Author's Note

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Thank you so much for all of you who have read this story. I am actually really happy with how this story turned out since when I first began writing I had no idea where I wanted the story to go. Thank you so much for your guy's support. It meant so much to me when I could pop onto Wattpad for a bit and noticed there were comments or a big amount of reads or votes so thank you all for that.

Now, eventually there may be a book 2 since I believe there is supposed to be an Aquaman 2 coming out in the next few years but for now this will be the end of the Daughter of the Land and Sea story. However, like I mentioned it could be continued depending on what you all want.

For now, I need your opinion on what you want to fill the Sunday writing slot. One of my tricks for getting through writer's block is working on another story that I have an idea for so I have a lot of drafts of partially began stories.  Some of them will be listed below with the title, summary of the story, and an excerpt of the story. These are not all my drafts but just a few of the ones that I have deemed worthy of possibly being posted. Not all of them are good, I will admit since they were written during a writer's block but if you like one and would like me to post it, let me know in the comments.

The Winchester Sister

Summary: The Winchester brothers had sadly lost their Mom in that house fire when Sam was only 6 months old but 6 years later, John slept with a siren and nine months later a baby girl is born. Sirens have been hunted not by Hunters but by Demons, Vampires, and other supernatural creatures because they wanted the high of having the siren's power run through their blood even if it's only for a few days. The last siren, to save her race, seduces John hoping he would take her baby. He does and shortly after the siren dies leaving John with a baby siren to protect with his two boys. That was thirteen years ago. Now, Merina is a singer competing in competitions after being kicked out a year after Sam. She thought she wouldn't see her family again, but what will she do when Sam and Dean come knocking on her door telling her John is missing?

Excerpt: It was raining as I drove through the streets of Seattle with my perfectly maintained Chevy Camero '69 convertible toward my condo. My senses were on high alert because it was never safe to be out in the dark. I haven't hunted since Dad kicked me out after I argued that it was unfair that Dad kicked out my brother, Sam. Technically Dean and Sam are my half-brothers but I never thought of them like that. They were just my brothers.

Dad had slept with my mother when the Winchesters were working a case in Chathem, Massachusetts but unknown to Dad, my mother was a siren and for reasons unknown to me, gave me to Dad and told him to raise me. Problem was, I grew up with powers since sirens only gave birth to girls which meant I was a siren. Dad also wasn't around all the time so it was very hard to keep my powers a secret but Dad managed. Well, Dean managed since he was the one who raised me mostly. Him and Sam, once Sam got older.

Anyway, its been four years since I have seen Sam and three since I've seen the rest of my family but I was doing really well. I lived in a really nice condo that I paid for by singing in a band at the local bar and by competing in some singing competitions. At the moment, I was on my way back from a performance at the local bar and was so ready to enjoy a hot soak in my giant bath tub. However, as I stepped off the elevator and entered my private floor with only my condo on it, I noticed some muddy marks on the wood floor leading to my door. I summoned a silver knife to my hand because I figured it had to be something that would be hurt by some type of weapon. The Devil Trap just outside my door would have caught any demons.

Stepping up to my door, I notice some small scratches near my key hole. I try the door and find it was locked. I frown but put my key in the hole still holding my knife before swinging the door open. I stare in the pitch black entrance that was my home but I could see down the hallway to my left a light was on. Quietly, I shut the door before moving toward my living room where the light was coming from. I lean against the wall in the hallway out of the view of those in my living room sensing where the intruders were. I could hear two voices and once I found where they were, I quickly moved into the living room and used my powers to push the two intruders against my wall. It was then that I could see who it was.

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