Alpha Rising - S1 E8

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Int. HallWAY - noon
James walks to the bathroom, searching for the dried blood on his left arm.
He glances around, hoping to catch sight of Max before gently wiping water across his bruised and swollen lip. In a state of panic, he dials Derek. Derek answers.
Derek (V.O.)
What's wrong, James?
James leans over to a trash bin to vomit. Nothing comes. He sighs, gripping the phone tightly, momentarily forgetting he can't fly. Instead, he walks out of the bathroom so his voice doesn't echo.
The blood drive was a trap. My powers - - they're gone. They took bags of my blood. I knew I shouldn't have trusted anyone connected to Mark Reignson, especially Mia. I feel so stupid.
James paces the empty school hallways, cursing silently. Derek's breathing calms James as he taps his finger on the phone.
Derek (V.O.)
Are you alone?
James looks around, scanning the long corridor. The only person in the school is a janitor, engrossed in his music with headphones on.
The tapping ceases.
Derek (V.O.)
I'll come over and pick you up as soon as possible. Stay where you are.
No problem.
James sits against a wall, pulling his knees to his chest. James positions himself before a nearby trash can just in case he vomits.
Derek (V.O.)
What are we going to do about your powers?
You mean my nonexistent powers?
Derek (V.O.)
Yes. What's the plan?
James leans over to puke again. Nothing.
Do you think I know?
I'm trying to help.
I don't want my powers.
Derek sighs.
You need your powers. Max is likely planning something far worse than this. I spoke to Noah, and he said this was just the beginning of his plan—
—You talked to Noah behind my back?
James shifts uncomfortably on the concrete floor.
Yeah, Max is dangerous, and you could stop him if you weren't so stubborn.
This isn't my fault!
James clenches his fists around the phone.
Max, Mark, and Mia did this to me, and honestly, I'm glad they did.
Derek hurries into the building, anxiously navigating the hallway until his eyes meet James'.
Look, maybe you shouldn't wish you never had powers because you're the strongest person I've ever known,
Derek ends the phone call.
James rolls his eyes, grabbing his backpack from the floor.
I don't want them.
James brushes past Derek as they hurry down the hallway. They stop at the doorway, and Derek stares into James' eyes, challenging him as if trying to decipher something.
I'm not letting you give up so easily. If anyone needs you, it's Samual, Dad, and me. Let's go home.
Derek angrily pushes open the double doors and steps outside.
Int. Kitchen - noon
Samual and Derek focus on the laptop on the kitchen counter. Samual drives a needle into James' arm and draws a small amount of blood. He then places a droplet from the syringe onto a blood reader chip and inserts it into a computer.
Well, the unfortunate news is that he has no powers.
Samual sighs, leaning over the kitchen counter.
Can't you do something? Max was still a rogue super the last time I checked.
Derek sips his soda and momentarily stares at James, clicking his tongue—Derek grunts, loud and angry.
At the moment, no, but I'll figure something out. James, you've always regained your powers.
Yeah? What if I don't want my powers back this time, Samual?
Samual folds his hands around his beer.
Maybe that's what's holding you back, James. You would have had them if you weren't so stubborn.
Samual settled, running his hand through shaggy blonde hair.
You need to focus, James. Max is a dangerous individual.
Until yesterday, you were the only one who could have stopped him besides Dad, me, and the entire police squad. But as you know, humans are helpless. Find a way to trigger the return of your powers.
James scoffs, grabbing his shirt off the counter.
I don't want my powers back.
You were right about one thing, James. What happened to you when you were six was unfair, but you wouldn't be where you are today if those events hadn't occurred. Your brother is right, too. This is not something to be taken lightly. We need to find a way to get your powers back.
James buries his face in the granite countertop, still broken from the other day. His fists clench, and he closes his eyes, attempting to focus. His eyes snap open as he briefly feels a flicker of energy in my palms, only to have it dissipate just as quickly.
Why does this even matter so much? I lost my powers due to one of your cures a few years ago. Why do you care now?
Samual slams his beer onto the table.
Because I made Max, I was part of a terrible government group researching and experimenting on kids like you. Now, I need your help to stop him. Your superpowers were fate. I swore to protect you from them, but it happened regardless, and now you're the only one who can save everyone.
James meets Samual's gaze.
So, that's supposed to make everything better?
Samual licks his lips and lets out a sigh.
No, it doesn't, and I'm sorry, James, for everything I put you through. But I can't change the past now.
Beat. James hurries past the kitchen doorway, up the stairs, and slams his bedroom door.
Int. Car - later
Derek observes James as he drives.
Aren't you going to try to regain your powers at least?
I'm working on it, Derek.
James slumps against the seat, chewing on his nails. Derek focuses on the road and fiddles with his police scanner.
You better hurry before Max fucks up the city. Without your powers, we're screwed.
Is it your mission to get on my nerves? What if I can't do anything about this? What am I supposed to do?
James slumps further in his seat.
I don't know. Maybe once your powers return, we can figure out a plan.
Derek pulls up in front of the school. As James reaches for the seat belt latch, Derek stops him.
It's not just Dad who needs your help, James. It's everyone.
I got it.
James walks off. Derek rolls down the window.
Stay safe, and text me if you see Max, Mark, or Mia. You still seem to have a bit of power left.
He points to a new dent in the door.
Int. Classroom - morNING
James clicks his phone off. Mr. Kinley's eyes dodge Mark and bounce in his direction.
Mr. Kinley
Mr. Knight, care to share the important messages you're sending?
I'll put my phone away.
James slips his phone in his bag. Mr. Kinley writes S.P.P.Y. on the board in bold letters.
Mr. Kinley
Can anyone tell me what this stands for?
I'm not an idiot, but I doubt anyone knows what it stands for.
Mark elicits chuckles from the class.
Mr. Kinley
Very well, smart-ass. I'll tell you all what it bloody means. Stand Paramount with Powerful Youth. But before we continue with English, let me give you a brief narrative about these supers...
James absentmindedly doodles, sketching comic book-like figures on his page.
A frantic knock on the classroom door draws everyone's attention. A disheveled Derek, dressed in his police uniform, looks like he's seen a ghost. Pale and flushed, Derek waves James over. James gathers his belongings and walks with Derek down the empty hallway.
Did you find something terrible about Max or my powers?
Derek freezes at the front exit of the school building.
Something worse. Max took Dad.
Derek lowers his gaze with anger. James clenches his fists, bursting through the school doors alongside Derek.
Son of a bitch! I'll regain my powers and then kill that bastard.
James swings open the side door of Derek's cruiser and slides in. Derek joins him.
You're not killing anyone, James. I'm just as furious about this as you are, but you're supposed to be a superhero. Killing Max won't solve anything and will only make matters worse.
Int. LiVING ROOM - Day
James paces the living room, attempting telekinesis. Sweat trickled down James' forehead. Nothing.
Derek sits on the couch, waiting for something extraordinary to occur. Samual stands in the living room doorway, nervously biting his hangnails, watching the two boys grow anxious.
I can't do it.
Samual enters the room and slumps onto the couch.
I know you can do it.
Shut up, Samual! I feel so lightheaded right now, and I can't concentrate--
James nearly collapses.
Keep trying.
Damn it, Samual! Give him a break. He's trying harder than ever. If he can't do it, don't push him. He'll only end up hurting himself, and we don't need that right now.
Derek's right. I have nothing left in me. My powers disappeared, and I'm useless. They've kidnapped Dad, and who knows what they're doing to him? I'm just as worried and furious about this as you guys are. I don't need anyone testing my patience.
James slumps against my father's chair.
Superpowers or not, I recall telling you that the supergene runs in your blood no matter what you do, James. So either you push yourself harder, or I'll make you.
Samual rises from his seat, but Derek grabs his arm, stopping him.
Stop it, Samual! If you don't leave him alone, I'll handcuff you.
Samual slumps against the couch again, burying his head in his hands.
I'm sorry, okay? We're all on edge right now. Matthew could be dead.
Yeah, and we're stuck with you, Samual.
Derek eyes him sternly.
Don't test me, Derek. I may be your uncle, but I'm also the acting parent. It doesn't matter that you're twenty. James has to keep trying to regain his powers, or else we're all in trouble.
James huffs.
Do you remember any other details about the group you used to work for? Specifically, and this is just a hunch, a man named Alexander?
Samual licks his lips but avoids eye contact with Derek as he glances in James's direction. James sucks in a breath.
Something tells me he knows Alexander.
Your father and I didn't tell you this for your safety, but yes, you have another uncle.
Derek scoffs, shifting away from the couch.
You mean Henry, right?
Alexander was the leader. He was narcissistic, making all the rules while everyone else followed. He betrayed our family, and in a way, it was for the best. The government should have shut down the superhuman prodigy project years ago. The last I heard of Alexander, he was involved in other projects. He's dangerous, though. I wouldn't go anywhere near him, James.
James growls, jumping to his feet.
This is what Max wants. He's trying to distract us. Right now, they have the upper hand. I'm not going to sit idly by while Max tortures Dad. We have to find him before they do anything.
James storms out of the house with anger and determination and slams the door behind him.
Int. Hotel ROOM - Night
Bound to a heater vent with handcuffs, Matthew lay motionless on the floor. Mark enters the room and throws a bucket of water at him. Matthew jolts back, his shirt soaked, his eyes fluttering open to the bright light filtering through the drapes. Mia stands in the opposite corner and walks over to Matthew, snatching the bucket from Mark and pouring the remaining water over his head.
Wake up, Mr. Knight. We have something fun in store for you.
Matthew lifts his head, barely meeting Mia's deep aqua eyes. He spits at her, Maximus super speeds across the room, pushing him back, but Mia pulls at his hood, calming him down.
I see you're just as eager to meet us.
Mia caresses Matthew's bloodied cheek as his eyes widen. His cuffs rattle against the vent, and he spits again.
Why are you doing this to me?
Matthew struggles against his restraints.
You mean you don't know your son has superpowers?
(Mia's eyes widened with delight.)
You're in for a big surprise.
Matthew's eyebrows furrow, a hesitant glint in his eyes and a frown. Mia frowns, too, smearing the blood from Matthew's nose across her shirt. Mark scowls.
I guess you did know. That spoils my fun.
Maximus super speeds back to the counter. He picks up a needle syringe from the countertop and returns. Mia scratches Matthew's face with her manicured nails, admiring her handiwork from a distance. Max rolls his eyes.
Maximus toys with the tip of the needle syringe filled with James's blood.
Do you enjoy the sight of blood, Mr. Knight?
Mia smirks.
You squirm, and I'll make things even worse for you.
Matthew spits at Max, cleaning his wet lips with his tongue.
You can try.
Max slams Matthew's head against the wall behind him. He slumps against the wall, drifting unconscious before Max plunges the needle into his uncle's bicep.
Keep an eye on him, and make sure he doesn't die.
Max walks toward the doorway.

James Knight: Teenage Superhuman S1 Web Series Where stories live. Discover now