Part Four

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Ladybug stood in front of Chat Noir who was panicking. He was sitting on the floor after transforming looking extremely stressed.

"Chat..." Ladybug walked over to him and pressed her forehead against his. "Look at me. Look up, and look at me. Stop always looking down, that's why you're trapped inside your mind. Don't worry so much, I know you can do it. You started wearing your ring again the day I first asked you, I know you and I can do this. Let's go out there and save Paris. Together."

She held his hand as they both ran back to where the monster was. This girl is a journey with no clear destination. Everyone here is waiting for us to take the first step.

"Maybe there's only a dark road ahead. But you still have to believe and keep going. Believe that the stars will light your path, even a little bit. Come on... Let's go on a journey!" She said letting go of his hand as they approached the scene.


Alya and Nino weren't too far away watching as she recorded for the Ladyblog. "Is that... Chat?!" She zoomed in the video onto him. "Why isn't he helping her? Is he just gonna stand there and have her fight alone?"

Wait for me Ladybug, I'm coming. I'm not alone, you're here. Chat thought to himself as he began fighting with everything he had. Laying relentless attacks. "Chat." She said trying to calm him down as she saw tears in his eyes.

"Cataclysm!" He cried out. "Chat! No!" Ladybug called out. Everything had been too much for the man behind the mask. Words and time fading as Adrien couldn't focus on anything, but getting this over with. Ladybug knew that a cataclysm wouldn't work, this monster was able to swap places with people. And right before Chat's hand touched it, it did just that.

Time stood still, everyone frozen in place not daring to move.

Not being able to stop his hand as the villain swapped places with Ladybug. As Chat's gloved hand pushed closer to Ladybug's rib cage. He cataclysmed her square in the ribs.

Eyes wide and frozen he stared at his hand not daring to move, or even daring to breathe for that matter. Ladybug, not even being able to realize she had been swapped with the villain stared at the gloved hand pressing into her.

Silence, complete and total silence.
All the news reporters, all the police, all the civilians who were running to get away, all frozen, staring in disbelief.

The world seemingly started to spin again as Ladybug cried out in pain and fell to her knees. The sound pierced everyone's ears and everyone's disbelief quickly turned into worry, fear, and sadness. All praying that she'll be okay. Chat Noir, stared at Ladybug horrified as his body went numb. He couldn't believe it, he genuinely couldn't grasp what he had done.

The monster however took the opportunity to attack. Chat, not daring to move allowed himself to be hit. She was slowly rising to her feet, knowing she was the only one who could defeat this monster. Swiftly and with urgency she did just that. "Miraculous Ladybug!" She yelled out as she threw her lucky charm into the sky. Turning everything back to normal.

Everyone stared at her, including Chat, as she stared up into the sky, her arm still raised. And fell to the floor, passing out.

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