Chapter Eight

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Quidditch tryouts for the Gryffindor and Slytherin teams were held on Friday. Harry didn't have to try out because there were no other options for the Gryffindor Seeker, and because his team captain, Oliver Wood, had his heart set on keeping him anyway.

I, however, did have to try out again, purely because other people wanted the position. In my first year, I led the team to victory in the race for the Quidditch Cup, so it was unlikely that my team captain, Marcus Flint, would want to get rid of me.

Draco was at tryouts as well, but he didn't speak to me much at all. It didn't help that we were split into separate groups, him with the keepers, me with the seekers.

He was up in the air before I was. I noticed he used some of the moves that I recommended at the end of our first year. In the end, he managed to save five goals, which doesn't seem like much, but for a second year, it was substantial.

As for me, I was the fastest one to catch the snitch out of all the other participants by at least over a minute, but nobody would know for sure until Flint posted the results in the common room.

I tried to catch up to Draco after tryouts, but by the time I finished talking with Flint, he was gone. Something felt wrong. In first year, we were with each other all the time. Besides Nat and Harry, he was whom I was closest with. But after the Sorting Ceremony, he barely said two words to me. I knew I had to talk to Nat about it.


I had fully planned to sleep in on Saturday, but apparently Nat had different plans. Granted, she woke me up later than she usually does, but being hit with a pillow isn't the best way to start your weekend.

"Time to get up! The sun's up!" Nat shouted before hitting me again. I took the pillow away and threw it across the room, just as I did every morning. But this time, instead of actually getting up, I rolled over and pulled my blanket up to my chin.

"It's not like we have to photosynthesis or anything." I mumbled, closing my eyes again.

I never expected to remain at peace for long, and I shouldn't have. Nat pulled out the next trick up her sleeve: grabbing my ankle and dragging me onto the floor. That worked.


Since it was the weekend, nobody was required to wear their uniforms, so I left the dormitory wearing a white t-shirt, jeans, and my back and white converse high tops that I got for my birthday.

"I think Flint posted the results." Nat said, pointing to the three fourth years that were gathered around the bulletin board on the wall to our left. A new pinned piece of paper stood out against the usual torn, stained ones. I walked over and read:

Chaser #1: Marcus Flint (Captain), 6th Year

Chaser #2: Adrian Pucey, 4th Year

Chaser #3: Graham Montague, 4th Year

Beater #1: Peregrine Derrick, 5th Year

Beater #2: Lucian Bole, 5th Year

Keeper: Draco Malfoy, 2nd Year

Seeker: Alexis Potter, 2nd Year

I pumped my fist and whispered, "Yes!" to myself, despite the weird looks I got from the three fourth years next to me. This was my moment.

Nat appeared by my side seconds later. "Judging by that reaction, I'm guessing you're still the seeker?" She asked, peering at the list. "Oh, and Draco's the new Keeper. That worked out great!" My smile faltered. "Yeah, that reminds me, I need to talk to you about something."

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