Chapter 3: The Dress.

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-Y/n's POV-
I sighed as I looked outside the huge window beside me.
Seeing the birds fly free made me a bit jealous... I just wish I'm as free as them.
But I guess my fate is tightly controlled by my father...

The sky looks beautiful today,maybe it'll be a good day today. I gave out a small smile.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps,I turned around to see Tanjirou walking up to me.
"Miss,Adam has... Arrived." He says.
A strike of pain hit my heart,I bit my lip in frustration. I take back what I said.

"Tell him I'm busy." I replied.
"Yes my lady... And... You'll get over this Y/n,I'll help you with every step of the way." He told me with confidence. I gave him a weak smile,
"Thank you Tanjirou... For always being here for me."

He gave me a smile before leaving.
Tanjirou was like the brother I never had... We've known each other since childhood,we know each other like the back of our hands.

We both care for each other... Although he tends to be very protective when I get hurt. I bet he's killing Adam with a cold glare right now....

I sigh as I remember that the marriage ceremony is tomorrow.
"Fuck my life...." I mumbled,it wasn't very lady like but no one heard it anyways.

"My lady! The duke is coming over today!" Marie says as she runs up tome and gasps at my appearance. Marie is a maid whom I've been close with the past few years ever since Nezuko retired.
"Oh my god! We need to get you ready!"
I giggled over how energetic she is.
"This is fine Marie,I think I look okay..." I replied,
"Okay..? Okay?!? Hindi yan okay para sa akin!" (That is not okay for me!) I didn't understand what Marie said but I'm guessing she's quite mad.

"Come on! Theres no time to fuss! Lets go get ready! We gotta make you look like sexy as hell that will make his jaws drop! And make that bastard Adam see what he lost." She says,pushing me.
"S-sexy as hell?!" I reacted,slowly giving in to her pushing.

-Time Skip-(Brought to you by Inosuke still getting Tanjirou's name wrong.)

A dark shade of crimson forms on my face out of embarrassment.
I wore an red off shoulder dress
that went all the way to my ankles.

(Dis is da dress,choose what u liek. I've mixed alot of modern ones.)

"Should I even wear this

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"Should I even wear this...? Isn't this too inappropriate..??" I shyly asked Marie.
"Oh please! It doesn't hurt to show a little skin. Besides you look ravishing!" She complimented me.

"I guess.... But doesn't it look like I'm trying to seduce him..??"
She took a pause before replying.
"I'm sure he wouldn't." She smiled,

I bit my bottom lip,I was getting anxious about this...
"Come on,be confident! You look undeniably beautiful. I'm sure Tanjirou would agree!" She squeeled in excitement.
I let out a small smile.

Maybe I should be a bit more positive about this..
Suddenly,the door swung open revealing Tanjirou,"My lady,Muzan is....." His voice dissapears as soon as he saw me,He quickly blushes and gulps.

Oh god I knew this was too inappropriate!
"Do I look weird?" I asked,
"N-No... You look beautiful...."
"Really? Thank you." I smiled brightly at him.
It took him a moment to snap out of it,he coughs.
"Uhmm... Where was I?? Ah yes,Muzan is here to see you my Lady."
I nodded,

"Do you mind if I let you escort me there?"
"Not at all." He smiled.

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