Chapter 23: Storm.

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"iT's jUst A lOvElesS maRriaGe!" Douma wheezed as he slaps his knee from laughing, "What the fuck is wrong with him?" Akaza asked, "Just ignore him, atleast we wont get into trouble if Muzan found out about this." Kokushibo says, unfazed. "This is so funny!" Douma says as he drops to the floor laughing.

"Have the drugs finally screwed with your head?" Akaza asks, while raising an eyebrow, "First of all, I don't do drugs besides I heard the maids gossiping that Muzan had a small blush on his face when he got out of the bedroom. They definitely did something!" Douma says with confidence.

"This is so fucking hilarious, especially since Muzan said-" Douma was cut off by the door slamming open, revealing Muzan. "I said what?" Muzan glares at Douma as he asks him. "You said you would let us take care of the case with The duchess's father, I'm just very excited and happy you know." Douma says, nonchalantly while trying to wrap his arm around Muzan.

"Tsk, get your arm away from me." Muzan demanded as he roughly pushed his arm away. "Why is he dressed up nicely?" Douma whispered to Kokushibo, He didn't reply. Douma mumbled a 'Rude...'.


You let out a groan as you sat up, "Fuck... My head hurts... I regret drinking alcohol now..." You mumbled. You soon looked around, "How did I get to the bed...?" You spoke out, you could've sworn the last place you remembered you were in was the couch.

Daki soon enters the room, "Oh, Duchess. Your awake." She says with a small smile, "Daki, What exactly happened last night? Why am I on the bed?" You asked, "Well, The Duke came home last night and found you on the couch, perhaps he moved you to the bed." She replied, "Huh... I hope I didn't tell him anything embarrassing..." You mumbled, enough for Daki to hear, she only let out a chuckle at your comment.

"Daki, I don't have anything to do today right? Get my dress ready, I'll be heading to my land, to take care of the staff and find a new butler to take care of the estate..." You told her, she turned to you, "I'll have to apologize Duchess, the Duke told me to get you ready to go somewhere." You raised an eyebrow, "Go shomewhere?" You asked, 'He suddenly wants us to do something out of nowhere?' You thought.

"Well... alright..." You replied, and soon got out of bed.

-Time Skip-

You were outside, waiting for the carriage that Muzan was going to bring the carriage. You were nervous, anxious, you felt all kinds of mixed emotions. You didn't know how to feel about this, what did he have up on his sleeve? You let out a small sigh, Daki noticed what you were feeling and soon reassured you, "Don't worry too much about it Duchess, maybe this is a chance for the both of you to make up." Daki says, "...Maybe..." You mumbled.

Muzan soon showed up, with a horse, you raised an eyebrow. "I thought we were riding a carriage." You spoke out, "The road there is a little small." He simply replied. You stared at him, he soon held out his hand. You soon took it, you sat infront of him, and soon both of you started heading to where he was planning on taking you.

There was only silence on the way there, you rested your head on his chest. Shockingly, it didn't feel awkward, no, it felt... Refreshing? Relaxing? Both of you missed each other but didn't want to admit it. The wind was brushing against your skin, you closed your eyes, to feel this, to feel the moment.

Muzan glanced at your facial expression, and felt satisfied to know you felt relaxed. The way there was long and took about 20 minutes for the two of you to arrive. You looked around, it was a beautiful, a field of flowers with the mountains just in the back ground. "Its beautiful..." You mumbled as you slowly got off the horse.

The scene was absolutely breath taking even thought the clouds were a little dark, you felt a little worried whether it would rain but you didn't pay it any mind as you too distracted by the scene. "Do you like it?" He asked, "Yeah..." You simply replied.

He soon walks up to you, "Y/n... I-" He was cut off by the sound of thunder. You flinched and looked up, It soon started raining. Muzan was a little pissed, he didn't plan for this to happen. He soon grabbed your wrist and lead you to the horse. He took off his coat and gave it to you, you mumbled a thank you as you got on top of the horse.

As both of you were headed back, rocks soon covered your road. Muzan cursed under his breath and looked around for any shelter, his eyes soon caught a small cabin, he headed there. As soon as both of you arrived, you got off the horse and open the door of the cabin, luckily it wasn't locked.

Muzan soon got the horse inside a shed, and soon got inside. You started gathering some left over fire wood left in the house and placed them in a fire place. You were shivering, and Muzan noticed it. "You should sit down Y/n." Muzan suggested, You slowly nodded as clutched on his coat for warmth.

He soon lit up the fire wood, you sat infront of the fire. You were about to tell him something but you noticed that he was taking off his white shirt.

It felt awkward, especially since this was the first time both of you had met or talked in a while. You sat infront of the fire, freezing.

Muzan noticed this and thought to embrace you for body warmth, but he remembered that, both of you haven't talked for days, perhaps it would be awkward.

He sat beside you, You thought that, today you had to break the silence, if he wasn't going to take the first step of opening up, then you will.

"Muzan/Y/n." Both of you spoke out in sync. "Ah! No, you can go first." You told him, "No, I insist, you can go first." He replied. You paused before replying, "Umm... Alright...".

"Muzan... I have something... To tell you." You told him, you were nervouse to tell him about this but, here goes nothing. "I umm... Have been taking Yasmin Pills, to be honest they're birth control pills. I have been taking them behind your back..." You added, waiting for him to reply but you were met with nothing but silence.

You felt your heart ache, "I-I'm not taking them for no reasons though! I just... I'm afraid, that..." A single tear rolls down your cheek. "You'll leave me like what father did to my mother..." You whispered, but he heard it. "I'm not sure if you know this but my father abandoned my mother as soon as he found out his eldest child was, a girl... He wanted a boy, an heir to be exact." You took a deep breath, trying to stop yourself from getting too emotional.

"He umm... Just basically left my mother to rot, I would witness my mother powerless in that mansion, unloved by her husband, taken as some sort of laughing stock in society. Father had an accident, which made his thing not work properly, and he blamed it all on my mother... My mother stayed strong and gave me love but... She dies of an ilness, and that bastard never made an effort to help her..." You sniffled.

"I... Never cared whether you would bring an heir or not. I'm not upset at you for doing something like that. And... Honestly, now that I think about it, I would never leave you." He replied, you let out a small chuckle in disbelief.

"No, I'm being honest. I apologize for rejecting my feelings... I apologize for everything... I convinced myself that this was all just... Nothing but a loveless marriage. But I was wrong." He added, your eyes widen.

"Y/n... You're an amazing woman, how you stand up for what you know is right, how you fight for your people, how confident and sometimes cunning you are, you never fail to amaze me. Y/n... I... I Love You... Too..." He confessed, You quickly turned your head and opened your mouth.

"Wha- Mmpphh..!!" He cuts you off, with a kiss. The kiss felt passionate and gentle, you soon relaxed and started kissing back. It looks like tonight was going to be a long night.

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