talk to him, the least talking to him can do is he could stop wringing my phone and the neighborhood would stop complaining of the noise," she said while laughing and I joined in.

"A-alright mom I'll answer him," I told her.

"Ok, come on," she said as she guided me down stairs.

I picked up the phone slowly because I was nervous and contemplating what to tell him, "Hello?," I asked.

"My love, you answered," he said.

"No duh you kept ringing my parents telephone and making it do a lot of noise, now what do you want?," I asked him with venom in my words.

"I'm, I'm so sorry my lov-," before he could answer I cut him off.

"Please stop calling me my love, we are not together anymore," I told him

"Alright, I'm sorry my lo- Y/N. T-the reason why I- I always called you my love is because, well you're the love of my life," he said.

"Listen Freddie, I know that's not the reason you called me, now tell me why. I have other things to do right now and i have to do them like now." I said obviously impatient and wanting this conversation to end.

"Right, I want to tell you that I'm really sorry, and I want you to come back to me oh my love, how I long for your love, won't you come back to me," he asked.  Authors note: see what I did there?

"Listen Freddie, you screwed up many times and like the dumb person I am I forgave you, and you screwed up for the last time so this is all YOUR fault and why I left. Now if you don't mind, I have other things to do, goodbye," I said and out the telephone back before he could answer.

"Well that was a nice conversation wasn't it," my mom said as she popped out of nowhere. I just rolled my eyes and went back to my room to take a BIG FAT nap.

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