Chapter 7: Atlantia

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I smiled as we stood on a piece of a fallen building as we watched the Mother box's powers change from its destruction phrase to its creation stage. The long black tentacles were fading and in their places were flowers and other beautiful natural green beauties. It seemed like the Mother box was repairing the radiative city and replacing the depressing greys that used to be here with something beautiful.

"I'm glad I didn't miss this." Clark said smiling.

"So am I." Diana said looking at Clark with that same smile on her face.

"Yeah," Bruce agreed before adding, "Now she's glad." I chuckle at that as we continue to stare out at the image in front of us. Once we were ready, I knew we had to help the citizens, that Barry and Clark had helped escape the dangers of the Mother Box, find a home since they would not be returning to this place. Thus, since I have sort of an unlimited amount of money, I bought them all homes in places where they wanted to live. I didn't give them really expensive homes but still really nice places that fit whatever people was living there. Good family homes for those with families and nice apartment for those living by themselves.

As I was doing this, I had heard the Bruce had bought Clark's home back from the bank by buying the bank which made me chuckle. Barry returned to Central City with me where I helped him get a job at the crime lab since I had connections in the police department as the Siren. It wasn't a very good job but it at least helped him get his foot in the door. Honestly though, he didn't really need the recommendation with his talent but it got the crime lab to actually look at him and his talent so I was glad to do it. Lois, Clark's girlfriend, had wrote a piece about Superman's return and how I had raised him so there were a lot more people in search of me in Central City. So many wanted to find out who I was but they were going to have to try really hard if they wanted to discover who the Siren was.

Diana and Bruce decided that in case of another world-destroying villain, it would be best to have a team always ready to fight which included the seven of us who fought Steppenwolf but it would eventually include more. However, we weren't needed all the time so we all split off to our lives before we were called to fight Steppenwolf to await another battle.

When I had returned to Central City, I was sort of worried that news of a Siren living on land would spread to Atlantis. I'm not saying that I don't trust Arthur to keep the secret but that rumors always travel far. It was one of the reasons why I lived somewhere not close to the ocean. Perhaps, it would be best for me to live near the ocean in case they did find me but I figured it would make it much easier for them to find me. However, I did eventually head toward the ocean though it was months till I did.

Arthur invited me to join him and his dad at his dad's lighthouse to go get a drink. Well, the two men are going to get a drink but I was probably going to get a soda since I was too young to drink. I appeared at the lighthouse before Arthur had arrived but his dad, Thomas, let me since he knew to expect me. Thomas was really friendly to me when I arrived and we ended up talking for a little bit.

"You know when, Arthur was telling me he was going to invite one of the heroes he fought with, I wasn't expecting someone your age." Thomas said as he handed me a cup of tea. I smile as I take the cup.

"I figured that with the confused look on your face when I appeared on your door steps." I said, "Do you know where Arthur is? He told me he was home when I iris messaged him if it was fine if I showed up now."

"No idea." Thomas said with amused smile, "One second I could hear Arthur talking to you. Then he was telling me that his friend should be arriving any second before jumping into the ocean and swimming off."

"Duty must of have been called." I said chuckling, "I wish he would have alerted me. I would have liked to help."

"Ah it's probably something small. He doesn't do big league things except for what happened months ago...but I thought you didn't want the Atlantians to know you were alive. Wouldn't jumping into the ocean alert them to your presence?" He said with a raised eyebrow.

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