5. I Want To Be Yours

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Wayo's POV

My head hurt. I woke up feeling like I'd barely slept and with my mouth as dry as the Sahara. I knew this feeling, it was unfamiliar but I knew it all the same. I'd been drunk just twice before, and it wasn't an experience I wanted to repeat. Living through a hangover was the worst way to spend a morning and I didn't like mornings that much in the first place.

I opened one eye, looking apprehensively at my surroundings. A couple of pills and a glass of water sat beside me on a foreign bedside table. My shoes, socks, belt, and tie sat on a nearby chair. A soft blanket covered me. I had no idea where I was. I looked around, trying to get my bearings and saw a picture of Pha, Beam, and a cute red-head with deep dimples at the beach. Pha! That's right, I went out to dinner with Pha and drank some wine.

My head pounded. What had I been thinking? I never drank alcohol. I can't drink alcohol. Even one glass was too much. But when he'd asked if I wanted wine, I'd been too nervous to refuse. When the most handsome man you've ever met offers you a drink, you just don't say no. I couldn't, but it looked like now I was paying the price. I could only hope I hadn't made a total fool of myself.

I saw a bathroom so I washed up as best I could without taking a shower and put on my things again, before heading out of the room to find out how bad this morning really looked. I did take the pills and water. They appeared to be aspirin, but with the headache I had, I wouldn't have cared if they were cyanide.

A door stood across from mine, opened to reveal an empty bedroom. Another door to my left was open to an empty office. There was really only one way to go, so I turned to the right and headed down the hall. As I reached a living area, I spoke softly, "Pha?"

"Yo, you're awake," Pha spoke, a little too loudly for my current situation, but I had no one to blame but myself. He was sitting on a couch with a laptop and a cup of coffee in front of him on a coffee table. He stood and gestured for me to sit down in his spot, then ran into the kitchen and began pouring another cup. "You probably want some coffee to help you wake up, right?"

I waited, feeling very foolish as he made me a coffee and brought it to me. I sipped, trying not to grimace. I hated coffee. It was just so bitter. However, Pha seemed to like it and it would be rude to refuse when he asked me to drink with him. So I did exactly what I usually did at the office, I smiled and sipped as small an amount of coffee as I could politely get away with until he was done and I could throw the rest away. It seemed like such a waste, but I couldn't actually drink the stuff.

"I'm sorry, Pha," I said, setting the cup down on the table. "You must think I'm an idiot."

"Why would I think that?" He was smiling, trying to ignore my stupidity. I knew my dad was probably the reason behind his kindness and asking me out to dinner. I'm sure he was a very nice man, but no CEO could be expected to be this kind to a part time worker at his office. He must really want to get in my dad's good graces.

"I'm not a good drinker at all," I tried to hide my embarrassment but it was impossible. "I'm sorry for putting you in that situation. Thank you for taking care of me."

"I was happy to take care of you," Pha said. He was sitting on the couch next to me and smiling down at me with a pleased look on his face. As I sat looking at him and he looked at me, he leaned closer, his eyes focused on my lips. For a moment, I was sure he was going to kiss me. My mind stopped as I imagined it. He was such a handsome man, and so easy to talk to. I held still, inviting, anticipating, but instead of leaning in to close the gap, he stood and continued, "I'm sorry, I have to get ready for work. Do you have classes today? Can I drop you off somewhere?"

Embarrassment flooded my face again. What was I thinking? Pha would never have kissed me. Someone like Pha would never want someone like me. Besides, we barely knew each other. I wanted him, but anyone who met Pha would want the same. I should learn to behave myself. I looked down at the floor as I answered, "I need to go home and get changed, but I'll take a taxi. I don't want to trouble you."

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