chapter 26

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Somewhere in Jersey

 Later on that night, they fed us some fast food. A woman cleaned and bandaged my wound. The morning comes and no one comes down to check up on  us. 
" I need you the bathroom," I yelled.  No one responded," I know yall fuckers hear me. I have to go pee. Get yall ass down here." The door opens then heavy footsteps come down the stairs," piss where you're sitting." A stock brown skin man stands at the bottom of the stairs.
" Nigga, if you don't take me to the bathroom." He laughs before walking over to me. He unties the ropes around my wrists," your lucky that Akheem needs you in perfect health or I would have smacked the shit outta you already." I look him dead in the eyes,"and I would have pulled your heart from your chest and watched you die slowly." I stand up rubbing my wrists. He grabs my arm pulling me up the stairs. 

A loud tv plays to the right of us as we go down the hall. He stops at the edge of the kitchen," hurry up," he pushes the door open. I step in locking the door behind me. I search under the sink for any type of weapon. I found only cleaning supplies, toilet paper and a box cutter. 
" Hurry up," he bangs on the door. I put the box cutter in my sleeve then pull my pants down and pee fast. He twist the nob," open the fucking door." I wipe then pull my pants up before opening the door. 
" Calm down,"push my way out of the bathroom. He grabs my arm pulling me to him. He peeks into the bathroom then drags me down the hall.

 I make sure to look around before he drags me back  into the basement.
" Come on little girl. Just suck it and I'll help you." A thin lanky man stands over Kyrie's sister," leave me alone." 
" What the fuck do you think your doing?" The stocky man walks up to the other man," I'm just having a little fun." He fixes his pants," it looks like you were trying to force her. You fucking rapist," I spit out. He steps to me," shut up, bitch." He bumps my chest," don't get hurt." 
" Not by a child molester," I chuckle. He growls then walks past us going up stairs. The stocky man drags me to the chair and grips my wrist behind the chair.
 " Keep out of trouble," he tie my wrist up then leaves. 

" You okay," I look at the girl.
 " Yes," she whimpers.
 " It's okay. I'm here they won't lay another hand on you." She nods her head trying to keep from crying.
" What's your name?"
" Diamond," she smiffle.
" Diamond, I'm Dominique."
 " I know. Your Rizzo's granddaughter." I chuckle," I guess I'll always be known as that."
" Yeah, people always call me Kyrie's little sister," she laughs. Good, she's thinking about something else. I don't need her to have a breakdown at a time like this.
 " Do you think they'll let us go?" I lick my lips," I'm going to be real with you. Akheen took us to get  attention from our families. He wants something from them and he's not going to let us go until he gets it."

The basement goes quiet for a few seconds," how are we going to get out of here?" Diamond looks down at her feet," hey, we are going to get out of here. Even if I die trying. Do you understand me?" She nods her head," for now we need to observe the times they come down here." 
" Okay," she nods her head. The day passes as men come in and out taking us to the bathroom, feeding us burgers, and giving us water. They come every couple of hours. That can give us time to get out of here before they notice. The door opens and a few footsteps come down the stairs. Akheem and a few men stand behind him. " Ladies, it looks like we have some good news," he smiles. 
" What could that be?"

 " Your families are on the way." What does he have under his sleeve? He wants something but what.  
" What do you want Akheem," I look him in the eye.
" What every nigga on the street wants. Money and lots of it. If I can get some power as well I'll take it." He's delusional. This will end most likely in death. 
" Clean them up then tie them back up," Akheem walks upstairs. His men walk over  and untie us. They lead us upstairs past the bathroom to a bedroom. 
"There's a bathroom over there. You got ten minutes," the shorter one says before closing the door. Clothes are laid out on the bed," you can get in the bathroom first." Diamond grabs a shirt and sweatpants then rushes in the bathroom. 

I look through the rest of the clothes. I change into a black shirt and sweats. I put the box cutter in my pocket. Diamond walks out the bathroom looking cleaner. I walk in closing the door, I run the water splashing it on my face. I look at myself in the mirror, I need to get her out of here before the shooting starts. I take one of the folded towels on the counter and dry my face. I take a deep breath then walk out the bathroom. Diamond sits on the bed playing with the hem of her shirt. The door opens," let's go." Diamond stands up and walks out the door. I follow behind her out of the room," make sure yall got your piece." Men move around carrying their guns. Fuck, I hope they come ready. We walk down the stairs to the basement. 

They force us in the chairs and tie our hand behind our backs.
 " Don't get any ideas since your arms aren't behind the chair. I'll be standing at the door," he looks between the both of us then walks upstairs. What the fuck was that supposed to do?  I stand up walking over to Diamond," go in my pocket," I say in a low tone. Footsteps are heard walking back and forth over top of us. They must be coming soon,  she turns so her back faces me. I move my leg to where her hands are. She digs in my pocket grabbing the box cutter. I take it out of her hand and slid it between my wrist. The door opens, I hurry and sit back  down. Akheem  comes down first then Chris, Sean, and Marco sons then Kyrie and his friends with a couple of Akheems men behind them.

 They stand in front of us," they are  in good condition. I told my men to take good care of them." Chris and Sean move closer to me," you good?" I look over at Akheem," yeah," they step back. I look over at Kyrie as he stares at his sister. His jaw tightens and his face goes hard. Fuck, he's about to fucking lose it. His eyes go over to me and he balls his hand up.
  " Now that you see they are in good condition. Let's go upstairs and talk business," Akheem looks around at them then walks up the stairs. Kyrie takes one last look at us then walks up the stairs. The door closes and I rush pulling  the box cutter from between my wrist.
" Come here Diamond." She gets up and walks over to me," stretch your arms out." I push the blade out and start cutting the rope. 

Sweat starts to appear on my forehead from how fast I'm moving. 
" Fuck," I drop the box cutter. I reach down to grab it when shots get fired. Damn I thought they would give us more time. I get up and cut the ropes with all my strength. Diamond looks at me with fear in her face. The rope breaks apart following from her wrist. I hand her the box cutter when the door bursts open and someone rolls down the stairs. We look at each other for a second before Diamond starts fiercely cutting the ropes.  Two heavy footsteps rush down the stairs. They both stop at the bottom of the stairs looking at us for a second before stalking towards us. I stand up pushing Diamond behind me. 

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