Chapter Thirteen

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Despite what everyone thought, Harry wasn't expelled. There was no proof that Harry had laid a finger on Justin, so he was off the hook.

It would've been nonsense to think that everything that had been happening wouldn't reach the Daily Prophet. This made it extra hard to convince Mum and Dad to let us stay at school over Christmas. But to go through with the Polyjuice Potion Plan, we had to. After explaining that we felt more comfortable staying at school, and that the odds of the attacker being one of the students to go home were pretty high, they finally agreed to let us stay.

Even after the attack on Justin, I wasn't excluded from the rumors any more than Harry was. Students like Ernie MacMillian went around saying that because I was in class at the time, Harry knocked off Justin for the both of us. I was really trying my hardest not to punch anyone.

Non-surprisingly, Fred and George found this entire situation hilarious. Any chance they could, they walked ahead of either Harry or I and shouted, "Make way for the heirs of Slytherin! Seriously evil twelve year-olds coming through!" Percy kept getting onto them, but that didn't stop them. If anything, their childish behavior made us feel better about it.

Soon, the term ended, and the majority of the school left for the holidays. Harry, Hermione, and the Weasleys had Gryffindor Tower all to themselves, so I'm sure they took full advantage of that.

As for Nat and I, we were left in the Slytherin Common Room with Draco, Nott, and because they did everything Nott did, Crabbe and Goyle. As you can imagine, we spent most of our time with the remaining Gryffindors.

I actually woke up before Nat did on the morning of December 25th. I guess you could consider that a Christmas miracle.

When we walked into the common room, the boys were already gathered around the fireplace opening their presents. We didn't really want to associate with any of them so we sat around the tree, shivering.

We both had a fair amount of presents. Mum and Dad must've sent Harry and I's by owl. They gave me a Holyhead Harpies Quidditch shirt, and the entire backside was signed by the entire team. I had already started writing my thank you letter to them in my head when I moved on to the next present.

Ron gave me a Quidditch sticker that I could put on my trunk, Hermione got me a luxury eagle-feather quill, and Nat gave me a muggle book called The Complete Handbook of Astrology by Caroline Bulger. "I thought it might interest you." She said. I gave her a quick hug as a thank you.

As always, Mrs Weasley sent me a dark purple knitted jumper, but this year, instead of a silver A on the front, there was a silver L. This almost made me want to wear it, almost. I knew I would still have to since Fred and George would definitely tell their mother if I didn't.

Ginny gave me a bracelet made up of green, yellow, and white braided strings. I appreciated it because those were the team colors of the Holyhead Harpies. It also came with a note saying she made it herself. That made it even better.

The last present didn't say who it was from. The handwriting my name was written in was sort of familiar but I couldn't figure out whose it was. I opened it.

It was an actual size golden snitch statue encased in a glass display. 6:37 was carved into the front of the immobilized snitch.

For a moment I wasn't sure what that meant but then I remembered that was my time for catching the snitch at Quidditch tryouts in first year. This didn't help narrow down the list of people who could've given this to me because I told a lot of people that time when I was bragging about making the team. I figured I would never know for sure.

"Oh wait, I have something else to give you." Nat told me before standing up and running back up to our dormitory. When I looked up a noticed Draco looking at me from his seat next to the fireplace. He quickly looked away when I looked at him.

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