Chapter 6: Atlantia

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"We're going to help Bruce. We can't let him die." Diana said with a tone of voice telling us not to argue before pushing herself into the air toward Bruce.

"Let's go kill some parademons." I said smiling before opening my wings. I pushed off into the air following Diana. The other heroes except for Barry also jumped into the air following Diana toward Bruce. When we get close to Bruce we see a parademon prying open his batmobile's door off to get to him so Diana takes it down as the rest of us attacked the rest of the parademons. Flying in the air, I take out my bow and notch an arrow on it before launching one after the other at the parademons above Bruce's wrecked batmobile. Barry runs past us in the opposite direction taking out many of the parademons flying close to the ground.

"Your welcome." Victor says as he flies above Bruce destroying a bunch of the parademons on the roof of the building Bruce drove through.

"Yeah," Arthur shouts happily landing on Bruce's vehicle.

"This isn't the plan." Bruce growled.

"No, master Wayne." I hear Alfred over the comms, "This is the team."

"Hey, blame the ladies." Victor says, "We would've left you, but they didn't ask for a vote." I smile at that as I notch another arrow but this one a little different than the others. This one produce a shockwave radiating outward from the source. I only have a few since they were gifts from Apollo but I figure there was no better time to use them. I aim it at one of the parademons in the middle of a pack before letting go. It's hits the parademon right in the chest which instantly killed him but the shockwave was the thing that killed the rest of them.

"Can I have one of those?" I hear Barry ask as he runs by me. I laugh before following him and Victor toward the center of this town where the mother boxes were. I hover above the boxes sending a message to Barry to halt outside for a minute because the coast wasn't clear quite yet. Steppenwolf was not distracted yet so they couldn't come in here and I couldn't land. Diana had just arrived behind Steppenwolf who turned to face her.

"Is this what conquering is?" Diana said, "Hiding from the fight?"

"Oh, no. You're all mine..." He trails off as Arthur hits him from the side before Diana attacks him. I call for Barry to bring Victor in which he immediately does. I drop to the ground in front of the mother boxes just as Barry and Victor arrive.

"Thanks for the lift." Victor told Barry as I examined the boxes.

"Yeah, no problem." Barry replied. "You two got this?" Before either of us respond, I had to notch an arrow and shoot a parademon coming at us as Victor shoots another.

"These things are gonna keep coming." Victor tells Barry.

"Okay, you two get technical, I'm on bug duty." Barry says.

"Let's do it." I agree before Barry disappears running through multiple parademons just as Victor sticks his hands into the boxes. I laid my hand on his shoulder sending him strength to do his job. I had swung my bow onto my back and had a throwing knife in my hand but also ready to summon more to help protect Victor and myself.

"This is a lot." Victor grunted. I took a breath before beginning to pull the extra power from Victor into me. Just as I do so, I see Steppenwolf coming toward us.

"Can you handle it alone?" I quickly ask him and he gives me a small nod so I take my hand off his shoulder and summon my spear. I meet Steppenwolf halfway with our weapons clashing against us. The mother box's power amplified mine so pure power were seeping away from me and I was sure my eyes held the same white glow.

"Why fight?" Steppenwolf growls at me as we continue to fight my spear against his ax. "Mother likes you. You would be treated very well. Can't you see that from the gift she gave you?"

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