Chapter 8

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I park the car leaning back in the seat. I close my eyes letting her get to work. Fuck,I grab the back of her head pushing her up and down. After a couple of minutes she comes up for air. I open my eyes," get in the back seat. I pull my pants up getting out of the car going to the back seat. Her dress was already pulled up and I smiled closing the door. I sit down putting on a condom then she gets  on top. I close my eyes letting her take control. Images of big ma's pretty face, thick frame and fat ass pops up. I grip her hips pounding into her hard and fast. 
" Baby," I tighten my grip going faster until is cum. 
" Fuck," I breathe heavy as she lay on me. I open my eyes to lil ma on my chest.
 " That was bomb," she bites her lips looking at me.

" Yeah," I grab her by the waist moving  her off me. I take the condom off throwing it out the window. I reach into the glove compartment grabbing napkins. I wipe  myself off and give her the rest. I fix my pants before getting back in the driver seat. I pull off in the direction of her house. She cleans up, pulls her dress up then squeezes to the passenger seat.
" What are we doing for the rest of the night?" 
"You are going to your house and I'm going to mine." She folds her arms sitting back in the seat. I stop at a red light glancing at the passenger seat. She pouts looking out the window. I shake my head, putting my foot on the gas.

I pull in front of her apartment. She gets out slamming my door. 
" Fuck you too," I roll the window down. She shoots me the bird then I pull off. After twenty minutes, I park in the back of my building. I get out of the car going inside the building. I get into my apartment going straight to the bathroom. I take my clothes off then  turn the shower on. I wash up thinking about big ma, stepping to Mike. The balls she has. Not only to step to him but to punch him as well. I turn the water off then dry off getting out the shower. I grab my phone out of my pants texting ma. "I have the info you need on Mike Smith. I'll be there in the morning." I pick my clothes up off the floor. I walk into the bedroom and change into boxers.

 I hop in bed thinking about big ma. I wake up going to the bathroom. After peeing, brushing my teeth and washing my face I get dressed. I put on a white shirt, blue jeans, blue and white jay's. I grab my phone and keys leaving the apartment.
 " Good morning," my fine ass next door neighbor walks up the steps.
''Good morning," I smile letting her walk past me. I walk down the steps out of the building to my car. I pull out the parking lot going to ma's house. After fifteen minutes  I pull into the driveway. I get out and walk through the front door going to the kitchen. Ma stands over the stove while Kam and Diamond sits at the island in thier phone.
" Morning," I walk over daping Kam,hugging Diamond and kissing ma on her  cheek.

" What you find out last night," ma turns around looking at me. 
" Man, the shit the went down last night," I shake my head. 
" Spit it out boy" she points the spatula at me.
" Alright ma, so Mike raped Rizzo's youngest granddaughter. They found her in an abandoned building bruised and bloody. She ended up dying in the ER.He moved over here where they can't touch him." 
" I see why they want him," she flips the pancakes. 
" Yeah she was only sixteen," I shake my head. Ma hands out plates," thanks." I grab a fork then sit next to Diamond.
 " What we need to do right now is find out where he stays," she finished passing the plates. 
" Kam and Kyrie see where he hangs out." 

Ma points at Diamond," find out who he's fucking." 
" Okay ma" we eat our food then put the  plates in the dishwasher. Ma sits on the couch in the living room," we out ma." 
" Alright," she yells. We all pile into my car with Diamond in the back. We drive around Queens until I see Mike's girl with  some other girl with her.
 " I think that's her," I park the car across from the store she went into. We all get out of the car going into the store. Kam and I went to the back of the store while Diamond went an aisle over from them.
 " I can't believe how embarrassing that was last night."
" I know right. Why she do that?"
 " She's a hater saying Mike raped that little girl. Please what could a little girl offer a grown man that I couldn't." 

They grab some chips and other snacks heading to the register. Diamond get in line behind them," maybe you should ask around there's been a lot of rumors about that situation." The friend looks at her, " Ciara I believe what he said." 
" Okay girl," the friend let it go." They pay and leave the store. Diamond does as well following them out the store. I leave Kam to pay for our stuff while I go back to the car. Diamond walks  behind them a street away. I pull out my phone texting her,"text me when you find out where she stays. I'll pick you up." Kam gets in the car and I pull off going in a different direction. We hit one of our trap spots first. We park a couple houses from the trap house. 

" We going to walk in  there and  ask where he stays?" I look at Kam," boy watch and learn." We get to the door and I knock five times. After a few seconds the door opens," hey big T," I dap him up walking in. We walk to the kitchen seeing a few men saying Wassup then head to the basement. A couple bitches stand nake at the table bagging up pills while the guys sit on the couch across from smoking. 
" Aye Kyrie, what you doing here?" B gets up giving me dap," just check on the progress of shit. You know how Monique be." 
" Yeah, she's a tough one," he hands me the blunt. I smoke it passing it back. I start coughing," where you get this shit?" I sit in the empty chair while Kam walks over to the bitches. 
" That some cali shit," I nod my head. 

We talk shit for a while," yall saw what happened at the club last night?"
 " Man Dominique would have killed him." I scrunch my face up," who?"
 " Chris and Sean's little sister," I nod my head. Big ma's name is Dominique. 
" Did he really move this way to run from them?" 
" Yeah, his bitch ass couldn't handle the heat," B laughs.
 " I ain't never seen him around." 
" That's cuz he hangs around Murray Hill," I nod my head.
'' How much yall know about Dominique?"
" She's the one you need to be afraid of."
 " Why I never seen her before?" 
" She's behind the scenes dealing with the big shit while Sean and Chris deal with the everyday shit," I nod my head. My phone beeps, got her. 

"At some apartment  building in Murray Hill." "Send the addy." I get up," I gotta go." I dap everyone up before leaving. We walk down the street to the car when she sent the addy. After driving for twenty minutes we pull up to the apartment building. 
" You see Diamond," I look around. Kam points at her walking across the street. She gets in the back, closing the door. I pull off heading back to ma's house.
" What you find out?"
 " That she's delusional." Pull we pull in the driveway after thirty minutes. Diamond rushes out the car into the house with us following behind her. Ma sits in the living room with the tv on," what yall find out?"
 " He stays out in Murray Hill with his girl." " Good yall keep tabs on him all week until it's time to grab him." 

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