Samual: The Power Project - S1 E7

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Int. Boys locker rooms - high school - noon
SAMUAL KNIGHT, 16, races through a boys' locker room, half-naked in his boxers. He races from what? More like who. He dodges opened lockers and water from the showers. He quickly loses his footing as he turns the corner, and smacks his head against frigid concrete. His eyes flutter, as the football boys' outlines appear on a wall in the distance, with hooting and hollering as Sam tries to sustain consciousness.
JACK MCCOY, 17, light brown hair and green eyes, the quarterback stereotypical bully, walks around the corner with a bunch of other boys dressed in leather man jackets. He slams his fist into the lockers next to him, leaving a dent and cracks his knuckles.
Where's Dex-boy or your big brothers now, Sammie?
Jack steps forward under the locker room lights.
They uh, they're—
Sam hesitates, looking around for something to defend himself with as Jack moves closer, his eyes locked on Samual's. Warm red blood oozes from the back of Sam's head, and the room spins.
They're not here.
The room spins in a dizzying haze as vertigo kicks and Samual's eyes flutter. Then, the door swings open, and what Samual hopes is his brawny brother Matthew turns out to be GARRISON WRIGHT, saving the day.
Back off!
Jack's breath grows heavy as he turns on his feet.
Go home before I call your father, McCoy.
Jack spits in front of Garrison.
You're full of shit if you think you can tell me what to fucking do, Garrison. My dad will have you fired in a split second.
Garrison smiles in disbelief staring down Jack.
Do you think I'm afraid of brats like you? Your dad may be a high-ranking school board member, but you're a nobody? So I'm ordering you to back off now.
Jack spits near Samual's face. Samual scoots away towards Garrison.
I don't take orders from anyone but my dad.
You're a sick and twisted son of a bitch. What did Sam do to you?
Jack clicks his tongue and clenches his fists.
Sam is at the top of the food chain. He breathes. That's what he did.
You are a selfish son of a bitch!
Sam smears blood from his nose on the concrete as he slowly loses consciousness. SILENCE. Then, Garrison slugs his fist into Jack's face. Then, as Samual's heartbeat hammers to a slow pace, the world:
Fades to black.
Int. Science laboratory - high school - noon
Garrison wraps his broken fist in a long piece of gauze. Samual presses a cold bean bag to his neck, watching Garrison scribble down something on a blank notepad at his desk with his injured hand.
The next time Jack does that shit to you, call me, okay Sam.
(Cracking voice)
Jack's dad is going to cremate your ass. You'll get fired, and Jack will kick my ass even harder. What the fuck were you thinking?
Garrison sighs, leaning against a desk.
Don't worry about me, Samual. Can you close up the lab for me today?
Garrison rubs his palms together, his eyes focused on the computer.
I'll see you tomorrow Mr. Knight.
He shut down his laptop, stuffs it in his bag, and wanders out of the classroom.
Samual is left me with rows full of toxic-smelling chemical experiments lining the off-white tables. He stands behind Garrisons' desk, feeling around for a magic button, but there is no luck for a while. Samual panics, his breath catching in my throat until...
He finds the button right under the dry erase marker, casually sitting by itself on the opposite side of the board.
The ground rumbles as the walls change, and the board melts into the floor below like a car window. A gust of wind hit Sam as he enters the small, spacious, white, safe room in utter disbelief.
Lined tables with hundreds upon hundreds of test-tube experiments fill the tiny laboratory. Sam navigates through tables, examining the various floating shelves in the background. There are more experiments than he can count on shelves and tables and a chrome laser sitting in the background, untouched.
Two of Sam's friend's round the corner bursting through the doorway. DEXTER MARIAN, 17, the sporty jock. He's on the football team and close to joining the police academy, following his dad's and two older brothers' footsteps, however, science and biology being his most vital subjects, he rather stick with Samual, and DANIELLE SCOTT, 16, blue eyes, jet black haired gorgeous Latina, girl next door type. She's intelligent, pretty, athletic, and different from the other girls.
Holy shit! You're in Garrison's layer! What did Garrison say he did again?
He works for...Don't touch anything.
The three best friends split up. Dexter flicks a beaker full of liquid on the left side of the room. An awful stink made Danielle's nostrils pucker as she stares inside a filthy rat cage full of dirty, dead rats.
They wander around the room, looking for something more exciting than creepy. Dexter starts taking pictures using his phone. He backs up into the laser, which hummed to life next to him. He throws his hands in the air and freezes.
Then, in a split second, Samual trips over an extension cord strung across the room, and he stumbles into many experimental vials lying on an open table, crashing to the floor. The glass shatters all over the floor as blood seeps from cuts, and experimental fluids draw deep into Sam's wounds like a scene from Venom.
Samual is almost lifeless on the ground. My eyes aren't closed, but the liquids paralyze him while his body turns a shade of pastel blue.
Danielle and Dexter rush to his aid.
What did you do, Sammie?
Dexter yanks a large chunk of glass from Samual's calf, leaving cuts along his palm and my leg squirting blood all over the floor as I groaned aloud in pain.
Sam'll bleed out.
Dani and Dex push a pile of glass away from Samual's limp body, working together to get as much of the oozing mess away from him. Danielle cuts herself. Then, Dexter falls to the floor as fluids draw to his wounds. Then, Danielle collapses next to him, paralyzing themselves as whatever experiments Garrison work on trickling into their wounds, leaving them frozen in place on the floor.
Samual... Dex...
Then, the laser hums again, and a bright beam zaps Dexter first, then Danielle and Sam. Everything faded as their eyelids flutter, their hearts pounding into a slow slumber before their pulses stall. The lights flicker as a computer sparks in the background and the room spins before it:
Fades to darkness.
Sam's eyes flutter open as his eyes adjust to the white room. He's strapped to a metal table. Steel bands bind his wrists and ankles, preventing Sam from moving his arms and legs freely, as an IV continuously feeds green liquid into his veins.
Every inch of Sam's body feels as though they're engulfed in flames as he thrashes around. Sweat drips from every pore in his body, and he groans in discomfort.
He doesn't even notice GARRISON WRIGHT, his science teacher, and his naive brother, ALEXANDER KNIGHT, in the room until Alexander clears his throat in the corner. Sam shares a pleading look for help, but they both ignored him.
A-Alex, stop! D-dad is going to-
Sam shifts on the table, yelling and writhing in pain. Mr. Wright studies Sam, jotting down notes on his digital notepad. Sam's vision blurs in and out, but he sustains consciousness while watching his brother, Alexander.
Garrison plucks two syringes on a floating table and jams them into Sam's upper thigh, causing him to jolt in excruciating pain, and Sam's vision slowly...
INT. laboratory - - Two hours later
Samual's eyes flutter open as he gasps for air. Alexander sits in a chair in front of him, observing. An IV is still attached to Samual's arm, but nothing runs through the tube.
Samual's shirt is missing, and he's suddenly stronger. A bandage wound covers the left side of Samual's muscled abdomen. Samual pulls on my restraints again. Alexander rushes over and presses Sam back against the bed, making miserable eye contact.
It's okay. You're okay.
Samual lays back down. SILENCE. Then...
Samual, say something, goddamn it!
Alex stares at Samual with a blank expression. Samual cleared his throat.
Alex! What's going on? Why am I here? What did you do to me?
Samual tugs on his restraints again, but Alexander pushes him back against the table.
I'm building an army with your DNA. A super-soldier army.
Alex adjusts his gloves, snapping them in place.
Dad will be pissed when he discovers what you did.
One restraint snaps free, the steel breaks apart under my strength. He rips out his IV. Alex jumps back in surprise before Sam rips his other wrist restraint-free. Then he sits up and pulls his ankles free.
Sam, I'm sorry. You'd be dead if it weren't for Garrison and me. I had to do it. Do you remember what happened?
Series of QUICK SHOTS -
- Jack MCCOY hitting Sam.
- The safe room opening,
- The accident with Dexter and Danielle.
End of quick shots.
You're a narcissist piece of shit. It's no wonder dad hates you.
Samual yanks from the table while Alex panics.
Sit down, Sammie! NOW!
Samual walks toward the door, but Alex blocks the doorway, his sweaty palms pressing against Samual's chest.
You don't get to call me that, you sick psychopath. Dad should have sent you to the military when he had the chance.
Alexander swallows deeply, panic rushing over him.
Dad is--I-I can't let you go, Samual.
Alex gulps. The two brother's are face to face, breathing each other's breath. Alexander flushes red anxiously.
I need to go home.
Alex huffs.
You're safer in here than out there.

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