Chapter 33: Suffer.

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As the doctor try to do everything she can to make your baby cry, You watched them with tired eyes. Your eyelids felt heavy, but you quickly tried to fight it, you wouldn't rest until you see your baby alive and crying. "Y-Y/n..." Tamayo stuttered, "It'll be fine..." she reassured me. 

As silence filled the air, a sound... A faint sound... Could be heard. You tiredly looked to see your baby, and soon, your baby opened his mouth and started to cry. The cry was like music to your ears... Everyone let out a sigh of relief, Daki was in disbelief and was thankful. Tamayo looked at you with a reassuring smile as she gripped on your hand. You let out a tired laugh, "My... My baby... is... safe...." you mumbled, "Congratulations on your baby girl."The doctor says as she slowly handed you, your beautiful baby girl. 

"She's beautiful..." Tamayo commented, You vowed to give her love... To give you what you never had as a child. You held her close, "My... Daughter..." you mumbled as you soon succumbed to the fatigue you felt. 

-Time Skip-
-Your POV-

My eyes flutter open, I looked around me and noticed that I was at our mansion... Our bedroom. My throat felt dry and my body feels heavy... Was the pain worth it? Yes, yes it is. I would sacrifice anything to make sure my child is safe, blood related or not... And to think I wasn't in favour of giving birth before, I'd laugh but my body hurts. 

Either way, if you're a woman, you shouldn't force yourself to give birth. It's a choice, a commitment. You can still be a mother if you adopt, not giving birth wouldn't make you less of a woman. 

My eyes then laid on the figure beside me, it was Muzan. He seemed to be peacefully sleeping... I then noticed that he was holding my hand, I didn't even notice over how numb my body feels... I let out a small chuckle, he then slowly woke up. "Y/n..?" He mumbled, he then noticed that I was awake. "Y/N!" He gripped on my hand, "How are you feeling??" He asks. "I feel like shit." I simply replied, he laughed at my vulgar words. "Do you need anything??" I shook my head. 

"How's our daughter?" I ask, "Don't worry... She's alright... But Y/n, I'm sorry I wasn't there, by your side..." he tightened his grip on my hand. I notice tears that soon start to roll down his cheek, I let out a chuckle and wiped away his tear. "Well... You're here now right? That's enough for me..." I reassured him. He then grabs my hand and places a kiss, "I love you so much Y/n..." he mumbled. 

"I love you too Muzan..." I replied, he leaned in on me and left a peck on my lips. Soon, someone opened the door. "Duke, the-" The doctor was cut off by the scene. "...Oh. Nevermind." the doctor quickly closed the door, Muzan let out a sigh. "I'll go talk to her. Just rest my love." he told me, I nodded in response as I watch him leave. 

-Time Skip-
-2nd Person POV- 

It had been 2 weeks since Ivona had been sent to the dungeon, she was unfazed as she yelled at the guard. "Don't you even know who I am?? I'M A DUCHESS!" Ivona shouted at the guard, the guard ignored her in response. 'Ugh... When will I get to go home..?' he thought. "I donated to all those disgusting peasants... I was kind to everyone... And that fucking... That fucking bitch! That fucking princess!!" Ivona added as she clenches her fist in rage. 

Soon, Ivona hears footsteps. Ivona was curious and waits for the person approaching her berevealed, she let out a gasp as she noticed that it was Muzan. "Muzan! You have to get me out of here!" she spoke out, "They're all overeacting! It was just a joke!" she added but soon noticed that Muzan was just glaring at her. She gulps, "W-Why do you like her anyway...? Why is it not me...?" she asks. 

"Unlike you, she isn't into me just for sex and power.... She's already powerful by herself, She's an amazing woman and wife. How pathetic, You clearly have no guilt about what you did to my daughter, my future heir." Muzan replied. Ivona let out an offended gasp, "Women can't become the head of the family!" she spoke out while Muzan let out a sigh. "You." he turned to the guard, "Beheading her is an easy punishment for her. Make sure she rots in here." he added, the guard nodded. 

Without ever looking back, Muzan left. "Muzan! No!! You can't do this to me!! You.... COME BACK HERE!! MUZAN!!! MUZAN!!!!!" she shouted but he only ignored her. 

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