2. Late Night Saviour

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!TW! Suicide

Izukus pov

I slammed the door and walked back upstairs "who was it?" Eri asked "just some idiot" I replied sitting down at my now cold Katzudon. I picked at it for a moment till I just threw it out. After 20 minutes, Sosaki showed up and took Kota home. Eri and I watched a Disney movie until she fell asleep. I moved her to her bed and walked to my locked room. Ever since I was young, I wanted to become a hero. I thought that I could do it no matter what, so on my fourth birthday when I was falsely diagnosed as quirkless, I thought that my family would support me... BOY WAS I WRONG, I got kicked out and publicly I was called a runaway since my 'parents' were 'heroes'. I had to live on the streets for four years till a café owner took me in, she was the nicest person ever, her name was Inko. She loved me like her child until I was 12, that was when she died in a villain attack. I took over the café and decided that I'd help the people who heroes didn't. over the next 2 months, I began to train to become a hero, that is when my quirk Manifested

Name: Izuku Midoryia (legally: Yagi)

Quirk: primordial Flame: it allows the user to create and control flames that have different abilities. red: regular flames. Orange: Causes temporary paralysis (10 Minutes). Yellow: electrification. Green: Healing. Blue: Freezes those who touch it. Purple: Super powerful flames !very dangerous!. Pink: temporary Removes cognitive ability (10 minutes). Black: Burns cause temporary quirk erasion (10 minutes)

Drawbacks: The user can flare up randomly depending on emotion. The user can only use one colour at once. The flames also affect the user (be it positive or negative)

Yeah, it's pretty powerful, I know. I keep up the lie that I'm quirkless because if All Might found out about me quirk, He'd want me to become his successor so instead I became the elusive vigilante, Kitsune. Its the only thing I can do to help the people around me, the ones who don't care about Lil' ole Izuku. I grabbed my backpack with my suit and made my way out of the house. Not before kissing Eri on the head. It's amazing that she has adjusted since I saved her from the Shie Hassaikai. I ran to a closeby alley that I had a hid an area to change. I got into my suit and began to make my rounds

The green changes colour with his flames, it does so by being made with his DNA

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The green changes colour with his flames, it does so by being made with his DNA

I stopped a few muggers and rapists and a few kids beating a kitten, there's only one thing worse than rapists and that's abusers, of any kind. I was about to head home when I saw a sadly familiar sight, A kid atop a building, on the wrong side of the rail. I blasted myself quickly to the top of the building using my purple flames. I flew up in front of him "hey kid, what are you doing up here?" I asked, "why'd a pro have to come?" He questioned "I'm not a pro, and I'm here because I do what pros don't have enough time to" I explained. I landed on the building "okay, tell me why you want to jump? I'm just here to help" I asked, "everyone says that I have a villainous quirk, my mom and dad make me do whatever they want, the kids at school all bully me and the teachers don't care" He began to cry. "look kiddo, I used to be in that situation and I know that it sucks, I'm willing to help. first, anyone who says that a quirk is 'heroic' or 'villainous' its stupid, the morals of a person are more important than a stupid power" I told him. He looked at me and sadly smiled, I thought he was about to let go but instead, he climbed over, getting on solid building. "if you don't mind me asking, what's your quirk?" I asked the pink-haired boy "I can paralyse people if I touch them with my Pinky" He replied "think, You're fighting a mutant who has three hostages, you have the assistance of a hero with a flashy quirk. The other hero can distract the villain and you can paralyse them, saving the hostages" I told the boy who looked about 14. 

I had done this with Another kid a long time ago, about two years ago I saved a purple-haired boy who could brainwash people. I'm pretty sure that that kid is in UA... WAIT HE WAS THE KID WHO CAME IN AND HAD THE SAME COFFEE AS ERASER! "umm sir? you're muttering" "ah sorry, I do that. okay, I'm gonna take you to the police station, I'll write a note and you need to talk with Tsukauchi. can you tell me your address?" I asked him "oh it's XXXX" he replied. I've busted into a few houses for abuse cases so I have my experience. "here, jump on my back" He looked down and twiddled his thumbs "oh I get you" I realised that he didn't want to touch me by accident. I handed him some gloves that I had in my belt "thank you" He put them on and grabbed onto my back. I flew off towards the police station and I heard something rustle behind me. FUCK! Eraserhead saw me, I changed to my purple flames and made it to the police station quicker than normal. I set off a firework, the sign that I had a dropoff and flew off as quick as possible. 

I arrived at the kid's address and kicked down the door. I paralysed both parents and looked for more evidence. I walked into the basement and took pictures of the gruesome scene. I tied up both parents and wrote a note to Eraser. he was gonna show up before any police. I ran outside and flew off, I hid atop a building by burning black to turn my costume almost invisible in darkness "KITSUNE! I HEARD WHAT THE CHILD SAID... THANK  YOU!" he shouted to no one in particular. I looked over Eraserhead and saw that he had a poorly healed wound. I dropped beside him. My hand lit up in green flames and healed the wound. "thanks problem child" He didn't smile. I nodded and flew off. I was almost at my changing spot when I heard cursing, very loud cursing, like un-naturally loud cursing. I looked around and saw Present Mic getting shot at by a ton of thugs. I sighed and flew towards the scene. The villains had gun quirks so I encircled them with black flames. I made the Circle come closer till all the villains were burned. I dropped in front of Present Mic and sent a flurry of pink flames at the villains. They all looked around like idiots and I quickly zip tied them. "Present Mic?" I asked since I couldn't hear the curses. "shit" I ran to where I had last seen him. He was out cold, bleeding from four or five bullet holes. I grabbed two chopsticks that I had for this exact reason. I pulled the bullets out of Mic and began to heal him. I pulled out his phone and called the emergency contact "Mic, are you okay? whats going on?" A familiar voice asked, "This isn't Mic, I just saved him from 5 or so villains, where do I leave him?" I asked through my voice modulator "who are you?" He asked suspiciously "you'd know me as Kitsune, now where do I leave this oversized cockatoo?" I asked, getting slightly impatient "you saved my ass twice tonight, I'll meet you outside UA" He hung up

I picked up Present Mic and began to fly towards UA, it's likely that this is a trap but I know at least five different martial arts so I could kick erasers ass if necessary. I arrived at the giant building around 3 minutes later. I waited for Eraser but instead, I saw a familiar Purple-haired kid "whats going on?" he ran over to me and the unconscious Pro "he got shot a few times so I saved him, he's healed but he's gonna be unconscious for a while" I told him "Oh my god, papa you need to be more careful" he scolded the unconscious man. "so Present Mic adopted you?" I asked him "well he and Eraserhead adopted me". No wonder that he drinks the same coffee as Eraserhead. Eraser ran up to us and hugged Present Mic. Eraserhead muttered something about capturing me but I couldn't care less, I just wanted to go home. I flew off with my red flames, making it home quite quickly. I changed and flopped into bed. One part of my green flames was that they'd rejuvenate energy, so I didn't need sleep, I still slept because I didn't want Eri to worry since she was basically my alarm clock.

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