Chapter Two

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I woke up late the next morning because I was up unpacking all of my stuff until about one-thirty. But it was worth it because it made my new bedroom look a whole lot more lived in. I had my empty trunk sitting at the foot of my bed, my Nimbus 2000 broomstick against my dresser, my bulletin board hung over my desk with a few notes and a Slytherin tie pinned to it, and pictures of me and all my friends pretty much everywhere.

There was one of me and Harry on our first day of classes standing outside the castle in our new uniforms on one of my nightstands, and one of Nat, Draco, and I sitting together and laughing in the Slytherin Common Room on the other.

I had one of Harry, Ron, and I at the four hundred sixteenth annual Quidditch World Cup when we were eight sitting on my desk, right next to one of Nat and Hermione studying late in the Hogwarts library.

There was only one picture on my dresser, and it was of myself and the rest of the Slytherin Quidditch Team after we found out that we won the Quidditch Cup, which was because Harry was unconscious in the hospital wing and Gryffindor had to forfeit. Nonetheless, the victory still felt right.

I walked downstairs after admiring my bedroom for about the fifth time since I came home. I peered into my old room and found Harry sitting at his desk writing something, probably a letter. I leaned against the door frame. "Did you get lonely last night?" I joked. He scoffed. "No way. I haven't had a peaceful night's sleep like that since you went to stay with the Weasleys without me." I was about to walk inside but he yelled at me before my foot could touch the carpet. "Stop!" Before I could retaliate, he held up what he was writing. It was a piece of yellow paper that had 'No Slythergits Allowed' in red ink.

I rolled my eyes as he came forward and taped it to the door. "That's childish." "You don't have a leg to stand on." He gestured to my bedroom door. It had a piece of light grey paper taped to it with 'No Gryffindorks Allowed' written on it in green ink, and another one below it that said 'Except You Mum.' "That's different. I'm the only Slytherin in the house. That," I pointed to his sign, "is just personal." He stepped back inside. "You better believe it." He shut the door in my face.

I went downstairs after that little scene. I found Mum, Dad, and a familiar face sitting on the sofa together. "Remus!" I exclaimed. I ran to my uncle and hugged him from behind before he could turn around to see me. Remus Lupin wasn't my biological uncle, but he and another man named Sirius Black were so close with Dad when they were in school that he might as well have been. I had always felt closer to Remus because he was my godfather, and Harry was close with Sirius for the same reason.

"Hey Baby Cub!" Remus greeted cheerfully as he laughed at my enthusiasm. We hadn't seen each other since Christmas holiday, which was about six months prior. "When did you get here?" I asked him, pulling out of the weird hug and sitting in the armchair. "About an hour or so ago." "We've been telling him all of the things that you told us when you got home." Mum said.

She and Dad had already known about the whole Quirrell situation before we came back because Dumbledore sent them a letter explaining everything while Harry and I were in the Hospital Wing. Mum had gotten over the shock by the time she saw our healed faces getting off the train at Platform 9 ¾. Dad, on the other hand, was convinced that one of our other teachers, Professor Snape, had something to do with it. We told him that we thought the same thing at first, but we found out that Snape was the one trying to stop Quirrell from the start, and that he had even tried to save us when Quirrell was cursing our broomsticks to throw us off during our first Quidditch Match.

Remus' voice brought me out of my deep thoughts. "Sorry, What did you say?" I asked. "I said I'm sorry about your house losing the House Cup." I frowned and looked him in the eye. I knew him better than that. "No you're not. You love that Gryffindor won." He sighed. "You always see right through me." I sat back and smirked.

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