Chapter 18: Move on.

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"W-What?" You replied, trying to process if what you heard was correct. "I'm thinking of retiring." He repeated, "Why? Did you find a new job?" You asked. 'I just wanted to see you happy... It seems like you already are.' He thought. "Well... Not exactly... I was planning on living a peaceful life, I have enough money and my sister is a Marchioness so I don't have to worry about sending her money anymore." He replied. 

You frowned, "Oh... If so then I'll support you, I'll ask Muzan to-" You were cut off by him. "There's no need to Y/n... I can take care of myself don't worry." he gave you a small smile. "Then... When are you going to leave?" You asked, "Tomorrow actually..." He scratched the back of his neck. 

You let out a small sigh, "If that what you wish... I'll take to Muzan about this, does that selfish man know that your retiring?" You asked, he nodded. You were upset, but a part of you says he deserves to do what he wants. 

-Time Skip- 

You let out a deep sigh as you sat on your bed. Soon, Muzan enters the room. He raises an eyebrow, 'Is something bothering her...?' He thought. You soon noticed him, "Oh, your back. Umm... How was work...?" You asked, you mentally face palmed. 'Why did I have to sound unsure??' You thought. 

"It was... Fine, Wife." He replied, You got confused, 'Wife..? Isn't that too formal...? ' You thought. 'What's with her reaction? I shouldn't have listened to Douma.' Muzan thought. 


As Muzan was dealing with paperwork, both his knights, Douma and Kokushibo, were with him. "Hey, Did you know that some wives get upset at their husbands when they don't call their wives 'Wife' Lovingly??" Douma says to Kokushibo, "Does it look like I have a wife?" Kokushibo replied. 

"Aww, I was just informing you. I feel so sad for you, should I call you 'Wife' lovingly so you don't miss out??" Douma asks, Kokushibo only glanced at Douma before going back to not giving a single care about what words come out of his mouth. 

'Should I try calling her... Wife?' Muzan thought. 

-Flashback End- 

You didn't reply and only laid on the bed, "Umm.. M-Muzan...?" You spoke out, he turned to you, "Tanjirou told me he would retire." You added, Muzan's eyes widen abit in shock.

"Oh? Did he tell you why?" He asks. "Well... He said he wanted to live a peaceful life, he wanted to open a flower shop." You replied, "I'm fine with that but I wish he could've told ne sooner..." You replied. "Maybe he thought you would stop him? Or do something he wouldn't want." He replied. 

You didn't reply, instead you only thought that he had a point. You probably would give him gold that he doesn't want so he could live comfortably.

 While you were a little upset, Muzan felt a little relieved he won't be able to see your butler clinging around you like a puppy, well in his eyes he thinks that Tanjirou clings too much around you when in reality, he doesn't. 

-Time Skip- 

"Oh? That butler is retiring? Too bad, I wanted to see more of the Duke jealous." Douma commented. "Are you blind? The Duke is not jealous, he just wants the butler to know his place." Akaza replied, 'Me? Jealous...?' Muzan thought. The three of them were walking towards the main entrance to see the butler leave. 

As soon as they arrived, you were there, along with Daki. "Don't forget to send me a letter of your flower shop's adress." You reminded Tanjirou, He chuckles and gives you a small smile. "Don't worry, I will." he replied. 

Muzan soon walked towards him, "I wish you luck on your business." He simply told him, not even bothering to tell him goodbye. Tanjirou's face soon turned serious, "Thank you, Please continue to love and take care of her." He replied. 

"...Of course, there is nothing you have to worry about." Muzan replied, and forced a smile. "Well then... Goodbye Y/n." Tanjirou turned to you, "Take care..." You told him and watched him walk away. 

-Tanjirou's POV- 

I let out a small sigh as I got on my carriage and sat down, I stared at an old letter. 

The letter was... For her, Y/n.

It's a love letter, cheesy i know. But, I wrote it long before she met Muzan, long before she had a relationship with that trash Adam. I never had the courage to give it to her, I know she thinks of me as a brother...

Our positions and worlds are too far apart, and if I did give it to her in the past, I don't want our relationship to be broken or for her to risk her title for me...

Either way, I feel a little... Happy and reassured. I know she's getting taken care of her decently, and her husband... He's oblivious to his real feelings towards her but I know he'll treat her with care... 

I soon started ripping the letter to pieces, I should've done this sooner, I should've just... Let you go sooner so that I wouldn't hurt myself like this. 


"Marchioness! With the tea party, is there anyone you would like to invite?" A head maid asked, "Someone...? OH! Y/n Kibutsuji, I haven't heard from her for so long..." The Marchioness replied. The head maid smiles at the Marchioness, "It seems that both of you are close, you always talk about her." 

"Of course! I was her personal maid before I married Zenitsu... besides theres no need to be so formal, you can call me Nezuko." Nezuko smiled at her head maid. 

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