Chapter 19

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After a few phone calls, Matthew's people drop off a few duffle bags of money. Monique, Marco and Frank count the money while pops talk to Matthew.
 " We need to be partners,"Kyrie says. I laugh,"why would I do that. I'm perfectly capable by myself."
 " From what I'm seeing, we were able to not just get our money back but Frank's as well. We could make a good team." I look at me," I'll think about it." Monique puts her money back in the bags," it's all here." She zips the bags up giving them to the two men from the grey car.
 " Matthew next time don't make me wait so long," she cross her arms over her  chest. 
" I won't," Matthew chuckles then leaves with his people following. 
" Scared piece of shit," Frank says. We all laugh," thank you all for bringing him in. I didn't know you two are working together," Frank looks between pops and Monique.

 " Yeah,it's become beneficial for both of us," pops say. 
" Good to know but I don't know how Akeem is going to take it."
 "It is what it is,"pops shrugs. A couple minutes later, we all leave," I'll call you later," Kyrie looks at me.
 " Okay," I walk across the street to the suv. I get in the back seat with Erica," mhmm."
 " What's all that for," I close the door. Chris pulls off," you know why," she sides eye me. Sean turns around," what yall gossiping about?"
 " Nothing that you need to worry your little head about," I pat the top of his head.

 He pushes my hand away," you my little sister. Calm that shit down," he turns back around.
" It's not like I'm not going to find out anyway."
 " So Erica what are you doing the rest of the night?" She looks in the rearview mirror making eye contact with Chris," nothing in particular." I nod my head," okay." 
" Since you asked little sister of mine, I will be going to visit my new lady friend."
 " I didn't ask," I roll my eyes. Chris drops off Sean at  his apartment in Brooklyn," I'll see you sometime tomorrow," he gets out of the car.
 " Somethings wrong with him," I nod my head agreeing with Erica. Chris pulls off," where I'm dropping you off Dom?" They go plans," the  condo in Manhattan," he nods heading in that direction.

 Erica moves closer to me," I saw you and Kyrie getting all cozy on the rooftop." I chuckle," so, what about you and Chris tonight? Yall getting cozy." Her face turns red," I-I don't know what you're talking about."
 " If you say so," I laugh looking out the window." The car stop in front of the condo," have a good night." I get out of the car," I'll call you in the morning," Chris says. 
" Okay," I close the door walking to the building. The door man opens the door," thank you." I stop at the front desk," welcome to 18th street condos," the receptionist says.
 " Hi, I need my keys for my condo." 
" Can I see your id," she smiles. I pull my wallet out handing her my ID. 

She types away on her computer for a few minutes then hands my ID back. 
" Mrs. Ross, it's good to have you back." She reaches in to the bottom  of the desk.
 " Thank you," she hands me the key.
 " Have a good night."
 " You too," I get on the elevator to the sixth floor. I get off the elevator walking a few steps across the elevator to my door. I unlock the walking in going to the living room. The black leather couch, loveseat and ottoman surrounds the glass table. A seventy inch tv sits in front of the table and behind it floor to ceiling windows. I stare at the view walking closer to the window. When was the last time I stayed here? Gotta be over a year. I move away from the window going to the bedroom in the back.

 I walk in flipping the lights on, the California king sits in the middle of the room with the dresser across from the bed with the tv above it. I sit on the bed taking my shoes off when my phone dings. I pull it out of my pocket seeing a text, what you doing big ma? Who's this? Dominique you know who this is don't play me. I smile texting back, Kyrie right.You better know who you talking to. I laugh, boy you ain't no one special. Ma I'm going to be the most important man in your life. Just wait and see. All I could do was reread the text, bye boy. Good night ma, I'll hit you in the morning for breakfast. I put my phone down then change my clothes before getting in bed. 

I turn the tv on Basketball wives while I get comfortable. After a few minutes my eyes start getting heavy. Kyrie stands in the middle of the room. " You look beautiful ma," he licks his lips. I look down at my clothes seeing a red dress and heels," thanks." He walks over to me grabbing my hand pulling me to him. " You don't need to stand over there," he wraps his hands around my waist. " Let's eat," he pulls me to a table with cake, strawberries and chocolate. " This is not dinner,"I sit down. " No, it's dessert. Something sweet for you," he moves his chair next to me. He picks up a strawberry and dips it in chocolate bringing it to my face.

 I open my mouth, take a bite from it and slowly chew it. " Have another bite," I hold it to my mouth. I eat the rest of the strawberry brushing my lips on his fingertips. I pull back staring in his eyes," let me get the chocolate off your face." He leans in licking the corner of my mouth. I gasp as he grabs my face smashing his lips on mine. Our lips wrestle for a few minutes before he move back," I wanted to do that for along time." He pulls me out of my seat into his lap. He kisses my collar bone then up my neck. I hold his shoulder as I squirm in his lap. " You need some help," he speaks into my neck." Yes," his  hand travels up my leg under my dress. " You sure ma?" I nod looking into his eyes. He kisses me as his fingers graze my lower lips.

I open my eyes to my phone ringing. I answer the phone without looking at the number," hello." I sit up," good morning ma." I pull the phone away from my ear looking at the time. 
" Kyrie, it's seven in the morning. Why are you calling me this early" 
" Taking  you out for breakfast, sunshine. Get in the shower ma." I flip the covers off me getting out of bed," where are you taking me?" I walk to the bathroom," this mom and pops spot in Queens." 
" Text me the address."
" Okay,see you in a few," he hangs up. I put the phone on the sink before getting in the shower. After finishing in the bathroom, I go to the closet. One side of the walk in closet has my suites and dresses and the other side has my other clothes. 

I grab a pair of ripped blue jeans then grab a white v- neck shirt. I place them on the chair in the closet. I drop my towel on the floor and open the drawers to the dresser in the middle of the closet. I pull out a black bra and panty set putting it on. I put my clothes on then put on a pair of socks. I go to the back of the closet at the wall of shoes. What are we doing? Sandals or tennis shoes, I look down at my feet. My toes are polished white, they are good. I slide my feet in Louis Vuitton sandals and grab a Louis Vuitton purse. I walk out the closet throwing everything out of my clutch into my purse. I grab my phone and leave out the apartment. I get on the elevator looking at the address  Kyrie sent me. 

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