Chapter 4: Diana

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"What do you mean you are going to need to draw power from the Mother Box?" Barry asked.

"I don't have enough power on my own to be able to raise Clark from the dead. He's been dead for months right?" Atlantia asks.

"Yeah," Bruce confirmed, "But are you sure you can handle the power from the Mother Box? Victor is barely able to control the boost from the power and he is part robot."

"Yeah, but he is still human." Atlantia says confidently, "I'm not. Not only do I have the gods in my blood, I am a siren. I can handle it." I look at her carefully because I knew her and how powerful she was but I didn't know if she could handle the Mother Box. Not many can or should be able to.

"If you want someone to vouch for her," Arthur said stepping away from the weapons he was eyeing, "I can. Sirens were the most powerful being in the ocean before Poseidon killed them all after an incident."

"What incident?" Barry asked worried.

"There's an herb out there called Cordelia," Atlantia begins, "It grows in the ocean but sometimes it is planted on land by accident. If I ingest it, it turns me against my allies but if I just smell it, I am incapacitated."

"How many know of this herb?" Bruce ask wondering if this is something we need to watch for.

"Not many," She responds, "You guys and the gods are probably the only ones who know. Also, I destroyed the Cordelia a year ago so there shouldn't be any more."

"Alright so what's the plan?" I ask.

"Well, I need to still use the amniotic chamber in the Kryptonian ship." Atlantia says, "I'm going to need something to connect the Mother Box, Clark, and I together so I could have enough power to raise him."

"So, how are we going to get into the Kryptonian ship?" Barry asks.

"I've got a plan." Victor says looking at Barry. An hour later, Barry was dressed in a military outfit driving the truck and Atlantia and Arthur was in the back of the truck as the rest of us were spread out ready to enter the facility from the air. Once I saw Barry was granted access, I jumped down from my hiding place and waited patiently for Barry to finish backing up before allowing Victor and Arthur to take Clark's body out.

When we entered the Kryptonian ship, I could tell it hadn't been stepped in for months probably since Clark died but at least the ship's doors still worked. Bruce led us to a door which opened up to reveal the amniotic chamber. We entered and Victor looked in awe at the chamber as we entered and I didn't blame him. It was definitely otherworldly but judging from my daughter's face she didn't seem to fazed by the room.

"This is amazing." Victor said.

"This is crazy." Arthur corrected.

"Oh what, now it's crazy," Barry scoffed. Arthur doesn't acknowledge him.

"Atlantia, you better know what you are doing." He says glancing at her as she made her way down the slope.

"Don't worry. I do." She says as she steps into the water that was in the amniotic chamber.

"I thought Sirens couldn't touch water unless they wanted a tail." Arthur blurted out as she was looking around the room.

"This ring," She says holding up the skull ring on her hand, "was blessed by Poseidon after my friend who I considered a brother had died. It gives me the ability to better control when my tail appears." Atlantia then looks up at us, "Put Clark's body in the water and submerge it. Then hand me the box." Arthur opens the coffin and respectfully takes Clark's body out of it place of rest. He brings him down to the water before setting him down and pushing his body so he was completely submerged. Victor brought the Mother Box to Atlantia as Arthur was doing his thing with Clark.

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