7. Heroics Class

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Izuku's pov

we finished all the academic lessons and finally, we had heroics with "I AM HERE, COMING IN THE DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON" An annoying voice shouted and a figure appeared at the top of the class. "AH, I see you took me up on my offer" He smiled at me. too bad my mask cant show emotions, otherwise, I'd scowl at his ass. "now today we'll be doing a large scale villain attack, with our new member as the villain" All Might announced. I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose. I was gonna speak up until Kacchan spoke up "I'll kick his ass all by myself " He slammed his hands together and created a few explosions. "go get changed, meet me in ground beta in 10 minutes" All might said as he walked outside

I got up and followed the bastard so he would take the damn Represent off. I arrived at ground beta a few minutes later "so Kitsune, care to explain your quirk?" All Might asked "No, you've seen it in action and I must've gotten my analysis skills from somewhere" I began to laugh and, clicked on my police scanner and swapped it to music. I began to stretch while the safety dance played in the background. The class showed up and began to stretch while one person was yet to arrive.

Izumi showed up a minute later, wearing MY costume. She stole one of my notebooks and used MY costume design. cheeky bitch. "OK CLASS, LET'S BEGIN!" All might shouted and came up to me "YOU HAVE 5 MINUTES TO SET UP AND THEN THE CLASS WILL ATTACK, WE'LL SEE HOW THIS GOES" He went to shoo me off "are you gonna make me embarrass them without my quirk? or are you going to remove this blasted Collar?" I asked my so-called father "oh yes, I almost forgot" he said as he unlocked the collar "adios, for now," I said as I flew towards the highest building. I sat there and watched as they tried to make a plan, Kacchan started to make explosions. 

I went around and grabbed a few pieces of wood, I set each of them on fire with different colours of fire. I set them around me and waited. as soon as All Might shouted 'GO', Kacchan exploded his way to my building "welcome, time for that fight?" I asked "ill kick your ass you bastard!" he went for his traditional right Hook. I dodged and hit his chest with an uppercut. he wiped the blood out of his mouth and began to make explosions at me "oh what a 'powerful' quirk, let's see you fight without it" I ignited my hand in black flames and hit Kacchan right on the shoulder. Bakugo looked at his fists and laughed "That didn't hurt" "wasnt meant to" I smirked and charged at him, red flames billowing out of my entire body. I hit Bakugo right in the stomach, the same spot he loved to hit me. He slumped over and coughed "don't worry, I'll heal you" I shot Green flames at him "now be a god hero and stay down" I left him on the roof and waited for my next guests.

Todoroki and Izumi appeared first. I noticed that Todoroki only used his ice and Izumi focused on one for all. "both of you not using your full potential... that's sad, I was most excited for fighting the people whose fathers I beat with ease" I taunted "you, the trash cans son, you can't beat me with ice, I use flames and you, terakinesis can easily beat me." I yelled at the two. "ITS YOUR POWERS NOT THEIRS" I shouted at the two. A box of concrete covered me and I heard flames crackle "thanks, now I'm gonna kick your ass" Todoroki monotoned. A small window opened and flames entered. little did they know, I had cut a hole in the roof and dropped into the building. "we got him" Izumi shouted in glee "did you though?" I whispered as I saw a group of students. I charged at them, knocking them all out with a roundhouse kick. "too easy" I sighed as I went looking for the others 

I got attacked by a bunch of people with weird hair. "red hair, yellow hair, weird elbows, and pink hair? I thought my hair was weird" I said as I Ignited my body in blue flames. I launched the flames at the students and froze them to the ground. I waved a goodbye and jumped down to the last few people "before you talk, don't do that again if you do I'll stop that quirk forever" I only ever threaten people who have wronged me, Hitoshi hasn't but I'd rather not think as he wants. he nodded and his group got into a fighting stance. "we fought before, I beat you then, ill beat you now!" Hitoshi snarled as a laser shot at me. "oh, MR tummy ache is here" I acknowledged the boy and shot an orange fireball at him. "don't worry, it won't burn your cape" I assured the scared child. "won't it?" Hitoshi asked. I tilted my head and charged at Hitoshi, knocking him out with a fist to the head. Last person left, Tokoyami. I lit my hands in black flames, taking away his dark shadow. 

"let's get this over with" I muttered as I shot a tornado of blue flames at the bird. "the VILLAN HAS WON, ALL STUDENTS, IF YOU GOT HURT THEN GO TO RECOVERY GIRL" All Might shouted. I sighed "if you got hit by my flames then recovery girl won't do anything. I'll heal them" I picked up as many students as I could and dropped off the building. I looked at Kacchan and Izumi, I hurt them much worse than I thought. "you two, come here" I beckoned them to me "tch, I don't need your help" Kacchan shouted "if you want to use your quirk tomorrow then I suggest you let me heal you" I replied. "tch fine nerd" I chuckled a bit and covered them in green flames. I finished healing the rest of the class then, promptly, I had the quirk repressing collar clipped to my neck 

I was about to head to the dorms when Eraser and Mic came up to me "We're getting your stuff, and I want a coffee" Eraser demanded as he dragged me to his car "okay then" We began driving and I quickly took my mask off after making sure we weren't being watched. When we arrived I made eraser his coffee before heading upstairs. I wrote a sign and began to pack my stuff, including all my weapons. once I had the backpack of weapons full, I filled my suitcase with clothes that went with my mask. "Hey, Aizawa" I called downstairs "what problem child?" "What am I meant to do with the cats?" I asked, "how many?" "3" "I'll take them". I blinked at the hero, I knew that he liked cats but three new cats without consulting the hubby? that is a cat lover.

I finished packing and I threw them in Aizawa's car "that everything little listener?" Mic asked "No, just need to grab something," I said as I walked into the café. I went to the kitchen, grabbed my cookie supplies and threw them in a bag. Finally came the hard part, my coffee machine. I unplugged it and picked it up on both sides. I walked outside to see Eraser and Mic waiting in the car. I dropped the machine in the boot (trunk) and got into the back seat. we drove back to the campus and pulled up outside the 1-A dorm. 

I took my lighter things and jumped my way to the top floor. I threw the backpack and suitcase into the window that I jumped out of in the morning. I jumped back down and grabbed the bag of cookie supplies. I got all my stuff in my room and I had to do the final object. My coffee machine "there's no way you're getting that up there" Aizawa tried to take it from me "2 years on the streets, no quirk, nothing to do and a desire to become a hero, I spent my time training at Takoba municipal beach, I was able to lift 200 pounds at 8 years of age. I can do this easy" I said as I manoeuvred my way up the building. I walked through my window and placed the coffee machine on my counter 

I began making some cookies so I could have something to eat while I mess with my costume. Once I finished the dough, I put the sectioned out balls in the oven and began to fiddle with my knives  "wonder if I'm as good as before?" I asked myself as I set out my dartboard. I began to throw the knives at the board, only missing the bullseye once "I'm rusty" I sighed and walked to the oven. I pulled out the cookies and set them beside the table that I designated for creations. I pulled out my spare mask so I could upgrade the eyelets and the front. I realised that people couldn't see when I was smirking so I opened the front of the face mask. I made a few other minor alterations till I finally decided that it was good enough, for now 

 I made a few other minor alterations till I finally decided that it was good enough, for now 

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