Chapter 2: Atlantia

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I whacked the bank robber one last time before tossing the bag of money back into the bank and disappearing into the night before the guard could question me. Normally, I didn't go out to fight crimes but I couldn't stay in my home tonight. It was my family's death anniversary and I didn't want to be staring at the items I took from Camp Half-Blood all night crying for the family I lost. So, I decided to take my anger out on the criminals in this city. It wasn't as bad as Gotham City but it was still bad which is why I decided to settle in Central City. The criminals could be my stress and anger reliever. It may not be fair to them but they were the ones who decided to rob the banks, or attempt murder so they could blame themselves.

At the moment, I was resting on one of the cities' skyscrapers with my black wings open and I knew if anyone chose to glance up at me, the image would be quite frightening. I glanced at my hand to look at the skull ring that was on my hand. Nico and I got close before his death. We were practically siblings talking about his relationship with Will and how we missed the seven. I wore his ring on my right pointer finger after I found his body among the dead demigods at camp. I took other memorabilia but this was one of the only items that was small enough to always have with me.

I was just about to head back into the street when I feel people appear behind me. I sigh and I slick my hair back into my helmet and mask before turning to face the people behind me. I saw four people standing there. One was dressed like a bat which I couldn't figure out who would do that willingly. Another was dressed in a red suit and another was part machine. Then there was the last person.

"Mother, didn't know you had this form." I say to the woman on the end. "You always did love to hang out with mortals." I take a step closer. "So tell me, what does the gods need me to do this time?"

"The gods don't need you do anything." Diana says looking at me carefully, "but the world does." I look at her curiously so she continues, "Steppenwolf is back." My anger dissipates when I hear that.

"When?" I say my tone turning business like.

"Not too long ago." Diana says, "but he has already gotten the Amazon's mother box. The Atlantian's and human's are next."

"I'm sorry, but could you maybe close your wings?" The guy dressed in the red suit asked timidly, "They are sort of scaring me." I roll my eyes but since these guys will be my teammates for the next few days, I granted his wish. My wings folded back into my body as my helmet and mask disappears with a flick of my hand to reveal my young face with soldier's eyes and scars.

"You're young." The bat dude said in a very deep and low voice that was obviously fake.

"Yeah, but I probably have more experience than any of you." I retort, "I may be thirteen but I'm guessing you haven't fought in two wars against titans, giants, and primordials right?" Silence follows that statement.

"Those are real?" The red suit dude says breaking the silence.

"Yeah. Most of the Greek mythological creatures are real but don't worry, they're all dead." I say.

"Anyway, we need your help, Atlantia." Diana said drawing the conversation back to the original topic. "You in?" I sigh knowing that I could only say,

"Yeah, I'm in." I say. "What's the plan?" They ended up bringing me to the bat guy's headquarters, who I learned was Bruce Wayne the rich millionaire who lived in Gotham City and during the night he was Batman. I think I remember Nico telling me about him when he showed me some of the heroes mortal believed in. Barry Allan, the guy in the red suit, I realized after he ran to Batman's cave was the Flash that I kept hearing about in this city. However, before we could settle in, Batman's signal appeared and he dragged us toward it so we could talk to a Commissioner Gordon. They told me to hide my identity so I opened my wings and slicked my hands up my hair so the helmet and mask appears. Batman and Mom tells me to appear in five minutes using one of my instant transportation methods. When I shadow travel onto the roof where the signal was, I found Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, and the Cyborg just walking up to Commissioner Gordon who looked at all of us surprised.

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