Chapter 22: Drunk.

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Dis is a long chapter

"Why are you here?" Your father asked, you let out a small laugh, "Thats funny, last time I checked, I own this property." You replied, You father glared at you. "Everything you own, I own." your fake smile quickly dropped. 

Your father soon walked down the stairs to face you, he gripped of your shoulder, "Just because you married that Duke does not mean I don't have ownership over you! Your MY daughter! I do whatever I want to you, you bi-" You cut him off with a slap. 

You facial expression was still unfazed, he doesn't scare you like before anymore. You were ready to unleash all the pain and anger you had bottled up inside you because of him, because of this fucking bastard. 

"I'm not your daughter, and your not my father. You treat me as some sort of livestock, a thing, not a person. You even treat that nasty bitch as your own daughter!" You yelled out, "What's mine will NEVER EVER be yours." You added. 

Your father trembled in anger, "You fucking bitch!" He yelled and raised his hand to punch you but you kicked away his cane, making him lose balance and fall to the ground. He gritted his teeth in rage, you let out a smirk, "What are you going to do huh? Your nothing but the ground and the dirt I walk on, you useless wagtail." You spoke out followed by a chuckle. 

(Wagtail is a slang/insult from the victorian era, it means A promiscuous woman or prostitute; less commonly, a dissolute man)

"Do you remember that? That's the line you told my mother." You added, "You... You..." He mumbled, unable to speak from shock and rage. "Y/n! How dare you disrespect your father!" Adam yelled. "And how dare you go behind my back when we were together just to bang this stupid bitch of a cousin?" You asked, he gulps. 

"Y-You have no right to be here! Guards!" He yelled out as he went down the stairs, you let out a yawn and grabbed some piece paper off your purse. As soon as he was infront of you, you shoved a copy of a proof that you own the property on his face. He got it off his face and read the paper, his hands trembled as he knew he was doomed. 

Tabitha soon walked down, "Y/n you-" You cut her off by slapping her, "I don't have time to converse with trash. Rengoku! Get them out." As soon as you said that, Rengoku and a few knights came in and started dragging out some of the staffs, Your father and Adam were getting dragged out. 

"Who the hell do you think you are?? You can't do this to me!! Unhand me this instant!" You father yelled as he struggled, "Me? I'm Duchess Kibutsuji, don't even think about getting away from this. I've already handled the paperwork." You replied as you let out a chuckle. 

You soon noticed that they were about to drag Tabitha away but you stopped them, "Don't. I'll handle this one." You reassured them and soon, you  grab Tabitha by the hair, "Y/n- You fucking bitch-" You started dragging her by the hair and got her out of the house. 

Tabitha gritted her teeth, she knew that if she opened her mouth, she would be in a deeper trouble. You roughly threw her to the ground, feeling musement as her face meets the ground. You soon turned to the knights, "Now, you can drag her away yourselves." You told them, they all nodded. 

You soon turned to Rengoku, "I apologize for taking some time off your busy schedule just to handle some trash." You apologized, "No need to apologize Duchess, our Lord, Kagaya Ubuyashiki, allowed it. Besides, our lord wants us to become the bringer of justice. We're only doing our job." He replied, you gave him a smile, "I was right to turn to you guys." You mumbled. 

Douma soon walked up to you, "Duchess, I have cleared out all the staff inside the mansion, just as you had commanded." He says as he gives a glance at Rengoku. 'I don't like him.' Rengoku and Douma thought in sync. "Good job." You told Douma. 

"Well then, Duchess Kibutsuji, We'll be taking them away now." He spoke out as he soon said his proper goodbye. You nodded, "Thank you, Rengoku." You told him, and soon he left. "Of all people, why them Duchess? You could've asked your beloved husband Muzan to have us take care of it." Douma asks. 

"How could I ask him if he's too busy?" You scoffed, "Besides, Where is Kokushibo, I should've brought him instead of a chatter box like you." You sighed. Douma lets out a chuckle, "Come on Duchess, You certainly don't mean that." You only rolled your eyes at his statement. 

'Hmm... Seems like theres some sort of drama between the two... I'm absolutely going to tell this to Kokushibo!' He thought. 

-Time Skip- 

As soon as Muzan,Douma, and Kokushibo got home, Daki was there to welcome them, Muzan soon gave her his coat. "Get some tea ready, I'll be heading to my office." He told her, she stared at him before replying, "Are you sure you don't want to visit the Duchess?" she asks. 

"Its already midnight, She can't be awake." Muzan replied, "...Well she is." he raised an eyebrow, "She's been drinking ever since she came home, you should check up on her." Daki says and soon left to make some tea. 

Muzan stood there, thinking, a little shocked she chose to drink out of nowhere. "You should go there boss, she's probably stressed." Douma commented, Muzan turned to him, "Who knows someone might take her away while your not giving her attention." he added, Muzan glared at him, then soon left to head to their bedroom, where you were. 

"What are you doing?" Kokushibo asks, "Remeber when I told you my drama senses were tingling between the two? Turns out I was correct, besides don't worry. I'm only giving the two a little push." Douma replied, "... I suppose they need it." Kokushibo commented. 

-Muzan's POV-

As soon as I opened the door, there she was sitting on the sofa, she seemed to be mumbling something to herself. I walked closer to her, I guess I better place her on our bed, she soon noticed me and gave me a glare, "Well well well... If it isn't Mickel? Mizel? Muzae?? Michael Jackson?? I don't know whatever your name is, do you finally have enough time for me huh?" She spoke out. 

I felt a little guilty, I admit I was avoiding her... "Come on Y/n, lets get you to bed." I spoke out, and started to pick her up, "No! I don't want to! Don't touch me! Your probably an illusion!" She says as she started moving around, making it hard for me to pick her up, "Y/n, stop it, your drunk." 

"I'm not drunk! Your drunk! I can even tell the time!" She turned to our grandfather clock, "I'm NOT drunk." She told our clock. I somehow found it a little funny, Soon, I picked her up. "Oh! Your real??" She commented as she started touching my chest, she lets out a giggle. "Your the real deal huh..?" She mumbled. 

"Hey, wanna know a secret?" She added, I only ignored her as I carefully lay her down our bed, She wrapped her arms around my neck with a cheeky smile and whispered, 

"I love you..." 

My eyes widen as her grip loosens and soon, she was asleep. 

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